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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. I would consider looking at a few rods in your price range and putting your hands on them for a feel test. Ignore the name on them until you find one you like and then look at others with the same name till you find the one you want. If you find the rod that feels great but is more than you have to spend at this time put it back and save a little I can't tell you how many rods I have given away or regretted buying because I settled for that rod either because of time or money. I have many rod and reel combos now and I LOVE all of them so if I am fishing and have 5 rods out with 5 different lures I will fish the lure I want instead of avoiding the rod that is not quite the one I love. I found the world of custom rods by accident when a friend built me my first one. The rod is still one of my favourites and it was built by my friend Spiel who has guided me thru the process of getting the most for my money rod wise for quite a few years now.... Thanks Chris....




  2. Brandon for some reason the letters on the post it notes looks wrong for some reason. If you were to have the movement on the letters on a plain backround like they enter the paper and circle around then stop in place. You might play with a glass backround with the clouds streaming by and your letters made of clay???or drawn on the glass with markers. I am not a critic just a fan trying to help you along.





  3. If you haven't seen it in the pinned section up top labeled Two Awesome tickets to a Leafs Game...

    support for Fishing for Tyler Their is an online auction for these tickets and the bid is still really low. If you are a fan this is not to be missed. Besides it is for a good cause so the feel good factor is way up their too.




  4. The question is why would a company sell you the ability to make a profit instead of making the profit themselves? If you had a guaranteed winning lottery ticket that would pay you $100.00 a year for 20 years would you sell it for $1000.00? Their is an expense or a possibility for a loss of money that you have not seen yet.




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