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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. One of the girls at work were handing out Christmas treats,you know carrot cakes and cookies and stuff..Well I took a carrot cake square of her platter and popped it into my mouth all at once and to my dismay I started to feel the presence of a piece of hair in this square and the hole time I'm trying not to gag cause she is standing there in front of me with this big Christmassy smile looking for recognition of the tasty treat she had just given me all the while I'm trying to choke down this bundle of hair in my square....Well,I managed to swallow that hair infested square and thanked her for the lovely treat. Lesson learned.........


    While not a restaurant here was my lesson learned:


    It was summer time and hot as can be while I was working in an attic repairing a vent line that was never glued. I finished the job and was collecting the money for the work when she asked if I would like a glass of tea. I said sure thanks and she poured me a glass of it with ice and handed it to me. I downed the tea which was very sweet but it was liquid and handed the glass back and thanked her as I headed out the door. I drove about a block and then my head started to spin and my body felt like I was floating so I pulled over and for the next 45 minutes I felt like I had heat stroke. I was feeling better and since I have never had heat related symptoms so I called the nice Asian lady who had offered me the tea to find out what kind it was.....Well all that I can say is when someone offers you tea ASK if it is made from tea or something else it seems a refreshing drink in her house is made from Poppy seeds.




  2. You might look at a sling blade or kaiser ax as they are known. The swedish ax possible might fit your bill. If you are looking for a machete look for these features. A nonslip handle that is bolted, a high carbon blade and a thick spline. If you can flex the blade from the tip to the handle then their is more of a chance for deflection. Remember to put it away cleaned and oiled it will cut much better than if it is rough and rusted.




  3. It is made from hardwoods and has what looks like mitered joints. The time to glue/screw sand and stain is worth the 90.00. It appears to have decent casters on it as a bonus. To build this from scratch using blueprints you will have 8 hours atleast into it.




  4. I did it with a 12ft boat and a 1967 elgin 9.9. The fun part was it has a stick to steer with and the throttle was a slide lever from the left to right. Every time I shifted my weight to reach the leaver the boat did a hiccup and got squirrelly Boy was that a scary ride....then I did it again. :good:




  5. That only works when you are on town water.

    I'm on trucked water with a 500 gallon tank and pump. :unsure:



    Well that puts a kink in my approach...If it starts to get to cold you can turn off the pump if it is a jet pump and open the cap on top to drain back the house. Make sure you open all of the faucets hot and cold to allow it to drain.




  6. I agree with your sentiment but completely disagree with your statement. Many songs have been chanted in history to invoke violence. I am still not for anyform of censorship.



    You are correct my statement is wrong now I think about it...The National Anthem of the United States is a perfect example of this as I am sure Canada has a patriot song that inspires like emotions.




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