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Everything posted by michaelkovacs

  1. well done! nice video. always pays to be prepared!
  2. Great job man! I remember as a kid, my my father and uncles all made their own Spooks, which they still have to this day! awesome!
  3. Hi all.... I'm headed up to my wife's family's cottage near Bancroft on a SMALL lake called Cannon Lake (near the town of Maynooth). The lake is maybe 1.5km long, and 800m wide, but that's just a guess. The lake used to be used to transport logs in the area by floating them down the small river that feeds the lake. Now, the lake has a TON of sunken logs, which has created a very dark, clouded look to the water. I've always done well fishing bass in that lake around the weed beds, even pulling in some decent 2pounders. I always seem to catch small pike as well (a lot in the 23-28" range). My best success is with a med. spinnerbait with worm trailer. My question to you is, if I want to give the centre of the lake, where there is a channel that runs from one end of the lake the next, and is approx. 20' deep, what would you suggest I use, given how unclear the water is? Perhaps jig with some brighter jigheads? Troll with small metalic=coloured spoons? Thanks!!! Mike
  4. I thought mullets were only found in the Peterborough area, and isolated parts of Hamilton??? hahahahahaah... jk, born and raised in the hammer.
  5. That's like eating Blinky, the three eyed-fish from The Simpsons!
  6. will someone please think of the children!!!!!?????? jk, what a GIGANTIC fish!
  7. well done!!! how'd you cook it up??? mmmm, love pickerel!
  8. Think I'd have much trouble storing a 12' in my 1 1/2 car garage? I do have a car in it already, maybe I could lean up against a wall???
  9. well done! I love the topwater stuff...
  10. maybe that's what I'd doing wrong... I should pick up the transformers kids rod I saw the other day!!!
  11. idiots!!!
  12. very jealous!!! I've only caught a couple 'skis out of stony, but they were not of much size...
  13. good suggestion about the swimming noodles! I'm sure he would let me take it for a weekend to try it all out....great suggestions!
  16. great ideas... much appreciated. My uncle has a 12' aluminum and 9.9 that I know he doesn't use. maybe he'd part with that. Not sure why I didn't think of that before. And you all think hauling a tent-trailer with boat on top is okay with my car ? I have an 07 Pontiac Torrent (SUV for those that don't know). Cheers!
  17. Well done!!! I was thinking of picking up a canoe to go on the back of my tent trailer when I head up to Algonquin, but wasn't sure I could keep the thing steady while fishing. Maybe a kayak is a good way to go... congrats!
  18. With somewhat limited funds (under $1500), which would you chose? 1. a zodiac, 10-12' with 6-8hp motor 2. a decent 14' canoe 3. Neither... upgrade your rod and reel, and your tackle! Some details... I am 30, with a wife and 5 month old, so I'm not going to spend a fortune and don't have the time to put into a big boat with 'riggers, finders, 1000 spoons, etc. to troll all day for salmon (though man, I'd love to!). I live in Grimsby, so I have access to smaller bodies of water in the Niagara area (and obvisously Ontario and Erie). I almost exclusively go after pike and bass (love topwater fishing), and occassionally walleye. My wife and I are buying a tent trailer because we both like camping, so most of my fishing will continue to be on smaller bodies of water north of Toronto, and whatever I get will have to fit on the top of the trailer. Finally, unfortunately, I only have a small garage! Thanks for the input!!! Mike
  19. had great luck on rice 2 weeks ago... but Rice is exceptionally weedy this year (yes, it is always weedy, but this weather has made it moreso!).
  20. Was at Rice Lake, the Roseneath area, a little over a week ago. My cousin and I caught about 40 bass in the week, all with the same lure... a blue XRap rapala. medium retrieve, in 3-5' water, fishing shorelines. Almost all caught in evening, after 7pm. Let me know if you want more details. we did try other lures, but this lure has worked like magic for 3 straight years. Good luck! Mike
  21. beautiful fish!!!! .... salivating!
  22. thanks for all the suggestions!! I'm looking into a few of them! YES, I know that using an rv is not really camping!!! lol cheers!
  23. Thanks for the feedback thus far! I really appreciate it! Does longpoint have a marina right there? I've not been. And not sure how my little 14' would hold up to a big lake...???
  24. forgot to mention Valens and Christie's conservation areas are close too...and Port Dalhousie
  25. Hey guys, gals... I'll try to make this as brief as I can... Being only 30 with a young family, with the wife on maternity leave, yada yada, I really don't have the coin to go out and buy a cottage...just way too expensive. that said, we are interested in buying an RV in a permanent spot in a park on a lake within 3 hours of our house in Grimsby (near Hamilton). That gives us a radius that includes the Muskokas, L.Simcoe, L and U Buckhorn, Stony, Rice, and Scugog. We are both teachers so with summers off we would get a lot of use out of it. Is there anyone out there that can offer suggestions for us? We have never owned an RV in a trailer park, and there are just so many parks out there to chose from. Surely we can't drive all over ontario looking for just the right park! Keep in mind we have a five month old (so must at least be somewhat child friendly) and we have a dog - well behaved, but not all parks allow pets. Finally, I have a small fishing boat, so I would need dockspace. If you can offer any input, I would be most appreciative. cheers, mike
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