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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. I was also out there that day and saw it all happen. We were behind my buddies Scott and Sheldon and were ready to jump in to provide a hand if needed. Very scary stuff. I can't give much advice on the insurance part of it, but they sure as hell should cover everything as it was clearly no fault of yours. We were in a massively deep Starcraft and were having issues getting to cover as well. That was one brutal day out there. Even through the 2 years I was guiding Quinte... that was one of the worst days I've ever seen. We were glad to hear that everyone was ok. Stuff can be replaced, but lives cant. I wish you guys all the best in getting this sorted out and hope to see you guys out on the water again this fall.
  2. Exactly!!! A little off-topic...but why they dont have a slot limit on Quinte.... I'll never know. That's a world-class fishery that needs to be treated like one, because its def on a rapid decline....
  3. Habs win! What a great game to watch, man oh man. Price needs to step it up....not his best showing.
  4. East DET in 7 TB in 6 PIT in 5 NYR in 7 (only cause Mason is out) West COL in 6 CHI in 6 ANA in 5 LA in 6
  5. Have to admit, the Leafs in the early 90's were one entertaining team to watch! There were def some great series back then.
  6. Not sure if it's been posted already, but too funny not to share!
  7. Thx vm Mike! Much appreciated.
  8. Hahaha, how did I know! That sure was a great series, though!
  9. That's amazing!
  10. Never even thought of that! Cheers!
  11. All valid points..... but the difference is 1967.... the league has changed just a little bit since then.
  12. I've been looking on eBay for a while but most of them seem to only ship to the US, and the ones that do ship to Canada are charging more than what the decals are worth. I should just find a small vinyl cutter and just make my own. lol
  13. I was thrilled to see that signing. I was actually in Detroit at the time and everyone was talking about it.
  14. Dude, you've got way too much time on your hands. Go rig some rods or something. Once this damn ice melts everyone will be "gone" from here. LOL
  15. Grimsby....I never said bandwagon fans. I said Fairweather ones. Great winners, horrible losers. Nothing to do with how long you've been a fan.
  16. They def don't have the kick they once did, but if their young guys keep producing and Howard stays hot.....they've got a chance at an upset. Now, hopefully they can withstand the fight and have gas left for 2nd. Lol
  17. Like Bill said, it's all in good fun and I love to debate the game....so let's keep it going. Haha
  18. Lmao. 23 consecutive appearances is quite impressive. So for a fan of a team that's missed 8/9 or 9/10 or whatever it is to chirp one that has had a little more success is funny to me. Guess the "Dead Wings", aren't quite dead yet.
  19. Exactly....that was quite a while ago so saying I'm a jumper this year is hilarious. My other obsession is hockey pools so I'm a stats junkie. What most of Leafs Nation don't get is that it's not the team that's annoying, it's the Fairweather fan base they have. After winning 2 games at the start of the year they're gonna win the cup and everyone else sucks. But when they lose it's the refs fault or bad goaltending or whatnot. Great winners, horrible losers. And as you can see by how many replies this thread has....a lot of chirping goes on, most of it being from Leaf fans. I'm all about a great hockey debate but some people are just unreal.
  20. LMAO... I've been a Wings fan for a long time, bud. And plus... if I was a jumper, why would I jump on a team that doesnt stand a chance according to you... who seems to know everything about everything. Your team is out and you're still chirping. Hence why the rest of the world hates most of Leafs Nation.
  21. They all should be with the consistent "extra" holidays each season.
  22. Anyone have a contact in Durham region that does vinyl decals for a decent price. All the ones I'm finding want an arm and a leg for a few small decals.
  23. Correction - only those teams that make the playoffs. Hahahahaha
  24. LMAO.... doesnt matter. At least they have a shot at the STANLEY cup and not the Ryder Cup.
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