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Everything posted by Lakeshore

  1. Me and my family will be vacationing near the town of Tiny on the shores of Georgian Bay in a few weeks. I appears to be on Dow Bay and near Gull Island. We will be renting a cottage on the shore. I am looking for any and all fishing opportunities for both me and my three kids, 13, 11, and 10 who all love to fish. I don't have a boat, but would be willing to drive a bit to find some places to take them. I am not interested in keeping fish to eat, catch and release, give the kids a few good summer memories. I am fairly experienced and don't mind doing a bit of leg work while I am there. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Gentlemen, I picked up a new Curado G6 6.5:1 during the spring fishing show at Bass Pro. Got a good deal, $70 off reg price, otherwise out of my price range. I am a newbie to baitcasters, but I have a Citica on a Bass Pro rod for two years. I like the baitcaster feel and use. Are there any recommendations for a general all purpose rod, preference goes to two piece for easy storage. I am also on a bit of a budget, so don't want to spend too much. Live in St Catharines, so will probably go to Petes Tackle, or Grimsby Tackle. Also will consider a used rod if anyone has a good one for sale.
  3. I have the opportunity to fish Georgian Bay this summer, early August. I will be staying on Potato Island with several families. Me and my children absolutely love fishing. I have the opportunity to fish the area in a small aluminum boat and 9.9 outboard. I am an experienced fisherperson, but not an expert in any capacity. What can I expect to catch, hope to catch while I am in the Bay. I mostly target bass, walleye, and pike, but I do have gear for small musky and would love to target bigger fish. I am not looking for your own spots, but maybe some help with advice on what might work and where would be good places to visit and techniques that can up my odds of catching fish. I am strictly a catch and release type guy. Appreciate the help!!!
  4. Hello everyone, I am going to be cottaging for 1 week on Gibson Lake in the Middle of August. There will be several families accompanying together, with a few adult newbie fishermen and some kids that enjoy fishing. I would apprecaite it if someone on the board with a little experience about the lake could help me out with some fishing advice to help our week go better. I am not an experienced fisherman, but I can hold my own on the water. I am just looking for information that would help us have an enjoyable week on the lake and catch a few fish while we're at it. We do not have a boat, so we will need to rent either a fishing boat or a pontoon boat to fish from. I could also use information about where I can do that as well. I understand that members don't like to divulge too much information, but I will proably fish the lake for a few days and probably not be back again unless we decide to cottage there again next year. I just want to ensure that everyone has a good time on the water and we catch a few fish while we're at it. Thanks everyone
  5. Does anyoen know where I can buy or find on the internet a decent topo map for Balsam Lake??
  6. I am up for anything really, I like fishing for Smallmouth/lLargemouth Bass, Walleye, Panfish, I have a couple of inexperienced anglers comping along and we will probably have to rent a boat, may have access to a fish finder. I will be the one most responsible for doing fish finding research and scoping out opportunities. I would like to just make the week enjoyable as far as fishing goes, any help I could get would be very appreciative. Personally I would like to get at a musky as I have never caught one of those.
  7. Just wondering if anyone can give me some advice on what the fishing is like on the lake, what I can expect. We will be there cottaging the second week of August, place called Hearts Landing, Coboconk. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
  8. Teacher - High School Math and Science doing that for about 12 years now.
  9. Hey everyone,me and my extended family will be cottaging at a private place on Lake Manitouwabing in August. There are several of us that are avid fishermen who are looking to rent a boat for the week to have for fishing and taking rides with the wives and kids around the lake (larger vessel, pontoon boat perhaps) Wondering if anyone would know where I could get a hold of a boat on the lake? I have inquired about it at Taits marina and Glenwood resort. Wondering if there is anywhere else, even in Parry Sound where I could get a rental? Any and all help would be appreciated.
  10. Sorry to hear of your loss joefish. It has been 18 months since my mom passed away from cancer. You sure do appreciate those moments so much more. Mothers day takes on a greater meaning now than it ever did. For all of us who miss our mothers, keep those good memories alive in your hearts and minds. They are watching on us from up there, regardless of you creed. I miss her so much, but she will never be forgotten.
