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About MuskieWannabe

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  1. Ok, so slightly over 15k after exchange rate applied, but perhaps you can negotiate him down a bit. I have loved this boat since spending time in a 20' model in the BoQ a few years back. May be bigger than you wanted, but worth a look. http://www.leadersrpm.com/default.asp?page=xPreOwnedInventoryDetail&id=1678998&p=2&s=Year&d=D&t=preowned&vt=boat&fr=xPreOwnedInventory
  2. I order a couple 14" Jakes from Rollie's before, maybe $50 each all in with shipping. I even bust them out the odd time in the summer and have had success.
  3. Heard about musky from a friend of mine and found someone to take me out on the Ottawa a few years ago. I had never used a bait caster before and could only cast about 20 feet but on one cast a 40" took the bucktail, she was a beaut. About half an hour later while trolling I lost a monster, turned back around and picked her up, a 47" gal. Needless to say I now have over $2000 worth of lures on my wall!
  4. After the boat show yesterday my wife came away wanting a Larson FX 2020 DC....I have to say that it was a pretty impressive boat. Dream boat would be the Kingfisher 2125 Accord SPT.
  5. Very weird....Just turned on Dave Mercer this morning and he is jigging muskie in the exact same spot! Check it out on Sportsnet 360....Very weird. Very sad about the angler as well.
  6. When you go from Shirley's Bay towards Constance Bay, right when you get to the bay it is good from the mouth along that shoreline for muskies, just follow the weed edge, but watch for the odd very shallow spot. Also, opposite side by the beach following the weedline into the bay, I would always just cover water, follow weed edges and even just dip into the middle of the bay. I always had luck with fudally's in there althoguh any large spinner will do.
  7. Can you be more specific as to where the camp is? Below Fitzroy dam or the one further up past Renfrew? I'll share what I can but the more specific you can be the more I may be able to point you in the right direction, from my experiences
  8. To keep the bouncing effect to a minimum, when you are filming have a small piece of the pontoon, or whatever it is strapped to, in the screen. It will act as a focal point so even though everything else may move it will sit still. Same reason why having a camera strapped to a fishing rod doesn't bother you, because it is still the whole time. Looks awesome though, you will have to share the results!
  9. Haven't been able to get out as much as I would like, but did manage to get a nice pickerel last week at my parents place. Ended up keeping it as the crankbait was taken down pretty far and caused the gills to receive significant damage, but it did taste good!
  10. Elephant and Baptiste Lakes....Not sure if within 3 hours but both good lakes I have had great success at.
  11. Going off topic is more fun when only one thread speaks of the election
  12. Immigration - yes it is federal but in Hudak's plan he talks about attracting better people through immigration, trying to better utilize federal programs Public service cuts will not all be attrition - when he cancels full day kindergarten how many teachers and ECE will lose their jobs? When he cancels the amount of programs and projects he has to in order to balance the budget and provide corporate tax cuts that he has planned do you not think that will effect employment somewhere along the lines as well? 5 cent tax - I know in Ottawa most stores I go to still charge it, if they continue to does it not make sense for it to be used towards environmental programs? or ensure all stores cancel it outright.
  13. I would love to see a party be truly in the middle. Here is what I would love to see: -we pay 5 cents for aplastic bag, where does the money go? Why not remit it with HSt and use that to fund CO's an the environment? If it is an environmental tax let's put it to use. -I do like green energy but I think the Lib's have taken it too far too quickly. Let's stay where we are and see how it goes but to help it out we should take a page from the NDP with a twist. I like the idea of taking HST off of residential Hydro bills, but let's instead use that money to fund the construction of a new nuclear plant. Think about it, to build a nuclear plant costs roughly $1B/year for 7 to 10 yrs, roughly the same amount if you were to take residential hydro HST so we would actually get something for our money. -I think attrition in gov't is a good thing so long as it does not impact services, 100,000 positions seems steep but maybe 40-50,000 -program review to eliminate waste Hopefully through things like this the budget would balance and tax reductions could then be introduced. I think we need to spend to generate growth in the economy, tax cuts to corporations do not work, look at the federal level, tax cuts all over the place for large corporations yet they are sitting and holding the money and not hiring more workers.
  14. It's funny, I was watching the CNN series 'The Sixties' and they showed a clip of JFK in the first ever televised debate and he essentially said that what people should be voting on is the ideology of the parties. Obviously Wynne, Horwath an Hudak are smart people, they are all leaders of their respective parties so we may not like them but you must admit they must be smart. I think the Liberals need to rebuild the party from top to bottom but I cannot vote PC as I do not agree with their stance. I do not think that cutting taxes creates jobs; I do not think that changing immigration will make us that much better off; I don't think that cutting 100,000 civil servant positions will help. It is non-sense, to me, to say that someone would vote PC because the liberals cannot be trusted, you should vote PC because you believe in their policies. If you do not like the PC platform does it make sense that would you vote for them because the Liberals are scandals, where does that make sense? But I hear it all the time right now. It will be interesting indeed, I just hope it gives all three parties a wake up as I think all three of them need to go back to the drawing board.
  15. Just wondering if anyone has been around there and can report on the ice. I'm dying to get out but live far enough away that I don't feel like driving to check it out. Thanks
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