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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Does the hds series offer built in maps for Canada? All of the ones I see in the States list insight for USA only. Cabelos has some great deals right now but if you need to buy a map chip that for maps you can get preloaded the deal seems to be less attractive.




  2. I'd be looking into what auto dishwasher soaps do to a septic system as opposed to non-phosphate hand washing soap.



    If your septic field is up to code and working correctly the soaps and bleaches you use day to day will have no negative impact. If you want to be proactive feel free to add 1 pack of bakers yeast every 6 months to the toilet bowl and flush it down.



    As far as a dishwasher the unit that is sold locally and serviced in cottage country would be your most likely choice. You can also get a cheap unit and just consider it disposable if you are way back in cottage country too.



  3. Going to the big Boat with 4 people to set the net for mud shad and then off for a day of Blue Catfishing. Hope they are biting 2 of the people have never caught a fish over 10 lbs. The weather is sunny and 78 F with 10 -15 wind waves under 2ft. Wish you were here Roy we have a good chance of catching fish as big as you are this time of year.





  4. However Art more expensive and less forgiving than a aluminum prop when hitting a rock


    You are correct the SS is more money and since it is ridgid it will break rather than bend. You got to pay to play when you are in the speed game. :thumbsup_anim: When I am down here the waterways have less humps and shoals so the SS is great. When I come up North I change to the aluminum prop. because of the lay of the land and my lack of knowledge of the places I fish.




  5. I would think about having one built from Spiel. He will research what you want and build it to fit your needs and your hands. He has built 4 rods for me in the past and is working on one as we speak. They do not come with a lifetime warrentee but so far I have not had any issues with the ones he has made. The quality is there and if it does break it will be something you accidently did to the rod. The end product has put almost all of my St. Croix and G Loomis rods on the back burner it IS that big of a difference.




  6. I am not sure you are going in the right direction with a composite prop... The reason that a Stainless steel prop is better than an aluminum prop is it does not flex under load as easily. Going to a composite prop that is not as stiff even as aluminum will allow it to flex and it loses the cup and pitch to a certain extent. They are usually used on lower horsepower rated motors were they have less of a load on them. I have a 150 hp on a 1989 Ranger boat and their is roughly a 4 mph difference between my SS and my aluminum prop due to the lack of flexing of the SS prop since both props have the same diameter,cup and pitch. Personally your next step just might be to contact the company that makes the boat and get there input on what they feel is a good match up or visit a bass tournament in the area and see what they are using on the same set up. Checking with a few local marinas/repair places some have a loaner prop program where you get to try the prop for free to see which one is the right one to buy. Since performance is what you are looking for you will find that all of the go fast racing and bass master rigs all use Stainless Steel props not because they are shiny but because they are the correct answer.




  7. It isn't a Nations line of thought or a us VS them train of thought. It is a matter of what does the most harm or presents the greatest hazard. Any nations ship could be damaged by a ghost vessel and the longer it is there the greater chance of collision. Just because a vessel claimed it, does not guareentee it has the finances or the ability to bring it into salvage in a timely manner.If the vessel claims salvage rights and takes 1 month to get organized and in that time frame it drifts to shore or worse is in an accident is the company who claims salvage responsible? Taking action against a hazard in a timely manner is in the best interest of all of the ships that use that area.




  8. The boat was slated for salvage in China before being washed out to sea. The Coast Guard is not a free enterprise company that looks at the profit or lack of profit for a mission they are there to remove the hazard. If the company that claimed salvage had salvaged it it would be a moot point but after finding they either didn't have the equipment or the profit to do the job they left it. So why wait to sink it as it gets closer to shore ?The impact of the fuel and other hazards out to sea are a lot less than if we wait till it gets closer to the coastline. The Coast Guard discharges very few weapons however they save many people and protect the coastlines.




  9. Why do you feel that because a man who works hard and has money needs sympathy? This is a legal issue not a wish fest for what people want that can't have. Talk to the government that allowed this man to purchase 100% of the land around this lake. Can a community up North buy all of the land around a lake and not have a public boat ramp on it? Does every body of water no matter how small need a public right of way? Complain all you want about the people that have worked hard to get a piece of land or even a whole lake it just smoke until you get off your butts and take action in the political arena.

    Complaining is the easiest thing to do and a spirited discussion on a forum is still nothing more than entertainment for the masses here no matter what side you are on. On the same note the rash of political rabble raising lately has and will be allowed as long as it does not become full of personal attacks or break any of the other rules here. My parting though is from a quote I have forgotten the Author but here it is


    Human nature compels most of use to watch a train wreck and given time to call a friend to watch it with.




  10. Is a lake a waterway? From what I see and I admit to being ignorant on Canadian laws and regulations The government has the right to monitor and control the water and it's uses but I haven't found where it guarantees access to the public. This is only after a quick Google search and I am not trying to argue any of these points since people who argue using Google are lame in my opinion.


    This has nothing to do with sympathy for the rich it is about what is the law....




  11. We have quite a few farmers here that have a pond on their land and they bear the expense of maintaining it. If you want to fish it you need to ask for permission and some will allow you that privilege. Remember all land was owned by the government at some time it doesn't matter if it was 5 years ago it changed ownership or 400 it is now owned by someone other than the government. If you purchase the deed to a plot of land up North and you put a small house up their and grow a lawn and one morning you find a man has pitched a tent up and was sitting in front of a campfire you would be a little grumpy. You run outside and ask what the heck he is doing and he says"It was Crown land and my dad used to take me hunting up here as a kid and I decided to come back and hunt again." Would you say that's fine have a nice day or call the police... don't kid yourself here comes the police for sure. Just because it was once Crown land if the Government sells it your issue is with the government not with the person who buys it. When my brother and I decided to move out of town we bought a plot of land we wanted and the plot of land were we didn't want neighbors....




  12. The 220 line is made of 2 120 volt legs without a return (neutral) you might be told that you can split it and use the ground as a neutral. This is not an idea you should consider it will turn all of the neutrals in the panel box hot and can cause a fire or a shocking hazard.




  13. I am a mossberg fan also but the gun to buy is the one that fits, feels good and is quality made. A trip to the local skeet range might be in order to see what they have as rentals and talk to the people who are shooting.





  14. The 3 cylinder Merc had an issue in the #1 air plenum (it is longer than the other two). They are using 2 carbs to feed three cylinders. The #1 piston is running in a lean condition. They will need to replace #1 pistons and rings but DON'T run the motor till you find out why it was running lean. You will find that the plug you pulled is very white compared to the other plugs. I been down this road with that motor and they replaced the piston only and 30 min of running it was trashed. Then the fight started.... finally a 2 stroke guru friend of mine found the carb jets were corroded/fouled and the shop replaced the piston again and replaced the jets in the carb for the correct fix. The motor while I no longer own it it is still on the river running.




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