Coming from England, I find it hard to believe the size of the rivers and lakes you guys have to deal with, whilst reading the posts it seems like everyone has got their own boat and trailer, you just hitch up and you are gone. I am seriously jealous.
Over here there is no point in owning a boat as you can't really use one except on the sea, there is no point, the lake owners supply the boats and unless you pay an extortionate amount they will not let you use your own boat. So it has become a play thing for the idle rich and you have to be seriously wealth to afford a birth in a marina on the Thames for instance. A mates mother and father bought a nice boat for £150,000 and all they do with it is 4MPH up and down the Thames between Walton on Thames and Oxford, lovely if you like that sort of thing but... why?
Now sea we seem to have plenty of, we are surrounde by it. I think the saying goes that anywhere in the UK you can never be any further than 120 miles from the sea
I have posted below some lincs to my local lakes they are only 10 miles away from me, if you read the blurb, Rutland Water is one of the largest man made lakes in Europe, 3,100 acres and you can cycle right round it in an afternoon
Dont get me wrong I love fishing there, Rutland Water is a lot larger than I was used to in Surrey, most of the lakes we used to fish you could cast to the other bank anyway and the pressure the fish get is phenomenal. One of the bid shames is that you can go to virtually every lake in England and know the weight of the biggest fish give or take a few ounces, the poor things are fished for relentlessly by some very talented anglers with all the latest baits and rigs that boggle your mind and the amount of bait that is put in to lure the Carp or what ever is obscene, all in the quest to catch Dolly or what ever the largest fish may be called now, yes thats right every fish has a name as well, well every one over about 20lb anyways. Not all the names are complimentary either some are just sad.
I guess what I am trying to get across is that it seems absolutely fantastic out there fishing wise at least, not sure about all that snow though and to my knowledge there isn't anything to worry about in our woods except the obvious lunatics of course.
Hope I havent bored anyone too much, just the first of what I hope to be a regular thing speak soon. English
Tight lines