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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Art,just take a 9 hour drive,reserve your dates and we will get you A muskie

    Then I send you back home hahahaha

    Well,maybe If Roy wants,you can have 1 supper at his house :)

    Tks,glad it was appreciated,it education that can lead us all to better understand the betterment of our intentions



    Lets see 14 hours will put at Nipissing...for A muskie and a fine dinner with Roy or Invite Marc to come on down to D.C. area and we can go fishing for the Big Blue Catfish that is on average 20 to 40 Lbs with a good chance of 10 to 20 fish per outing. Then I will pry your off the boat and send you back to those boring muskie. :thumbsup_anim: You really are on my bucket list Marc and we will fish someday together.




  2. Using fiberglass matte and resin will seal the edges on marine plywood. Then coat with resin on the sides. You can also price out the wood as 2 3/4 pieces and resin them together make sure they are straight and bonded so you can slip them back into the sheet metal. The reason to take so much care in sealing it is because any breaches in the metal skin will allow fresh water in to the woods area.


    fiberglass/wood building marine





  3. Thanks for the PDF linkage.....Dr.John Dettmers,Senior Fishery Biologist, Great Lakes Fishery Commission said last week Asian Carp are not established in the Great Lakes--sad that live fish transport continues,despite regs and recent fines in Ontario--prevention sure is a better option than control


    There is some more good info on this topic CEARA-DFO Science









    You are so right. The issues of the fish as you see in a river is that the carp will concentrate in an area that at times have been measured as high as 90% of the live load. The use of chemicals and any other measures attempted to stop/eradicate any species has failed in the past on animals that have a high reproductive rate. The Snakehead comes to mind and the gobies are 2 marine animals that have prospered in waters no matter how much pressure mankind puts on them.



  4. The Carp issue is one that is not black and white and no matter what is done as Terry said their is a no win situation until the finger pointing is done and over with. This thread usually gets into a they said we did finger pointing issue. I have hopes that this time it will go forth with an educated base and become a platform for a discussion for an answer.




  5. Well this is what happens with invasive species. Hopefully the USA gets off their backside and decide to DO SOMETHING about these things


    Before you go further with your statements please read this PDF it will keep you from looking foolish and more like someone who has a grasp on the subject.



  6. Very nice fish thanks for the time it took to make this report. As far as cleaning them you will find that they can be filleted and then tossed into a little vinegar and milk for a few hours and they are good to go. All of the soaking is not needed they do not have a mud line it is actually the main artery of the fish and it is edible, just a little strong to some peoples taste. I harvest many catfish a year and the 3 to 5 lbers are by far the best ones to cook. The fish at that size are less than 2 years old and they have not absorbed the amount of toxins that the larger ones have. You can fry them in chunks or broil them the flesh is very firm and light tasting. Remember that the catfish is a predator and given it's choice they have the same diet that Crappie and Perch do so the flavor is really close to being the same.




  7. The time on a boat is counted as the time on the water and how it is stored. Since the motor was damaged It tells me either a lack of maintenance or to much time on the water. Their are good 20 year old boats out their but they need to be researched and examined by a professional before you plunk down your money.




  8. Off the beach bring sabrinki rigs they are for catching baitfish. Use a 1/2 oz sinker and cast the 5 hook rig out as far as you can. You will catch mainly sardines with a few small mackeral to boot. While they average less than a pound it is action all day. A few casting spoons 3/8 are a good bet also. Non of my crankbaits or spinners worked. Going for a charter the best bet is to go down to the beach and talk to people as they return from a trip. The ones hosted from the hotel are usually more expensive and are the same people you will meet on the beach.




  9. I'm the other way.. I blow the $100 on oil (now down to $72 with the Verado specific out now) and my plugs are original. They fire fine... they're not electrode worn. Oil takes a beating in a Supercharged engine running 225F oil temps on every run.



    I am surprised that they run that hot. I have (2) 318 inboard motors that will not get up to 180F at 4000 rpm but they are made different than an outboard. I know on all of my turbo charged cars they have a beefed up cooling circuit on the water and oil coolers that are in the water jacket to get the heat out before it does damage.





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