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About steelhead75

  • Birthday 12/22/1964

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    peacock point

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/android-tv-boxes-what-are-they-and-what-can-they-do/ look into one of theese lots on kijijij great for all kinds of media try and get a qaud core
  2. oops didnt catch that sorry guys was just so excited
  3. He has been charged by MNR woohooo http://www.outdoorcanada.ca/Charges_laid_over_Detroit_River_muskie_killing
  4. goes around comes around, the hard work is done now, just working hard for the easy part is ahead , family and moments created by skipper good on you sir well done
  5. well you know what the rarest bird sighting in canada is , A SEA KING HELICOPTER CAUSE THE NEVER FLY . definetly sea the lancaster 6-8 times a year seems like they fly over me in peacock point. where you at ironmaker
  6. waiting on the kerosene budgie(chopper) and then home woohoo long 6 weeks out here in the gulf

  7. wow! what else can you say! a life day for sure
  8. can any one reccomend an online fishing store with a large selection of fishing gear not cabellas, or bass pro looking to try and keep my money in canada. im looking for a good selection of deep water walleye gear i.e. dipsy divers bottom bouncers that kinda stuff. lebaron website sucks. sail doesnt have what im looking for. cdn tire sucks . lol thought some one might have a site i could use as i am having a brain fart in this category . currently in mexico working and get home in a week and am trying to do a little pre shopping before i get home and hit erie for some walleye cheers rocky
  9. have to agree, and how about those jays lmao
  10. just saw theese on a west marine clearnace oakleys 120 bucks http://www.westmarine.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=945434&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&storeId=11151&storeNum=51066&subdeptNum=51084&classNum=51087
  11. now thats funny only us fly fisherman would look at the feathers and not the meal.
  12. nice job, wish we had more brookies closer to home for me
  13. well written, and true we all have the story of the one! cuba 2 years ago while fly casting off the bow into a deep channel my buddy was casting a flourescent red rapala for what ever lurked and a six foot shark hammered it rolled on the surface 10 feet from the boat. snapped his 12 pound test like dental floss. we screamed a few obsenities back and forth holy %#$@ did you see that and replied damm my drag was to tight or i would have landed that. i burst out laffing so hard i almost fell off the casting deck. not a hope in hell of landing it but sure was an exciting few seconds
  14. agreed i removed all my middle hooks especially on f-9 or bigger rapalas
  15. this is a interesting but disturbing article, definetly going to keep a close eye on this one http://ca.news.yahoo.com/scientists-tiny-plastic-particles-lake-michigan-lake-ontario-131624366.html
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