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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. I have found that a fishing rod is something that you need to buy with lots of though behind. I have found that when you buy the rod spend what is needed to get a rod that you love. Don't settle for like and don't chose a price before you find the rod you want. I am not saying not to get value for your money so you will still be shopping around. I have or had many fishing rods in my life some were $5.00 and some were up to $400.00 many of them have been either gifted to friends or are seldom used. Those are the ones that I "settled" for either because of price or in to big of a hurry to buy. I finally figured out that when I am fishing for a type of fish I would grab my favorite 3 or 4 rods for that species of fish and rig them with different baits and they were the ones that got to go fishing with me. I have found that if it was not the perfect combo then it was a waste of my money because I would not take it fishing. The materials of some of the rods I have are as common as fiberglass to some of the newest hybrid materials the other components are chosen for quality and durability with regards to the species I am fishing for. I am sure their are lots of rods that will do the "job" but I prefer to fish with equipment closer to art work than a tool.



  2. Take the joint with a chip brush (disposable glue brush) that has been dipped in water brush both sides with Gorilla outdoor glue. Apply pressure with clamps and allow to dry. The next time it breaks it will be anywhere other than the glue line. If you want to add something to it you can apply glue to the outside of the repair and wrap it with braid fishing line after it dries apply clear nail polish or thread sealer. I would use caution with brads or screws both damage the wood fibers and instead clamp it till the glue dries.




  3. Just to add a view here but the rules are very plain and their are no big words used in it's writing. If your post is edited/deleted or moved it is because you have broken a rule. The time to read this board daily mind you not just the ones we like is very time consuming. Now add in a full time job plus family and other obligations we run out of time. To then include sending notes to tell people they are breaking a rule just isn't possible. We all as moderators are here for the love of the site. We are not here for glory or monitory compensation it is simply a place we have come to value as a place for friends to meet. If you are here to find friends and share your good and bad spots in life in a manner that is inside the rules WELCOME. If you are here to express your world outside of the rules then your stay will be short. OFC is not about how many hits we get or how many members we have those are important only to sites that are for profit. We have members here who will give you the shirt off their back go outside of the rules and they get adjusted just like the people with 10 posts. I personally have edited posts countless times for mock cussing and after the person sees the @$&/ disappear from their posts do they really need me to send them a note? We are a board that has both young and old here reading if you can not express your point without breaking our simple rules then we will help you by editing it. This is my opinion to this rant.



  4. Glad to hear you are making the plunge. I have been self employed for 18 years now and the best advise I can give you is have a good accountant. Work hard and treat your customers fairly and the word will get around. Don't forget the elderly if one finds you and they are happy they will bring you their friends and they will come to you for everything from a light bulb to an engine from you.




  5. The spring is a counterweight for the door it needs to be replaced. Look at the spring for some type of color coded paint they are rated by LBS. Replace both of them so they have the same pound pull on both sides again. I know Home Depot in the USA sells them as a note make sure you also have the safety cable run thru the spring when you rehang it.




  6. I so love William Shatner (no sarcasm) he is a survivor going from some of the highest points in the entertainment business to the lowest and then he recreates himself and rises from the ashes over and over again. :clapping:



    Sorry for the highjack if you want it cleaned up send a P.M. :oops:





  7. Have we really come to this? We can't make a deal, man to man, to get a door fixed? On a beater no less? Why do police and insurance need to get involved?


    Talk to the man and see if he'll pay to fix it to your satisfaction. If not, then make the call.


    If you don't have the accident documented then in the eyes of the law it did not happen. It is the only way to cover your butt in this instance. If you want to get the truck fixed then it is the only way that assures you will be compensated for the accident. So let's say you decide to go over and tell him it is $400.00 to fix the truck and he pays you the money.


    Case one you might find that the damage is more, and it has cracked the frame which qualifies the vehicle to be totaled. To bad for you because you by accepting his money have entered into a contract that states by your acceptance that his liability is $400.00 in total. Legally you have no further right to bring judgement on him.


    Case two you take the money and put it in your pocket because it is a not worth fixing. You continue to live across the street from this neighbor who everyday sees that you are not going to fix the truck... that will not make him a pleasant neighbor I am sure. Further let's say he is down right miffed and decides to file a suit against you for you guessed it fraud for taking money under false pretenses. Their is no difference from defrauding an insurance company with this action as doing it to a citizen, both can win in court. This is something that the average person does not consider but is something that employers have to get advise on to keep their company safe. Does this fit every application? No not really and in this case it could be a moot issue but if it isn't I would feel bad if I didn't give someone the advise that had the least possibility of repercussions.




  8. Right now as we type I am in the kitchen cooking the stuffing and the sweet potatoes for a trip over to Joes house. Thanks to all also for the well wishes and we all have a lot to be thankful for and one that is at the top of my list are my friends here at OFC.




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