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Lucky Linda

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Everything posted by Lucky Linda

  1. Thanks everyone for your suggestions!! I look forward to posting a picture of my PB!! Coming soon to a thread near you! Lol
  2. Great!! The only one I don't have is the EGB. That's 3 posts now on that lure. I see it's available online but do you know if it's something I can get instore?
  3. I think I have bought too much stuff already but want to make sure I have the best lures with me. I would appreciate any suggestions! We are staying at Onaman River Resort July 5th-12th. Excited is an understatement! Linda ?
  4. Any of those on Nippigon?
  5. Wow! Spectacular!! Thanks for sharing!
  6. http://www.mccollumsresort.com/aboutus.html Has anyone got a 'special' spot to stay in Nipigon? I want a clean newer bed and lots of fish. A guide might be a good idea for a day or two as well. http://hardcorefishing.org/Home_services.shtml#Special Has anyone used this guide? Thanks in advance! linda
  7. My sincere condolences to the family and friends of the victim and of the youths that just changed the lives of so many people. I don't think we can begin to imagine this kind of horror. Someone knew they were trouble, someone knew they were capable of such things and we will likely hear that someone tried to report these guys to the authorities and nothing happened. We don't have an appropriate penalty in place for those boys. But we can try to protect someone else by not turning a blind eye.
  8. http://globalnews.ca/news/791037/durham-police-rule-out-hate-crime-charges-after-letter-directed-at-autistic-child/ The police say it is not a hate crime. Sad society. To be perfectly honest I thought we would have heard this letter was a hoax or something. I can't believe that someone actually wrote this and delivered it. Often we hear people say things that we don't agree with, few of us ever speak up. It's time. Linda
  9. Looks like the perfect trip! Wonderful report too! Was there any trout in that river or was it primarily Pickerel and Pike? Linda
  10. Wow! Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!
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