Thanks for the replies guys.....
I never thought of doing a half and half....kinda like backing line on a fly rod......definitely worth a think. The knot though....have to look that one up. Is it anything like a blood knot? That one I know....
As for cheap stuff.....the only rod/reel I have that is new is the BC stuff that I bought last year at LeBaron as a package.....had heard the benfits of BC and wanted to try it. HUGE learning curve.....and lots of birds nests but am at the point now where there are more good casts than birds nests.
Other than that, most of my gear are hold overs from before. Newest reel was bought in 1989. I really like it (Shimano TX125 w/ quickfire and rear dual drag) and I figure that until I get to be a little more fish saavy, its pointless spending decent coin on something I may not be able to appreciate....if that makes any sense.
I was similar, in that I lost interest.....well....not so much lost interest, but my parents sold their place on Sturgeon and moved to Lindsay. Since I had no way of towing a boat (very small car and no trailer for the boat) the boat went in the deal. Not only that.....things just seemed to get 'too busy' as well. Am glad to be back fishing though. I am pretty low tech myself.....though I have a fish finder, I am not the greatest at using it. I am enjoying the learning curve though.
I cant seem to get out fishing enough.....and launching the boat myself, while not a daunting task to me, is just something I am not sure if I am comfortable with yet. Mostly weekends when I go fishing now, since by the time my wife gets home from work is usually around 6:30-7ish and a little late to be going out really. I am home most nights at 4:30.
I find it difficult fishing a lake I havent really fished before too. Though I have been on Scugog quite a few times, I havent really figured out where the fish are yet, though I have been advised by several people. So my catches there have been limited to a couple of small bass, and some perch and crappie. Scugog is probably my main choice, because if its proximity to me. I can be on the lake in about 1/2 hr of leaving home. Lake Ontario might be closer, but its a little 'big' for me yet.
Will more than likely be going out tomorrow morning so will see what that brings.
Thanks very much for the advice guys!