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Everything posted by English

  1. Yeah for £50,000 or so people buy lakes, it was about 10 - 15 years ago big business, a small 5 acre lake, nip over to France and catch a few 40 or 50 lb carp and you are in business £ 10 - £15 per rod per day some anglers using 3 rods, 20 swims full from Friday to Monday and say 5 anglers on there permanently, cafe and tackle shop + beer no wonder some people didn't want to leave. I meant to post up some links here. http://www.anglianwaterleisure.co.uk/index...mp;parentid=47/ http://www.anglianwaterleisure.co.uk/index...amp;parentid=49
  2. Coming from England, I find it hard to believe the size of the rivers and lakes you guys have to deal with, whilst reading the posts it seems like everyone has got their own boat and trailer, you just hitch up and you are gone. I am seriously jealous. Over here there is no point in owning a boat as you can't really use one except on the sea, there is no point, the lake owners supply the boats and unless you pay an extortionate amount they will not let you use your own boat. So it has become a play thing for the idle rich and you have to be seriously wealth to afford a birth in a marina on the Thames for instance. A mates mother and father bought a nice boat for £150,000 and all they do with it is 4MPH up and down the Thames between Walton on Thames and Oxford, lovely if you like that sort of thing but... why? Now sea we seem to have plenty of, we are surrounde by it. I think the saying goes that anywhere in the UK you can never be any further than 120 miles from the sea I have posted below some lincs to my local lakes they are only 10 miles away from me, if you read the blurb, Rutland Water is one of the largest man made lakes in Europe, 3,100 acres and you can cycle right round it in an afternoon Dont get me wrong I love fishing there, Rutland Water is a lot larger than I was used to in Surrey, most of the lakes we used to fish you could cast to the other bank anyway and the pressure the fish get is phenomenal. One of the bid shames is that you can go to virtually every lake in England and know the weight of the biggest fish give or take a few ounces, the poor things are fished for relentlessly by some very talented anglers with all the latest baits and rigs that boggle your mind and the amount of bait that is put in to lure the Carp or what ever is obscene, all in the quest to catch Dolly or what ever the largest fish may be called now, yes thats right every fish has a name as well, well every one over about 20lb anyways. Not all the names are complimentary either some are just sad. I guess what I am trying to get across is that it seems absolutely fantastic out there fishing wise at least, not sure about all that snow though and to my knowledge there isn't anything to worry about in our woods except the obvious lunatics of course. Hope I havent bored anyone too much, just the first of what I hope to be a regular thing speak soon. English Tight lines
  3. Hi I am a UK heating engineer but on the gas side, there is a website in England that you can ask all sorts of questions. Seems silly to ask on an English web site but there is a regular on there from the US, boilerman I think his name is he may be able to point you in the right direction. Hope the link helps, they sometimes get a bit stroppy if they think you intend to do the work yourself. Just let them know you are a domestic customer just requiring advice and are going to get contractors in to do the job. http://www.diynot.com/forums/viewforum.php...049830718b5d1df Let us know if you get a result.
  4. Thanks guys, I am from Manchester by birth, and now live in Licolnshire thats the East coast of England half way up. I fish only occasionally now, got 2 lovely children aged 4 and 8, and a wife which keep me very busy add to that I am a plumber / heating engineer usually a good living to be had but we relocated from Surrey near London 4 years ago and it has taken me nearly all this time to get enough customers so that I can start to live again. Must remember to do a bit more research if I do that again I have fished for all sorts but my favourite is carp, I am not one of the mad english anglers any more, I used to think nothing of sitting behind my rods for a week without a run but not any more I like to try and make things happen and go and look for the fish. I have fished a fair bit in France and Spain for carp and catfish, I have caught hundreds of carp in the low to mid 20lb mark but never broke 25lb quite surprising considering the guys that I used to fish with had all had many 40lb and one guy two at 54 and 55 lb, just seemed like it was never to be for me, however when we last went to Spain to fish on the Ebro I caught a 66lb cat and no one else caught much at all the river was in flood and the mountain snow was making it very cold, guess we picked the wrong time of year. If I get a chance I will post up a few pics of our catch, there is usually a good bit of larking about and a fair bit of beer involved but thats what us limeys are supposed to be famous for Cheers all tight lines
  5. Our native crayfish stocks have been decimated by the American Signal crayfish great big red clawed things, on the continent France spain they are a real pain in the proverbial they are just about the only things that can chew the boilies we use apart from thre poisson chat thats anothrt story and they love em, little buggers. Can I say that on here?? hope so not really a swear word in UK
  6. If you guys have got a form of SVCV or other disease it may make sense to start disinfecting nets etc after use we have or had dip troughs where basically anything that came into contact with the fishes mucus membrane ( the slime) had to be dipped, no idea what was in the troughs looked awful though I have no idea whether or not you ought to eat fish from an infected area but with all the grief we have had Ecoli, chicken what ever, mad cow etc I certainly wouldn't
  7. We used to get "Spring Vireema" spelling? SVCV for short. very bad here whole stocks wiped out hundreds of carp floating rotting awful, didn't seem to cross over to any other species as far as I could tell There will be a lot of info on it. google it hereis a start. http://www.i10.org.uk/node/338
  8. Sorry for my ignorance again, the Thames UK has been cleaned up quite a bit now, could'nt tell you to what extent as I am not a water condition engineer but we are getting salmon, and trout are regularly caught. I worked on the IOD project around that time did 3 builds awful place back then and not much better now full of lowlifes and junkies.
  9. Lot more to learn about your country than I thought oops
  10. Thanks Maureen
  11. Excuse my ignorance but you mean London England UK right? your country is so big I just wouldn't be surprised if you had a river Thames in Canada as well. No bass to be had below the thames barrier past grenwich and I would be very surprised if you caught any except in the sea out past Tilbury docks. There are some private fisheries that have stocked Bass but they are expensive to fish I think they have been set up for the American ex pat community so you will have to pay an arm and a leg to get on. Hope that helps Pike, Zander & Perch fill your boots Big Carp possibly the odd 40lber all in the Thames, various hot spots ask at the local tackle shops they will put you right. Many day fisheries around, tickets available on the banks at some but best check first. National rod license required to fish all rivers and lakes £ 32.00 for the year weekly and monthly available too reduced fee apply, Under 16s free. Available at all tackle shops and Post offices nationwide. One of the main carp forums is the cemex site old RMC site http://www.cemexangling.co.uk/new_site/index.php •¯¯¯¯'¯¯¯'¯¯') ><(((º>.¸¸.·´ I'd rather be fishing!
  12. Hi all just like to introduce myself, English angler fishing since I was 4 years old, been watching for a while and you seem to have a great community here, A mate who fishes Ontario lakes and rivers recommended I pop in and take a look and I am glad I have. Will be popping by now and again to see whats going on. One thought I just can't believe how many people you get on line just how many members yees got. Fish on brothers and sisters. •¯¯¯¯'¯¯¯'¯¯') ><(((º>.¸¸.·´ I'd rather be fishing!
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