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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. You dont understand for the 15 min u get to listen to twin 318 roaring and go below to the refrigerator and get a beer legally ( boats with heads in the states can serve beer ) and get to pee into a porcelin toilet whats not to love???



    By the size of my compensation thinggy I must have got the boat for free then :whistling: .




  2. I'll race you all day Wayne..one condition...we each only get five gallons of gas for the race. :lol:



    Lets see on the big boat with both motors running at optimum rpms of 3000 and 27 mph I will see you in 7 and 1/2 miles out of gas. I am pretty sure though it will be the best 15 min you had on the water.




  3. I will stick to Aluminum for all of my boats. The 28 ft Marinette is aluminum and it weighs in at 7200 lbs were a 28 ft four Winn's fiberglass is 9800 lbs the kicker is the Marinette has twin 318's and the four winns has the single volvo setup. The aluminum does not become porous over time and survives impacts with debris in the river better. Being lighter also makes for better fuel economy and less maintenance on the bottom painting.




  4. The guage of the wire is #6 because the larger the size the less resistance is lost in the wire in the form of heat. The best way to see if the wire you have existing is going to be good enough is to turn the motor on high in the water for a few minutes and check the existing wire to see if it get warmer than you can comfortable hold. If it does then it is to small and a new wire needs to be pulled. The boat is more than likely wired with a #8 gauge and should be O.K. if it looks any smaller than that then you run the risk of softening the wire in the chase area and then rubbing it thru and shorting. The fuse or the circuit breaker have the same function so either is acceptable. Make sure you have an extra fuse just in case you accidently blow it by shorting it or a loose connection. Remember that the circuit protector is the first thing that comes off the battery and then runs to the motor because everything between the battery and the fuse is not protected.




  5. Why Roy how nice of you to volunteer to make us a new prep station. I will send you the measurements.



    Actually since pops workshop is packed up for the big move I had to put that one together to keep the fish guts from getting all over the boat. After Pops gets moved in I will see if he can build us a nice board that is fitting for such a noble sport fish.


    If you all are following the fishing adventures that is Possum Point power station in the back round and we are fishing on pole B for the cats.




  6. well its just...... well.......... see.........ahhh.........we like to get Ca-nooks drunk and well then......uhhh..... watch them stumble around and crawl up the stairs and pass out on the floor. But we have been deprived of the real joy that happens and that is the next mornin when they wake up lookin like they had run thru a wringer and put away wet. The bonus is when they don't know that they are drunk because they had a beer or two and decided to switch to Pepsi because they did not want to get to messed up. Well thats were I come in because I will distract you while Glen pours a big old slug of liquid hangover into your can when you ain't seeing it and bang you are on the way to being our favorite comedian. Pretty sick huh??? or you will be.........





    Glen's Accomplice

  7. dont you worry their Glen I got all of devos albums and we can listen to them all week in the cabin bud. Man by sunday you going to know every song they do by heart.......



    So I am guilty of listening to a few classical T.V. themes wait till I break out the Ska for you Roy I bet I can get you to dive off the boat by the 3rd song.



  8. Yup when ever someone posts a trip I always enjoy the reading even if it is a fishless post it is fun to fish along with that person when you read it. Well said Glen




  9. Hey Roy,


    Well the truth be told I had my Ipod going in the speaker system and we had it on shuffle...... It was hooked while Buckwheat was singin Toot Toot one of my favorite songs. After releasing it the next song that came up was the theme from Jaws. Then the Valkyrie was next from Apocalypse now. Kind of scarry huh?




  10. How could you question Roys sanity.........we all know he is insane.


    I do believe that Glen and I might take a SHINE to good old Tom. Nothin better than a man with a shine hangover when he thought he only drank a pepsi. That stuff is clear as water and tasteless tom so you will never know when you have been spiked by the Southern Contingincy.



    I aint sure whats going to be more fun Tom or the fishin. Anyone takin bets???



  11. Well I was tying on a hook and had 3 oz of lead dragging it into the meat of my hand when that fish struck. It was pulling the tip of the rod down towards the water and the drag was steady slippin out so Joe got to catch the 1st fish of the day. It just so happened to be this great big monster of a fish that had already spawned out. Now for the story that Steve wants to hear....... Well when I saw that fishin thinggy bend way over towards the water I just raised my skirt up and ran towards the front of the boat screaming for Joe to get that ugly animal off my fishin thinggy.... and Yes thats the new boat out their with the radio playing and the twin 318's idling at a low rumble and the gas gauge going from right to left.




  12. I got the easiest way in the world to clean catfish. First you drop Joe off on an island because he has to pee. Then float the cooler of fish over to him and tell him you wont pick him up till they are clean. Works every time. I now have to beat him to the truck though other wise he charges me $20.00 for a ride home....




  13. I am glad that you finally got an end in sight their is proof that endless pain does funny things to your mind and body. Keep us posted and like Joe said a few blue pills to get past all of the cutting they did to you is ok.




  14. Hey thanks guys the new server is blazing fast here in the states. The old server was slow and sometimes would not allow a post to go thru here also so I am not sure how that ties in with the Rogers explanation. I sure hope that TJ can sell enough ads to pay the new bills. Thanks again for working on the board and keeping it healthy Dr. Rick and co DR'S.




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