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About Hedfish

  • Birthday 05/11/1972

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    Toronto, Ontario

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Caster (4/10)



  1. Awesome pictures and video, thanks, man, you made my day at the office a little bit more bearable. What's the make and model of your toon? It looks awesome.
  2. Damn, trolling sounds complicated! Thanks, guys, I will try to experiment with it this spring/summer. Man, and I thought what could be simpler than trolling - just throw out your spoon, slow down and eat something.
  3. Oh. So say, we are trolling for pike in the spring in one of the western Kawartha lakes. What we usually do (without much success) is move on our trolling motor really slowly while keeping our spoons/spinners about 10 meters behind the boat. Not sure what else we could be doing there.
  4. We only troll when we get from one spot to another and I haven't had much success with trolling. Any tips on how to troll properly? I don't have any fancy equipment like planar boards though.
  5. Me too. Taro is the best. I've had one of the best fishing days ever with him.
  6. Sucks. It'd be nice to have it on iPhone. For those with iPhones though, you can use MNR's new web site FishOnline: https://www.gisapplication.lrc.gov.on.ca/FishONLine/Index.html?site=FishONLine&viewer=FishONLine&locale=en-US It's not as comprehensive as this app but still has lots of nice info - maps, depths, launches (at least some of them), species, seasons, limits, no fishing zones, etc.
  7. Do you actually need GPS? If not, Cabela's has a GPS-less sibling of that unit, called Hook-5x for 419.99 and Lowrence also offers $100 rebate on it. Sounds like a great idea for $319 CAD, if you don't need GPS (if your old unit has it or if you use your phone for GPS).
  8. Looks interesting!
  9. No, it's not reality. Tables A9 and A11 are completely separate and table A11 has nothing to do with the discussion here as it applies to major purchases only, i.e. boats, trucks, real estate, fishfinders, reels, etc. Table A9 is talking about stuff like transportation, lodging, food, charters, etc. Read descriptions on pages 8 and 9. As a result, the claim is that "the economic impact of fishing for all of Ontario is about $27.8 million" is incorrect, since, for example, Food and Lodging angling related expenditures alone exceed $325.6 mil. And again, I don't care how it all applies to Port Hope, since without data it's all just guesswork, I just wanted to point out that ACTUAL economic impact of fishing for Ontario is much higher than $27.8 mil and in fact far exceeds $1 bil. Now back to the Port Hope discussion.
  10. Not that it really relates to the topic but that $27.8 mil figure does not mean what you think it means. You seem to have simply pulled the "Other" number from the Annex A.11 "Major purchases and investments...". Quite obviously, it doesn't give you "the economic impact of fishing". To get the economic impact of fishing one also needs to consider A.9 "Direct expenditures..." and A.10 "Major purchases wholly or partially attributable to angling...". I just hate it when people manipulate statistics to drive whatever point they are trying to make.
  11. Which one is it?
  12. No need to use words like "whine", if you want to have an intelligent discussion. The goal is noble an all but the HOW is more important than having good intentions. "Hell is paved with good intentions". Without a clear picture of where the money will go, Carbon Tax definitely looks like a cash grab and lots of people have no doubt that money will be misused. That's why Trudeau is criticized, no need to scream "DENIERS!" and post tons of graphs. As for the Paris Agreement, I have no doubt that thing was dead even before it's been born. "Name and encourage", lol. Tax is never a solution, tax is supposed to be the means to implement a solution. The problem is that Trudeau secured the funds but has no solution. At least so far.
  13. The question really is not whether ppm is rising. The global question is what humanity should or can do it about it. Or more specifically to this discussion, how the hell Trudeau's carbon tax is going to affect that rise. (Answer: it will have zero impact on warming or CO2 levels, the only thing it's going to impact is our pockets).
  14. Yeah, looks like only the store in Kitchener has them, to much driving for me.
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