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Aaron Shirley

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Everything posted by Aaron Shirley

  1. Those are some really cool perch videos Terry. Nice Simcoe perch report. There was about 5" of ice out from Gilford, and many ATV's and sleds out on the safe ice. It's about time! Aaron
  2. I see there are lots of reports from Simcoe perching, but here is our first day on the hard water. There were tons of anglers out there. Tony B. and I got out on Simcoe yesterday for some perch fishing out of Gilford on Cooks Bay, and had a lot of fun. The size of the fish were very small averaging 7" to 8" with very few larger fish, but fun to catch nonetheless. We must have caught well over 200 perch between the two of us, and the action was pretty constant all day except for a short while. We decided to move after the bite slowed down on our first spot, and it paid off big time. We fished deeper water (27' to 33') further out in the main basin, but most people fished closer to shore from 15' to 20' of water. Everyone we talked to had similar success to what we experienced and mostly small fish as well. It was pretty cold in the morning, and we put up an old small tent I had with a heater to pop into once in a while to keep warm. I am definitely getting a portable ice shelter soon! What a difference when the guides don't constantly freeze up and holes don't need to be skimmed. Tony stands beside our make-do 'getto' ice shelter lol We put bigger holes in the tent floor to jig inside the warmth, as there were already holes anyway. Tony and I did very well on Jigging Rapalas W2 and W3 size in Firetiger and white\chart, and jigging spoons like the small Mepps Cyclops in gold. Shiners tipped on the Blue Fox Big Crappie jigs with a hook and shiner above the jig worked like a charm when the action slowed a bit, and I even got several double headers on the set-up We found the slightly larger fish preferred the spoons. Here is one of the larger perch we caught yesterday, about 10" I had my portable Humminbird with GPS and Navionics hydrographic card with me to pinpoint our location on the structure we wanted to fish, then see the schools of fish hitting our baits... it's almost not fair, the fish don't have a chance Shot of the bird working it's magic for us (I modified the interior of the portable unit so that I can put in two 6 volt gel cell rechargeables, what a difference not having to buy expensive 6 volts for every trip ) This is what the sonar looked like most of the day - the small blue line near the top of the red marks is my spoon, and the blue, yellow, green and red marks are the perch. The green and yellow marks are smaller perch and the red marks are bigger perch (or perch at my bait). The "RTS" window on the right is a real-time flasher so I can see my lure jig up and down and the perch hit my bait.. the large screen on the left is the history. This is just the sonar unit\GPS I popped off from my boat for double duty Despite what some people say about lcd screens, this unit works very well in the cold weather. After seeing Terry's report though... I am going to have to get an underwater camera for next year.. that is just awesome! Tony was out again today in an ice hut of Whitie's, so he should have a report of hopefully bigger perch tomorrow. Good fishing! Aaron
  3. Thanks for the great info everyone, I really appreciate it! Good fishing! Aaron
  4. I know it is a little early for this question, but does anyone know of a good fly-in lake that isn't too costly in northern Ontario for walleye and pike? Good numbers of walleye would be good. A friend of mine asked me, but I have never done a fly-in trip in my life. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Aaron
  5. Unfreakinbelievable... boating for whities in the middle of January!!! I love it. What did you get them on? Great report guys. Aaron
  6. Thanks for all the great feedback guys and gals. We are glad you all enjoyed the show I would like to thank the best fishing website in Ontario OFC and admins (especially Roy for posting this reminder), and everyone else that helped to make this day (and season) possible. Good fishing! Aaron
  7. Thanks for the report. I'm lookin gforward to my trip to Temagami with Tony B and the boys in March. Alwasy a fun time Good fishing! Aaron
  8. Nice pics and report.. again. Some real nice steelies there. Aaron
  9. I am right handed and cast with my right and reel with my left on both baitcasters and spinning reels. I originally used an old Abu Garcia right hand retrieve baitcaster, but that is because left retrieves were not available when I got my first one. I got used to it, but it was never comfortable. When I tried a left handed model years later, it was natural and I never switched back to a right.. although I can use both now. Whatever you feel most comfortable with casting and retrieving should be your choice. Good fishing! Aaron
  10. Well, the viewers may get to see a little of what goes on behind the scenes... eh? LOL Heck, I have to watch the show again before I go to the boat show Sunday morning.. I still can't get over it. Thanks again Marc for helping to make this the muskie show of the century, we really appreciate it, and I'm sure the viewers will too! Cheers, Aaron
