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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Just wondering how many duck and loon eggs got wasted; as well as silting the bass nests . Awesome anchor sticks!


    I am pretty sure that no loons were harmed in this video...he lives in Florida. :w00t:




    Take this for what it is...it answers the question of how fragile are the sticks and if the hydraulic rams are strong enough to survive the one stupid thing we all will do and thats forget to raise the rams before taking off. I would after viewing the video buy this anchor system if I fished a style that it would be beneficial.




  2. Well kind of the same the alligators are by the tag so their is a limit of how many are harvested. Very few of the gators are snagged most are baited. Snagging was done by few and only to kill time till they checked the lines.




  3. I think it is more like you rent a truck and part of the agreement is you have unlimited gas, knowing you live on an island so you will pay for something you can't use. but now someone built a bridge to your island and you can go many more places finally using much of the gas you paid for in your rental agreement, so they put a 1 tank limit on you, but still charge you the same as when you had unlimited gas



    Yea thats what I meant to say only I can't hold a thought long enough to say..... look a squirrel.... :lol:




  4. Thanks, Dan. They don't exactly give them away, do they.


    Maybe I can pull a "Red Green" with my Dremel tool with flex shaft, and a few odds and ends from the bottom of the junk pile in the tool shed. And some duct tape of course. :D


    The video of the end result in action would probably be worth watching!



    Go for broke start with a weedeater and work from their.




  5. You guys would be better off emailing your MP than giving your name and email to a media company.


    Keep in mind - this likely has more to do with Netflix and movie downloads cutting into their cable/satellite businesses as it does infrastructure costs. By enabling Bell and Rogers to cap our use, they are in effect enabling them to monopolize the content-delivery business as well.


    DING DING DING we have a winner. It is an attempt to put in place a check/balance when the Netflix or equal are selling the movies and letting the internet providers absorb the cost. Kind of like using your buddies truck and not putting gas into it when you return it.




  6. The Elite5 will not work as a trolling motor mount the transducer is long and skinny. The Hds 5 will and if you add the lss1 you will mount the separate transducer on the back of the boat. You will then have a 83/200... LSS1 455/800 MHZ to chose from as a networkable unit that can add gauges and a hds 7/8/10 unit as the main in the future.




  7. Most of the time management will agree and tell you to stay home but.... in some cases in the back of their mind they decide that you are expendable and not a company man. It is often thought that the person staying home is their not because of the snow but for another reason. Kids off school,wife not home,etc...It is better to drive to the end of the driveway and put it in the ditch and then call in.




  8. When you fish from a large boat 20ft plus the rails are taller, the platform is more stable and your ability to move around in a bigger area makes mishaps less likely.I haven't put on a life jacket on the 28ft but once and that was because we were busting 7ft waves at 25 mph. On the other hand you wear a life jacket before I even start the bass boat because it lacks the 3 features the big boat has. The conditions that you fish in are what dictate when you wear your life jacket if the conditions make you uncomfortable then wear it. Sometimes the law takes that decision out of your hands but if it doesn't and you chose not to wear one it does not point to a lack of common sense. I can't count the number of times we have stood on the back platform to land 50 lb plus fish without a mishap. Heck most of the time we have a hard enough time getting the mate to not jump in the water to cool off after a good fish. Don't get me wrong I think life jackets are a big plus and if you can't swim on my boat you are wearing one 24/7 but if you are a rational adult it is still your decision to wear one or not.




  9. Yeah Art.... A big Harmonica B) Next for her, she wants to go pass her security firearm course so she can come along hunting with me :D


    Good for her I am glad to hear that. I have a firstmate for the 28ft boat who's 17 year old niece is the 2ndmate and she is going to get her boaters license this winter so she can run the boat. This fall she had to have cataracts removed from both eyes and now can see the buoys and channel marks well enough for me to feel comfortable letting her drive.




  10. Bob if you check what your House Mortgage percentage is it will be around 6% depending on when you bought the house. Right now mine is at 4.3% which is better than CD or Money market accounts are paying. When your investments are not paying well paying off your highest debt percentage is like having a better return on your investments. If you have credit card debt it is eating up 23% of your income and even when the market was great the return was not that good.




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