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Posts posted by Harrison

  1. Thanks all for the kind words. Feeling better today. Left a message with my GP to get in and see a specialist. It's amazing how fast it happened. The timeline from bites to shock was approx. 40 mins.


    - I've never had allergies

    - Been bitten tons of times with no issues.

    - I'm heathly and fit

    - I've spent thousands of hours in the outdoors.


    Then a few ant bites/stings and it became very serious - quickly. I know at work it is mandatory to have Epipens at some locations. I'll tell you now, with this happening to me I will have some always around for my family.


    Thanks again for your kind words, and yes Jewelbee, she's not just a pretty face. :D


  2. Absolutely Spiel, I agree 100 percent about driving, but I really had no idea what was going on, or what was going to happen. I was very lucky that the full force hit when I was there because it happened in the blink of an eye. Now I know and count my blessings I didn't hurt anyone else.

    Thank you for the well wishes everyone. Maybe we should all have an epipen with us just incase.

  3. Hope the docs figure out what caused it so you can be ready for it the next time Phil.


    Like you, I'm not alergic to anything that I know of either so something like that would really give you a scare for sure.


    Ya, I would like to get in and find out what the deal is. I got out of the hospital early this morning, so I am still freaking abit. Shame, becasue if it is an allergy I am nervous to head back there. I spend alot of time in the bush, thankful I found out 10 mins from home and not way back in the bush somewhere.

  4. I have a little gem spot off Lake O for some perch and crappies off shore. Its perfect for the lil one.

    While we were there I must of got bit 6 or so times by these ants. Thought nothing of it as I've been bit by all kinds bugs, bees, flies etc.

    Well when I got home I started feeling weak, took off my shirt and my misses freaked. I had hives the size of softballs all over me. Within a few minutes I went totally flush and bright red all over. I drove to the hospital and was waiting to be checked in and my chest tightened. I started pouring sweat and nearly passed out but a paramedic saw me and put me in chair. They rushed me right in, hooked me up and pumped me full of stuff. They said I just made it in time.

    Has anyone one here had something like this before? Not sure if its an allergy or as they put it "the poison" that caused it. Thankfully my little one had rubber boots on. Anyone else have this before?


  5. Giants, nice work! Tell by the rods and mixutre of baits/colours your dialed in! Only think screwy is throwing a jerk on a baitcast :lol: You look familiar, do you go to the Downtown bass club?

  6. Even though the number of anglers is declining, todays fisherfolks are much more educated. There is a ton of information on the internet for any species.


    Therefore the spots that produce for you may get over crowded because the anglers did research and are looking for that certain structure. There are only so many weedlines, humps, points, saddles etc.. on a lake.


    Also, you may see more boats on the water now as the baby boomers are starting to retire. Lucky buggers. :lol:

  7. Actually Phil, I'm getting a bit tired of working around here everyday, so c'mon up and we'll forget about the stumps and just go fish'n :lol::lol:


    Am I allowed to bring just one Flippin stick? Check your PMs, always have a good time on the water with you. Quadruple chin hook sets and all! :lol:

  8. First off they guy that brought us to camp got to the landing the same time we did. He was to work at the camp. He did not know the river in nor the lake nor where the camp was on the lake. The wind was blowing high after a snow storm the night before. You did not send the big Jon boat for all the gear because it wasn't running. So all the gear got jammed into the boats. The gunwale was about 4 inches above the water. The waves were crashing over the side. The kid driving the boat was scared to death and told us as much.


    Whoa.... there's the deal breaker for me. How far was the run? Thats insane.

  9. It was only the fourth time on the water for the father and son when they found themselves stranded 1.5 miles off the Whitby coast at about 2:30 p.m. on July 27.


    “The boat started vibrating quite heavily so we anchored up to go have a look and we noticed there was lots of water coming in from the back of the engine,” said Mr. Reynolds, who moved to Ajax from England a month ago and just purchased the boat last week.


    1.5 miles off Whitby ..... how long is this guy's anchor rope?


    Thinking the same thing, 80-90ft of water if I remember right of the top of my head.

  10. Yes many of the shows are info-mercials, suck and the costs involved are huge. Most guys who are competitive anglers or very avid anglers don't watch fishing shows, they will go out on the water and learn on their own.

    I have always respected the Lindners for their knowledge and cutting edge ideas. I know how the biz works and this does not diminish my view of the Lindners, they are men of integrity.


    Agreed Bob.


    Tough to have a fishing show without "fishing industry" sponsors. Outside the industry is where the money is and the more sucessful shows have those sponsors and work darn hard to keep them. I really respect Facts of Fishnig with Dave Mercer for their marketing creativity and drive to promote the sport to a HIGHER level.

  11. Fishing the phenix open one year and my bro put his rod between his legs just after he cast to take his jacket off. Sure enough a big smallie grabbed the bait. Paul thought he could set the hook and jerked the rod crushing his "fellas". He laid on his back trying to fight the fish while tears rolled down his cheeks. I'm yelling at him to get over it as its a big fish and gettem to the boat! Another team approached us at the weigh-in and did their best to describe, through their laughter, what they saw. Apparently it was quite comical, until he lost the fish right at boat side and they saw the size of the toad. That fish would of won us the T. We laugh about it now, but it stung then(three times for him).

  12. Heres a few of Wyatt. He was adopted by me last fall, from fellow OFC'er Harrison. He's been awesome, and loves getting out for a boat ride. At first I had a hard time keeping him IN the boat, but after a bunch of boat rides, and a few fishing trips, he's right at home out there now. Of course there is the odd time he gets a little too excited and launches off the bow LOL. He can't resist water.......even if its just a puddle in the driveway!!


    Catch of the day!




    I swear, he's watching my rod for a hit.








    I miss him to death, but it appears he found the right home! He looks great sinker! Thanks for posting.

  13. Just another option is a Bell sinker. Insert it in the tube pushing the point through the eye of the weight when rigging.


    I usually peg a worm weight(1oz - 2oz) with a tooth pick when pitching through slop or a thick weedbed.


    Lil tid bit - when texas or texposing a tube, insert a glass rattle after rigging the weight and stuff a piece of sponge into the tube then finish rigging it. Soak the sponge with scent and the hook will hold everything in place.


    good luck


    edit- sorry just saw singingdog mentioned the egg sinker already.

  14. Ever since I can remember I was going to be a fireman like my Dad. Finished high school, took some fire courses, got my first aid, DZ license, scuba license for the scot, basically lined it all up. I was told not apply until i was 22/23. Well, I did and passed everything except the eye test, I have a binocular vision issue. I was devastated. That book was closed in my face.


    With no real schooling I wasn't sure what to do.


    So for a second career, I took a PT job with the City, took courses, applied and studied my arse off to get FT. It has since paid off. Not my dream, but I still work with emergency services and other divisons in the office.


    Maybe think about the PT route and take some courses in something of interest or get your DZ license, seems to be a few jobs around if you got it. Good luck to you.

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