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Everything posted by Stoty

  1. Hey everyone, Glad to see that most people had a good opening weekend for bass! I happened to be one of the fortunate ones who also had a great outing for my favorite species! My wife and I hit Stoney/Clear lakes at 5:30 a.m. this morning. I didnt have a good feeling about it while I was making the run in the boat, because it was pretty chilly!! But luckily my feelings changed after about 3 mins! I pulled into a nice big bay with stumps, islands, weed and rocks, and started throwing topwater to target the aggressive fish. Within 3 mins had a bass explode on the bait: And about 5 seconds later, found out what it was! A nice chunky 2lb smallie: Needless to say I was excited about starting the day off with a decent fish! I continued to search for the aggressive fish, and within minutes had another explosion on my Chug Bug, but the fish missed it. So I automatically picked up my other rod (rigged with a Senko type bait), and threw to the spot where the bass had hit, let the bait sink for about 10 seconds, and THUMP....set the hook, and ended up with a nice largemouth: I then kept on working my way around the bay, and I noticed a stump that was sitting about 30 feet of the point of one of the small islands in the bay, so I threw to the log, made 2 "blurps" with the Chug Bug, and BAM another explosion. I leaned back and set the hook: Ended up being a monster largemouth (5lb 1 oz, biggest fish of the day): Needless to say, I was pretty pumped about getting a fish like that so early in the day! Since the topwater bite was so hot, I just stuck to the Chug Bug all morning long! Another nice bucketmouth: I ended up getting 18 fish in 3 hours all but one being on a Chug Bug. I put my 5 biggest fish in the livewell, to bring back to the cottage to show the in-laws!! I weighed the 5 fish, and the total weight was 15 lb 9 oz. A pretty decent limit of fish! Too bad I wasnt in a tournament, that might have got me in the money! Here are the shots I took of the bag of fish back at the cottage: All in all, it was a great morning (3 hours) on the water. We caught a total of 21 fish in 3 hours. I have to throw this in, (because my wife said so), but she lost a MONSTER smallmouth about 10 feet from the boat. She was also using a chug bug, and I heard this HUGE explosion, turned around just in time to see this MASSIVE smallmouth airborne about 30 feet from the boat. I immediately DROPPED my rod, and ran to the back of the boat ready to lip this trophy. Unfortunately with smallie's being the acrobats they are, it threw the hook on another jump just 10 feet from the boat. Speaking of her though, I want to thank her for getting some AWESOME action shots of all my fish! hahaha.
  2. Hey everyone, I am just wondering if anyone knows of any bass tournaments that are happening on Stoney Lake coming up soon? Is there a tournament on the long weekend?
  3. Stoty


    So many options to choose from!!!!!!!!! I might need to give my wife some notice that next Friday when I go to BPS, NOT to wait up! I might be there a while!! ha ha ha
  4. Stoty


    Perfect, I will be heading to BPS a week from today. For sure have to pick some of those up!
  5. Stoty


    Welcome! Good luck to you as well. I am sure monday is going to be FULL of bass reports! At least, lets hope it is!!
  6. Stoty


    I see that a lot of people are sponsored by KO-MAN-CHI tournament baits. How does one go about getting sponsored?
  7. No, there is no crown land on Rice Lake. All the islands are owned by someone. Most are owned by the people who's cottage are on them
  8. Golden Beach Resort (Harwood) has them, as does Harrie Boat Works, and there are a few places in Bewdley that rent them as well. A couple of the campsites along the Otonobee river (by Benson Bridge) do as well.
  9. Stoty


    ohhh, good idea! OK, thats it, I am going to have to give these things a try! Gonna pick up a bag tonight after work!
  10. Stoty


    right on. thanks for everyone that replied. going to have to give these baits a try!
  11. Stoty


    Ahhh! How long is that sale on for?
  12. Stoty


    Thanks very much for the offer! How much would shipping be from Niagara, to Pickering?? I wouldnt think it would be that much, considering its only 2 hrs apart. I would be willing to pay for the baits, as long as they aren't $10/bag!! hahaha
  13. Stoty


    ahh, i see. $10 for 8, yikes! maybe I will look for the alternates...... geesh. how do you go about pouring your own? where can I pick up equipment like that?
  14. Stoty


    hahha, thanks. I have a couple good patterns down for catching some nice LM, but am curious about these Senko's though. what makes these so special? how are they different from the other stick baits on the market?
  15. I was reading the "What is the 1st lure you are going to throw" thread, and everyone seems to be talking about these Gary Yamamoto Senko's. Just what are these, and why are they so popular right now? What makes them different from the other soft plastic worms/slug-go's out there? Fill me in, because I am obviously out of the loop!
  16. I wish I did! But I do have a question about the GPS mapping software. I am going to buy a Lowrance LMS-520C fishfinder/GPS combo unit within the next few weeks, and just wondering if the software comes with the unit? If not, which is the best to get for Ontario Lakes? I do most of my fishing in the Kawartha's. Also, how do I go about downloading/getting maps of lakes? Thanks
  17. TOPWATER for me!!!!!!!! Nothing like that explosion to get your heart pumping a little faster!
  18. where is long point?
  19. check out the provincial parks near belleville. The Bay of Quinte is the best walleye fishing in North america.
  20. The best day of the year!!! Can't wait. I already have everything packed up and ready to to! I will be hitting up my cottage on L/S/C this weekend!!!! Can't wait to surface fish at 5am.... Good luck everyone! Looking forward to all the posts with the bass reports!! Hopefully I will have one of them!
  21. Those ultrasounds are very cool! Congrats, and hope everything goes smoothly for you guys!
  22. This thread reminds me of popularity contests back in highschool. Good excuse to link your site to this one. Speaking of that site..... someone should think about a re-design. lol
  23. Golden Beach Resort (Harwood) has the largest and newest fleet of boats on Rice Lake. They might be a little more expensive, but your getting brand new setups. It is also in a good location on the lake.
  24. Wow, nice fish!! Congrats!
  25. Man, that really sucks. I am sorry to hear that. Some people are just pathetic. I will definitely keep my eyes open. I had my truck broken into just over a year ago, and had $3000 worth of stereo equipment stolen. I know what your going through, and I hope they find the sots who did this. GRRRRRRR this kinda thing just drives me nuts! Cowards!
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