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Lucky Linda

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Everything posted by Lucky Linda

  1. Mike you should come up!! We have a guide from A.M P.M Guide Service for the Nipigon River on Friday. Then Onaman River Resort for Saturday to Saturday! Sooooo excited to run those lures!!
  2. Amazing photography and a great trip report! Thanks for sharing! Linda
  3. I am ready now!! Thanks so much Mike for the fast friendly service with my custom 'Lucky Linda' lures! I will post my Handlebarz with a fish on it!
  4. Wow!! Great post! Thanks so much for sharing. Happy Canada Day!
  5. I will be 'zinging the bling'! My eggheads and double tens are ready
  6. Oh and they have a good boat cover for $99!
  7. Yesterday we bought the Costco starting deep cycle in London for $105. They had lots of marine use batteries.
  8. So cute!! That's a great report! Thanks!
  9. Nice fish! I have the fire tiger lure I see! That's a relief!
  10. That's a really nice collection! Great idea for a memorial!
  11. Just waiting (very patiently) for my very own Double 10's and Egg Heads! Thanks for all the help from you guys!! Lucky Linda PS don't tell me about any more... I clearly have a tackle problem lol
  12. Great post and fantastic pictures!! I just ordered that shirt! I hope to have something close to that big in a couple of weeks. 6 muskies is a great weekend. Cheers! Linda
  13. Ahhhh perfect timing as I head to Onaman River Resort! Bring a flashlight guys!! lol
  14. Wow!! Excellent pictures!! Thanks for sharing!
  15. I like the 'user pay' system. Call me crazy...but for a senior to come up with $20-$30 to fish for the year? Seriously? I am sure I will take a beating for my opinion...but that's sounding cheap to me!
  16. Thanks Mike P! I just might have to try it.
  17. Ahhh thanks!! I thought it was a fish counter lol
  18. I called Ed's Baits...he has the double 10, but is out of EGGHEADS! Who is in Wallaceburg or Sarnia with an Egghead for sale?
  19. Two EGB's and two Johnson silver minows (one is however gold lol)...now in the tackle box! Ron, what is hanging off your belt...the black thing there?
  20. Bill, My first fishing trip ( other than age 4 with grandpa for sunfish) was a musky charter. After a cheap (?) stop at Bass Pro where I bought a musky rod (now referred to as the telephone pole by my fishing buddies) a good Abu Garcia reel, heavy braid and one really cute 6"believer....I have been hooked on learning to cast that monster into weeds, wind and the carpet on the deck. I will catch one monster on that lure. I will get a picture so I can say I did. She has travelled with me since 2007 when I started this journey. Did I mention the fish scare me? I scream like a girl and can't touch a worm? Haha! Being scared is going to make me feel alive. I am sure, actually positive, that this will be the trip I am looking for. Heading to the edge! Linda
  21. Thanks Dundas! I have that one too
  22. Hi Bill! I know it sounds kind of crazy, but I love my big baits and love to cast and troll them for fun. I also have a big selection of small stuff and have the Johnson Silver Minnow on my list of things to get. I am embarrassed to say that i have bought all the lures you guys have suggested if I didn't have one already. I am pretty sure my fishing partner has a silver minnow, he is going to look for me, but I will have one! I will be the 'bait tester' lol I figure if I set up a stand in the gas station up there and sell the lures that didn't catch a fish I will have enough money to pay my huge fuel bill home to Sarnia! Oh well, could be worse...at least it's not jewelry! Linda
  23. Thanks so much for the great reply Pics and Moosebunk! I will look for these little 'pencils' and 'floating logs' lol Question...on a triple treble, was thinking on leaving the middle hook and removing the front and back. These are actually my musky baits that I am taking so they are big. I think the smaller smithwicks etc I will leave the tail hook on? Just thinking the pike often hit from the side so I was thinking the front or middle hook. Thoughts? PS Moosebunk...your trip report from last year I think it was got me Hooked on Nipigon!
  24. That is great!! Where did you mount it? I have seen it mounted on the net but you must have it on the boat or canonball?
  25. Wind...i will behave. I live on Lake Huron and I see how quick the weather can change the trip. I have fire tiger in a variety of sizes. Spoons and body baits. My buddy went last year the Lucky Strike Canoe in firetiger was a big hit. I watched a great video of fishing Lake Nipigon, bought their recomendations. I have a really good rod and reel collection, flouracarbin leaders and all new line. I see rain in the forecast until July 3rd, we start on the 4th. Looks like weather will co-operate. Now if I can just manage not to be afraid if I do get a monster pike....I am sure I will scream. Combination of excitement and fear lol Can't get here soom enough! Linda
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