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Everything posted by English

  1. This guy obviously loves his fishing, thought you might like to see how hard it can be for is Brits. Regards Clive
  2. Don't know if you guys get this but thought I would post this up. http://www.carptalk-online.co.uk/arq07vti/index.html There may be some who are unaware sorry if yees all know Regards Clive
  3. Not from London thank god! like to think we are a lot more honest than that
  4. Nice to see the write up Rick, I hardly ever get involved in voting on television shows but the guy moved me so much I couldn't help myself I voted all 3 times only got through 2 times as the lines were jammed solid and you only had about 15 minutes to register your vote. He went from zero to hero as soon as he opened his mouth, it was brilliant to see made the hair on the back of my neck stand up nice for the good guys to get a result didnt know he had got his teeth fixed, that was one of the things that made him such a hit, you could tell from some of the interviews he gave that he had a hard time at school and with life in general, I hope the bullies who gave him such a hard time are choking on their words / deeds. Great stuff
  5. Hi Roy, just a guess I would say that pikes name was Paddy or even Angus then, I dont think there are many lakes that big in England, maybe windermere but the lochs in Scotland or the lakes in Ireland are big enough but the boat doesnt look like one of ours. Regards Clive
  6. Hey clampit thats not a pike Thats the moose that was cut in half on the handlebars of the ORV and you shaved it. That is one big mumma I have seen pike to 36lb in England but that was way smaller than that one how much did it weigh?? Regards Clive
  7. Cheers guys I will check all the info out and hopefully report backwhen I understand it all a bit more. I bet Neil (Njones) will be having a look as well. Regards Clive
  8. Hi all getting to know a little about your massive country I have had a look in my sons atlas of the world but there isn't much detail are there any online maps which could help to get an idea of where you lot are on the map and to trya nd get some idea of the size of the lakes. Thanks in advance Regards Clive
  9. Hi Neil, well May is my birthday and I couldn't think of a better way to spend it. Now you know the reverse psychology thing all I got to do is let my missus think it is her idea that I go fishing in Canada . Alternatively if I was to say there was a wedding show on in Canada we would both be there tomorrow
  10. And a warm, well wet actually welcome from the UK as well theres a few brits on here as well so if you need a report on any English lakes or rivers I know a man who can.
  11. We can buy a ready made kit from WHSmith small version of Staples cost is £9.99 GBP I dont know what the laws are like over there but if any of us die without leaving a will the government can end up getting it all Because I am a bit worried about doing stuff like that and I have no desire to give the UK government any more of my money, also it is bound to get lost etc, the missus and I got a will expert to come round and draw one up for us, these are people who have been certified under UK law to do this sort of thing. I think they make a very good living but it does mean working strange hours. This service cost us £ 150.00 with all sorts of ifs and buts on our behalf like if I die first and so forth who gets what and we haven't got boat either The guy was round our house for 2 hours taking details and returned about 1 week later with the forms for us to sign, I think that is excellent service, now theres a business opportunity for you guys. Regards Clive
  12. A lot of us brits do it because we got poor teeth, that way we aint got to smile at the camera seriously though what a lot of the guys said earlier is all true, my personal reason is I think you drop a 20lb upward carp when standing and it is more than likely going to die plus when they flip you just can't hold them Danny a mate pictured above had one flip on him when we were out and it ended up going over his shoulder, after a lot of huffing and puffing when it got to head height he just laid on the floor and it rolled over his back very funny to watch, fish was fine as well. 50lb carp are extremely dificult to get to pose upright as well you can see the strain just starting to tell and he is sitting on a bait bucket with his arms on his knees. Fish safety is probably the main reason but everyone has a point so guess we are all right. Just look at the strain on this guys face would have been much better if he ws looking at the fish:rolleyes:
  13. Excellent report mate, hope you are going to grace the ARGI fishing forum with that write up excellent pictures too, shame you missed a few too. Regards Clive
  14. Just like to second that Jen, what a lovely relaxing video sort of thing I would play my daughter to send her to sleep. Excellent work Nautifish.
  15. Hi all, learning something new every day so my next guess, SKUNKED = blanked i.e no fish. Regards Clive
  16. And there was I waiting to tell yees all about the super secret websites I knew all about. There may be some others will post some over the weeks. Great work all. Regards Clive
  17. I dont know about you guys but I saw the trailer park boys video made me laugh a lot. They ran 1 series here on sky channel but missed it shame because when I saw the vid I loved it.
