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Everything posted by pigeonfisher

  1. Wow, this is like a stroll down memory lane. The old Fire Hall in Burlington...WOW. Marty, we live up by Gettysburg and it's been a great area to raise the kids and enjoy what life brings us. I get to Pittsburgh a couple times a year, but the trips are always short. Gerritt, FF #2 NNA&S does this make that old group like the "Original Gangsters"? douG, How many days of Pho did we share. Not enough. Too Many good times were had. I hope that same community feel still exists. Anyhoo...I will post a report if and when said trip takes place. Otherwise it'll be a pan fry or something for the kids. Be Cool. Steve
  2. Hey Guys, Great to see some of the old names still kicking about. We are doing excellent in our neck of the woods. Definitely miss being in Ontario. I will look up the suggestion for the guide. If I am one of the original FF's, do we have new FF's? I bet they are swell folks... Regardless of our success, I will post a report of our efforts. Cheers, Steve
  3. Clever how it changed the O.F.C to OFC. hahahaha
  4. Hey Guys/Gals, Old timer checking back in. Misfish, saw your name first on the list....hahahaha Anyhoo, I am living in PA now and looking to do a bass day with my two sons in the Kawarthas on July 9 or 10. Any help on who could guide a trip for a couple "foreigners"? Looking for a 4-6 hour day as the small boy is only 9 years old. I hope I found the right spot!!! Cheers, Steve Near North Anglers & Swillers
  5. Hey Roy, et all. Still slim, still familying. Southern PA has treated us very well over the past three years. I often think back to some great OFC times that have been had over the years. I have traded in my fishing rod for running shoes as a general hobby, relaxing in its own way. Nice to see a lot of the old faces on here still. Fall fishing was always my favorite. Trolling Pigeon Lake for a morning, getting back to the cottage with the smell of chili and perhaps a couple cold beers to recharge for the afternoon. Be well...
  6. Would this event be like a "Swill"? Also, Hello!
  7. Beansy, Sorry to hear about Jack! That boathouse had a lot of fun in and around in during the couple of years that we owned it. Frank, you are well? Funeral business treating you well? Lew, I hope you are enjoying your new home and that it hasn't brought too much headache with it. Terry, I can still fit the suit, I just need a pillow for the front.
  8. Dang, Beer, Chicken Wings, Elitism?

  9. Good morning all... Wings are on the menu, just less often and smaller quantities. No Firehall? No more Swillers? DANG
  10. You have 18,000 posts...is that allowed?
  11. Ladies and Gents, How go thee? Things here in Southern PA are generally well. Work has been busy, biggest boy is 6 1/2 (Coop), Middle Boy is 3 1/2 (Carson) and Baby Boy is almost 2 (Callum). We keep really busy as a family with various types of events. Fishing has been replaced by running with the wife and I both training for upcoming races. Mine a marathon in Gettysburg, PA and hers a 1/2 Marathon somewhere close by as well. The big one loves reading and writing (must get it from Mom) and the Middle one loves gymnastics & swimming. The smallest one loves his brothers, whatever they are doing. I think of you all (mostly fondly) often and hope that life keeps you all well.
  12. Good to hear. I believe we are speaking of the same company making filters?
  13. moi? Hey Wayne!!! How tings up your way? One of my favorite old customers is just down the street from you.
  14. Oh Yeah...Tents go on hills.
  15. The people are a little nutso... Words like DANG SWILL SWILLERS ELITISM SHOAL CARP Etc. Good morning Paul Dillon.
  16. It was a fun time. Today I am in Denver, CO. All I have learned since gettnig into the hotel is that it doesn't get light here until late in the morning. Glad to see a bunch of the old yahoo's are still around keeping this place comfortable and under control for the general populous. Time for some breaky!
  17. Sup Ladies and Gents, Been a busy time here in southern, PA. I have been wicked busy with work, with travel and changes around the office. Somehow the smallest Crooks boy is coming up on a year, the big one is about done his first year of kindergarten and the middle one is doing great! Kristi is doing a good job with the kids and really working herself into the community here. She is a volunteer at the school and of course her full time job of taking care of me and the rest of our brood. Spring time is coming, I know everyone back home is getting antsy to get out on the lakes (with aluminum or fibeglass between you and the water), I guess you always have the rivers and Lake O too. Much like the fishing community, I do spend a bit of time with a running group. We post our race reports and general questions on a board like ours. My limited time doesn't allow me to be a great contibutor but once in a while I get a word in, below is my race report from yestday. You guys play safe out there. Put on your float suits as I bet those water temps would get you pretty quick. Miss you all, Steve Okay, I was running with another fella that helps me with my slow runs. I agreed to do the first 6.5 miles with him at a 10:00 pace or whatever would be good for him. The rain at gun time (8:30) was going sideways, up and at times felt like sleet. It was super pleasant. The first 2-3 miles were fine. We kept the pace around 9:30 until the three mile mark which ended with a nice downhill. Then the wind happened, it was in our face, directly in our face for the next 4 miles. Running against the 30 mph gusts was almost just comical. My job in our little group was to provide levity. I like to sing and tell jokes when I am at a talking pace. The second 3.5 miles was much closer to an 11:00 pace as the wind was directly in our faces and the hills were alive. I was chomping at the bit to get rolling. Hit 6.5 miles and it was go time. I wind mostly at my back now, still some very challenging hills in my future. I passed about 40 people in the first mile and continued to reel people in mile after mile. The second half of the race I believe I got by over 100 people. Each one, at least each group got a Steve anticdote as I would slow down and say hi. Mile 10 had a WICKED up hill. Took down 6 people on the hill, one fine gentleman commented "Whomever designed this course is sick", I said, "The guy who came up with the weather is playing practical jokes but I am not willing to pick a battle against him.". The last mile was tough. Back into the wind but at least flat. Finished completely wet, everything, in 1:57. I am thrilled. I went back and picked up my friend who ended up being just over a mile behind me. We finished the race together (again for me). Many of the comments in the lunch room were "toughest 1/2 I have run" "That course should be put in an adventure race" "The weather and the hills made this SO HARD" Some people were crying, a lot were limping. It was very interesting. See you in a month and a bit "Frederick". May 02, Frederick, MD 13.1 Aiming for 1:45
  18. A magazine called "outside" did an interesting piece on the Eastern Coyote, they have been mating with wolves and creating a nasty species. I have a friend in California who was told by his realtor when moving that they suggest homeowners only have dogs over 30lbs, the smaller ones get pegged off quick by the coyotes.
  19. Happy B'day y'old redneck.
  20. Sup.
  21. S*&%, I have three. You have two. hahahahah
  22. Brian, That is a pile of grand kids you have now, Right? 3?
  23. Huh? A guy misses a couple of months (year or so) and this happens? WHUT?
  24. Jef, Hey Dude!!! Looks like you joined a "gang" of Muskie Hunters. Hope things are GREAT. If you ever see Colin say hi for me.
  25. Absoloutely terrible...
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