  11. 1) In general, do you feel that a trip to Algonquin Park is/would be a) inexpensive; b ) moderately expensive; c) expensive? b 2) Do you feel the $11 per night interior fee is reasonable yes 3) Do you feel the $13 per vehicle day-use fee is reasonable? its a bit pricey, especially for extended visits. 4) Are you aware that one can rent all the needed equipment from the outfitters surrounding the park? yes 5) From the GTA, Algonquin Park is about a 3 hour drive. Do you view this drive as too far for a day trip? for a day trip yes, longer than two days and I don't feel the same way. 6) What activities are you aware of that one can take part in at Algonquin? backpacking, fishing, camping, trails, many museums, swimming, winter trails, snowshoeing, wolf howl. 7) If applicable, when making a reservation with Ontario Parks, was your experience a) pleasant; b ) frustrating; or c) average? c) 8) When thinking about Algonquin Park, do you think of a) rugged terrain; b ) lots of bugs; c) untouched wilderness; d) summer crowds; or e) paradise? (Choose ALL that apply). depends on location, but for sure, some challenging terrain, lots of insects, some spots are very remote, never had a problem with crowds. 9) Would you attend a cultural event if it was held at Algonquin Park, such as: Chinese Lantern Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, etc. not likely, unless in the park already 10) As arguably Ontario Parks' most popular and significant park, do you feel Algonquin Park should be marketed specifically to the public and tourists? In a time of fiscal responsibility, sure, its a renewable resource, but should be managed to meet the needs of the public, the wildlife, research being conducted in the park, tourists, and commercial logging. Every player has a role and a responsibility.
  12. Hey, and only one click of the mouse to go back as well. No more double clicking pages to go backward!!
  13. If this is the wood lake near Bracebridge. I cottaged there three summers ago. It was a nice place to stay. The fishing was slow for us because we were not locals, but we still did manage to hook into smallies and largies on the lake. We actually had success on a local river for smallies as well. I am not sure about the walleye as we were ill prepared to target them. There was a small island on one end of the lake that we had success (I think the locals called it blueberry island) as well. All in all a nice place to cottage. All the best with the purchase, everyone we met up with were very friendly and happy to help with fishing related questions. Some absolutely gorgeous cottages as well.
  14. Thanks to all who replied, I picked up the Citica E last night. I got some good advice from the sales associate. I did not pick up a rod, but will do so later. As soon as the weather warms up a bit I guess I have to start practicing.
  15. Thanks to everyone who replied, I am off to BPS today, looking forward to doing some shopping, I am taking an old reel in for rebate, and will be asking lots of questions of the staff there. I am still leaning to the Citica E, but I will ask questions. BTW are the staff there very knowledgeable, or am I just wasting my time asking too many questions. Mario
  16. Hi everyone, I have a questions that I am hoping to get lots of feedback on. I am going up to BPS on Monday to do some shopping and visit family. I have never used a baitcasting reel/outfit before. I have heard though this site and others that a good place to start would be the Shimano Citica E. You opinions, and advice would be greatly appreciated. Any suggestions on a good matching rod would be great too. I am on a bit of a budget, so reasonably priced ~$200 total for rod and reel or near that would be great. Thanks Again
  17. I just got my love letter!!
  18. I just got off the bass pro website DeLorme Earthmate PN-20 GPS Magellan Triton 400 Garmin eTrex Legend HCX Garmin eTrex Vista HCX I just might stop and check these out. Anyone own any of these?? Personal Opinions?? Ted--- I guess your vote is Garmin...
  19. Hey guys, I am currently looking at different models of handheld GPS units. I have been looking at Garmin, Magellan, eTrex, and Lowarance. Me and my kids are interested in geocaching and I also need a unit for on the water marking. I am really confused by all the selections, types?? features. I have between 250-300 to spend. I know that this is not a lot, but it fits my budget right now. For those geocachers on the board and for all the users of GPS technology, what should I be looking for as far as features go, any particular makes and models. Your help is greatly appreciated!!
  20. I make it a habit of never grabnbing the net until I get a good hard look at whatever it is on the end of the line.
  21. My deepest sympathies. I am very sorry for your loss.
  22. Killer Whale??
  23. So far I seem to be in the minority, including the kids, only four... sad to say. Next year maybe I go up to six.
  24. Hey, so its not just me. Good to hear that this is a problem not just restricted to my computer at home. Yep, I have to click back twice to get back one page as well.
  25. Lakeshore, live near Lake Ontario shore, work near Lake Erie shore. Mostly a shore fishermen, no boat. Work at Lakeshore Catholic High School Nuff Said
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