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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Brian go to this site and download ccleaner it will clear out any thing stuck in the memory. It will speed up your computer also without any danger to any programs. You also might reload your browser it may be corrupted. Go to delete programs and check to see if it has a repair option first. I use both Firefox and Chrome to get into the internet with no issues. The Firefox uses a lot more memory than the Chrome and Chrome has a better plug-in setup than others.




  2. IT looks like the Government is adding 12% and it is locked into being used for education only. Check into bonds and other investment vehicles before committing to this. The advantage is if your son decides he wants to be a tradesman and open a business you can use the money to help him become an owner with the funds. It also can be used for an emergency or some other life altering event. I don't know the rules of the government plan and they may have these provisions built in. Look at all of the options is all I am suggesting.




  3. I just don't understand why people don't post their fishing reports anymore???? :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


    If you see a nice fish say "nice fish" if you don't agree on the size do what you normally do in a face to face situation say " nice fish". Why we all have to hack and cut at people who stretch the size or weight on a fish on the internet has cost us to miss out on a lot of wonderful trips thru someone else's eyes. The time and effort to post a report is rewarded with this crap is why you see so few of the fishing adventures I have down here.





    It was just a quick rant :D :D :D I'm better now.





  4. I just don't understand why people don't post their fishing reports anymore???? :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


    If you see a nice fish say "nice fish" if you don't agree on the size do what you normally do in a face to face situation say " nice fish". Why we all have to hack and cut at people who stretch the size or weight on a fish on the internet has cost us to miss out on a lot of wonderful trips thru someone else's eyes. The time and effort to post a report is rewarded with this crap is why you see so few of the fishing adventures I have down here.




  5. Sorry Paul it doesn't work that way lol. You have to have it transferred from owner to owner thru a licensed dealer. If a gun turns up as being used in a crime or in someones possession without the paperwork correct you are in deep doo doo.




  6. Sorry I was not trying to high jack the thread. Bob you need a drivers license and a bill with an address to buy a pistol after an instant background check. I am not a supporter of O. C. It leads to trouble in most cases. I got my CCP due to the local differences in the laws. The NRA sponsored CCP program give you lots of O. C. Info just so you know your rights and understand what your CCP covers. I think everyone needs to have their firearms in a safe and legal way when ever it is in your charge. The point I was attempting to add is Texas is not the only stAte that the great wild west is still alive.



  7. Not even close in most states....there are some states where you can purchase and carry a hand gun without a permit, but they are few and far in between from years ago. Here in NYS you wouldn't even be able to handle a handgun in a gun shop without showing your pistol permit first....BTW our crime in NYS is much higher then those states that are more liberal in purchasing and carrying a side arm....go figure, eh.


    I am quoting the NRA Open Carry is legal states wide. Jurisdictions can modify the rule to more ridgid standards. All of the cautions are to check LOCAL laws before OC.




  8. In the USA which way(S) can your average citizen carry a weapon without applying for a permit?


























    All of them are legal however you can expect to be questioned by law enforcement when seen " Open Carrying" of a legal firearm.




  9. I have 2 10ft pieces of PVC hug from the garage ceiling that the rods sit on. So far it has served me well for rod/reel combo storage. The extra rods and reels are in cardboard boxes and the tackle boxes are stacked on the shelves.



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