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Everything posted by addy79

  1. do any of you know how to accurately track what depth your baits trolling at with the different coloured line?? im assuming troll speed plays a major factor, but how do the line colours come into play>???
  2. drop your canoe off at the promenade park in mississauga (Cawthra and Lakeshore) a couple nice coves with really calm waters that a canoe would do fine on.
  3. I was up there about a month ago, Brian is still there, awesome guy to party with! We had a blast at the lodge the cabins were clean and the boats ran well. The fishing was SUPER slow though, walleye seemed non existant, SM and Pike were far and few between. note... we were up there during a pretty tough cold front
  4. Nice work! I've made it a goal over the past few years to troll with leadcore via canoe in some of the backcountry lakes in my area in search of some decent laker fishing... still looking
  5. C-R-O-C-S!
  6. I think its called the Georgian Bay Sounth Channel. ANYTHING GUYS???????????????
  7. I'm planning on making a trip up to an area of georgian bay that has intrigued me for years as I've not heard much of it, yet it looks very promising. The narrow channels on the south end of Parry Island (just outside of Parry Sound) I believe the name of the road that I take to get into this area is Glen Burney Rd. But i have no idea what the name of this water is, or is it simply reffered to as Georgian Bay water??? Anywyas, Im going up there tomorrow and would REALLY appreciate ANY info you could all share, I havent had any luck in my research and would like SOME info on the waters before heading out there. Thanks!
  8. YOUR HUGE T!!!!!!
  9. nahh not again!!
  10. nice largie!!
  11. not to dis, but i bought a Sony 7.2MP for my trip to new york and it was AWFULL!!! the shot stabilizer in it is weak, and the processor is SLOWWW! AND with Sony's you have to get there Memory Stick cards, a regular Sandisk card will not do (another way for sony to squeeze a few more bucks out of there customers i guess) i returned it as soon is i got back from NYC just my 2 cents.
  12. Look no further than the Canon SD750, 399 at futureshop and this camera is AMAZING trust me!!!
  13. what are deadheads??
  14. you can stay on the canoe in pretty high winds as long as your positioning yourself WITH the waves. but obviously, if you have to concentrate more on the waves then the fishing, its probably a good call to find a quiet bay. also depends on the type of canoe and how many people are in it. it just takes one guy to keep his center of balance to high in those conditions to flip it, happens to us all though. doesnt it?? haha
  15. Have to agree with all the above... Last week I portaged into a lake i regularly fish for bass, to my surprise i actually saw another canoe on the same lake (first time). Can you believe that these guys actually came to the same spot I fish (about 20ft from my canoe) and started casting!!! AND they didn't even say a word, like they were trying to mind there own business and I wasnt even there??!!!? I put em right on the spot, if they have no shame in doing that then why should I care for asking if they were "getting lonely or something?" they got the point. cold fronts suck to, especially when you book a nice trip and land right in the middle of one.
  16. I know nothing of this area, sorry i couldnt be of more help. good luck!
  17. OMG thats WILD!!!!!!!!
  18. sorry..... shameless bump!!
  19. Anyone here ever fish Otter Lake for lake trout OR Walleye. I've got a place at an adjacent lake and was wondering how the lake trout fishing is there. I know that the fishery has had its problems in the past, and I believe its a catch and release ONLY fishery now. Just wondering if its worth the effort of making the trip to Otter.
  20. I just came back from Casa Blanca Lodge, loved it, Brian is AWESOME. the boats they provide were great! the cabins were nice. unfortunately, the fishing was a little sub standard but i think that was mostly due to some bad weather while we were up there. to be honest, the most success we heard of was right near the lodge fishing the points and islands for walleye. I had a follow from a 30lb muskie fishing the bay where are boats were docked, we also had luck in there for largemouth, come to think of it, we had most of our success right in front of our cabin!! we trolled all the way to the mouth of Nippising with little successs (couple pike) however, after speaking to some locals in the area they swear by the area where casa blanca lodge is at. Make sure to hit 5 mile bay, we marked TONES of fish. Its pretty much all crown land around there, so the scenery is great. Brian will tell you how to get there. ***make sure to bring a compass with you - everything looks the same on the french from eye level, and its EASY to get lost - trust me!!*** let me know how it goes, adnd let me know if you need any more info.
  21. I put a similar post out a little while ago, you may want to look it up. I went with the Daiwa Exceler 3000, and love it!! I've always been a die hard Shimano fan, but this reel is SICK!! i highly reccomend it. $70 at bass pro and it comes with a second aluminum spool too.
  22. After looking at the report I have a couple questions that I'm hoping someone can answer for me: Are the fish listed per lake the only sport fish available in the body of water? or are they the fish that the ministry has stocked in the lake? or are they the only fish they recommend for consumption? If those are the only fish species that the ministry has chosen to stock, why the HECK dont they stock more muskies?? Who decides which species to stock and where? Is there a person you can contact to request certain species/lakes are stocked (i know, fat chance)?
  23. gotta go with the backcountry lakes around parry sound. Peace, quiet, tranquility, and unpressured oblivious bass!!! Rizzo, still looking for a backcountry lake with other species as well, so far I've only found largies and the occasional smallie.
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