  11. Okay... that was just too funny to see Barry swimming for his Legend Elite rod I would have to say.. just as funny, if not funnier... you'll see what I mean Cheers, Aaron
  12. Sounds like some good info there Bob... some experiences you can't forget? lol Comon ice... Aaron
  13. Hey Roy, thanks for posting this reminder. I'm sure a lot of OFC'ers remember the "Day of the Giants" thread, and have been waiting for this episode to air. For all of you that do not get OLN, the episode will be available on-line as well. Definitely stick around for the rolling credits at the end of the show guys and gals, as it is the funniest part of the entire show.. right Marc? Cheers, Aaron
  14. Awesome report CC, and nice pics. Your report may get me to take my centerpin out of the basement, especially with no ice on the lakes! Love the report.. keep 'em coming. Aaron Shirley
  15. "So Tony takes Amanda to Cuba and for that he is allowed to take her to Lakair" Tony, you are always thinking! hehe. Have a great trip to Cuba, and take lots of pics. I don't know how you can top the last saltwater trip with that blue marlin.. but I'm sure you will try! Wish we could have joined you. Congrats in advance to Matt and Jen! Cheers, Aaron
  16. Nice report and pics. Congrats on a great day out! I will be getting out for steelies myself again soon since there doesn't look like any ice in the near future! Good fishing! Aaron
  17. The river was clearing nicely as of yesterday mid-day. Good fishing! Aaron
  18. It was great to see some of you again and meet some new faces as well. The swill was a lot of fun.. hard to beat chicken wings and beer and talk fishing with everyone. Oh yeah.. and I know why you go by the name of 'Nauti' and 'groper' now Have a great New Years everyone! Aaron
  19. Hey Mandy, I think I heard Tony mention that he wanted a 2 man portable ice hut for Christmas... you may want to pass this along to the big guy in red Aaron
  20. Holy crap Shaun, that is awesome! Do you realize that you were lucky enough to fish one of those "ya should have been here yesterday" kind of days? WTG, glad you could take advantage of such a great day. It's killin' me, I gotta get back there soon! Thanks for the tips Shaun. If they are in that far now, I may be able to jig for 'em too Cheers, Aaron
  21. Nice work Shaun, looks like you guys got into them good. Ya just gotta love Quinte After seeing your report, I am getting a little itchy to get back there. Cheers, Aaron
  22. Frank DiMarcantonio of Niagara Sportfishing is a great guide on the river, as well as Dave Fulop of Fineline. You can contact them here: Frank: http://www.niagarasportfishing.ca/ 905-788-9384 has been guiding for over 15 years in Niagara. or Dave: 905-938-2275 I don't think his website is up yet, but he has been guiding for steelhead on the Niagara River for as long as I can remember. Don't be dicouraged if your guide cancels your trip due to bad conditions, they know their stuff and will save you a bad trip with poor conditions. Good fishing! Aaron
  23. Awesome report, those are great white bass! I have caught some nice white bass on the lower Niagara River fishing for steelhead in the spring, but those fish you guys got into were true hawgs! WTG Aaron Shirley
  24. Joey, Good decision. Fishing above the power dams is no place for a small boat. I kringe every time I see a small boat up there fishing. It is dangerous waters above Queenston Lewiston. A 19-foot guide boat got sucked under by a giant whirlpool last year and the guide and one guest lost their lives, only one got lucky and survived. I'll never forget that day.. as I was on the water and a guy in a small tin boat asked me how to get to Devil's Hole in the morning at the ramp. I politely told him that if he enjoyed his life not to go. I guess he is glad he listened to me, as several hours later the 19-foot guide boat that got sucked under by a whirlpool surfaced and came floating down river upside down with the Coast Guard close by. The US Sherriff asked su to keep a look out for the bodies a little later, but we didn't see them. It was a big reminder that safety is a big priority on that river. The drift in Devil's Hole isn't that bad, but the area between the hole and Queenston on the way there is no place to mess around. My 19-foot boat almost got sucked under by a giant whirlpool one day fighting a fish down river from Devil's Hole, and now I am very cautious where my boat is drifting when above the dams. There is lots of great water from Queenston down river that is safe, especially starting in December when the fishing is great. Be safe out there, and good fishing! Aaron Shirley
  25. I would like to get out to another swill. I don't always have the time to get on here and see the swill dates working two full-time jobs. If you could send me a pm or e-mail with the next swill date, I'll do my best to be there... unless I'm working of course. I had a lot of fun at the last swill I was at. Good fishing! Aaron Shirley
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