  18. I am guessing here but I think in a continent the size of yours there may not be such a huge problem. My take on it is this 50% maybe more of smokers want cheaper smokes, and some don't care where they come from, our border control is virtually non existent, letting chinese, russian knockoff cigarettes with approx 3 times the nicotine levels enter our country by the lorry load. vis a vis no tax for the forgeries being paid into the governments coffers. I know people who do this and get this they would expect a lung replacement on the NHS that I have helped to pay for yet they haven't paid a correspondingly fair share for it. I think that if you smoke you should collect traceable tokens like you used to get in cigarette packets for freebies, everyone used to collect them or give them to someone that did, these should be handed in from time to time proving a contribution to your countries NHS and then and only then should you be eligible for free treatment obviously attributed to smoking. Only my opinion. I know a few will not agree I mean no malice to anyone. Regards Clive
  19. Hi CD. From the name you can guess where I am now, the forum boards over here are covered with this topic, it has been thrashed to death and caused verbal wars. The general consensus however is it all boils down to whats best for the fish, if you expect to catch a lot of fish then you are going to get a lot of different hook holds, some fall out in the net, some are wound in so much that it seems you would need a tyre lever to remove it and the odd ones that swallow the hook and line, dont go digging around for it if you can't see it, it has gone past the phyrangeal teeth which are right at the very back of the throat used for grinding snails and hard food, go poking around past there and you will most likely poke something important. Just cut the line as far back as safely you can and nature will take care of the rest. I very rarely had to resort to pliers I use between size 8 to 2 barbed hooks. I believe that once the hook is set I dont want it coming out and ripping or cutting the mouth up like it could with barbless, just my opinion, nice pair of long nose pliers should be all you need, like the ones the pike anglers use should do, the ones I use are 6" long dont think they need to be any longer, stainless would be best. Regards Clive
  20. Existentially I suppose you could say that in a weird sort of way, not an ideal solution to a very real problem but better than just tossing them in the street for children and non smokers to see and mentally have to deal with, or in the park or heaven forbid at the waters edge where the filthy carcinogens will slowly leach out into the community and ultimately into my childrens dinner. They will be processed at our water treatment works with all the other stuff we flush possibly within a few weeks with all the other sewage then dried and burned at the power stations or land fill either way better than being left on my customers drive or stinking my van up. Personally I think that smokers should eat them after smoking them that way a few more smokers would die quicker leaving the air cleaner for me to breathe and being less of a drain on our NHS. Maybe harsh but true. Cheers
  21. We have exactly the same problem over here, there are a lot of disrespectful anglers here too. I am a non smoker quite anti really my apprentice isn't even allowed to smoke on my customers property I make him go down the road and he has to find a drain to get rid of the butt. The inconsiderate smokers of the world should be ashamed of the mess they make, I see other types of litter too left around riverbanks. I sometimes can't believe it is adults must be kids?? but what on earth are they taught in school to treat the countryside like that and where were their parents when manners were being handed out.
  22. Hi Mike, my best days fishing ever bar none, my son had been asking about fishing and showing some interest in my fishing so I decided it was about time he had a go, and took him to the tackle shop, to buy his first rod and then to a little lake i know . It went something like this. Float fishing maggots on a size 14. He is throwing bread in for the ducks, ( none actually on the lake ) but I had to tell him there was because he wanted to throw some thing in the lake, anything? and I didn’t want him to throw stones in and annoy anyone else. His float goes under; you’ve got a bite, (stares at me like he should know what that means). Your floats gone under!, (likewise). Pick the rod up and pull it you’ve caught a fish, finally some movement, he feels the fish on and starts jumping up and down, right reel it in, like he knows what a reel is yet! Turn the handle, turns it the wrong way, other way that’s it. Beaches the poor little thing. I unhook it (barbless of course) he is running around shouting I caught a fish, I caught a fish, so I go to return it, cries no I want Mummy to see it. So it goes into a bucket for Mummy to see. Photo shoot a bit later, he is holding the fish a bit too tightly for my liking, anyway better than dropping it i suppose. Then I have to try and explain that we have to return the fish as mummy can't get here, lots of crying as he wants to take it home for mummy, excellent. My sons first fish 3oz chub, I enjoyed watching him catch it more than anything ever, he caught 5 fish during the day and dad caught nothing, I will one day tell him that I had no bait on the hook but this is just part of life, you get so into looking after the children that nothing else matters. I really wish my dad could have seen it, he died just before we actually knew Lisa was pregnant , I like to think he's still around somewhere and maybe even saw him catch his first fish? Regards Clive
  23. Bite alarms for me, I think by the sound of it you dont have much use for them over there but here every man and his dog has them. The lakes we fish are quite small and someone will turn up to fish the other side of the bank. First thing that comes out of the bag is the bite alarms, all different squeaks, clicks, rings and sirens they spend 20mins setting them up and then cast out and place the rod in the rest and wind the dam thing right back in making a right din. Why oh why can't they set them up at home, I go fishing for the peace and quiet, not to listen to the latest offerings from Fox, optonic or whoever
  24. Hi John, can't say as I remember them I lived in a little village and the local sweet shop was the tackle shop so there wasn't much choice really, they may have been very good but we didn't get to use them. Thanks for the interest, great topics on here and no whining like a lot of english fishing forums, dont want that no good for anyone. Regards Clive
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