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Everything posted by michaelkovacs

  1. Sorry, can't help you with your question. BUT, I used to fish Sturgeon quite a bit, and I'll give you one good spot. Find Sturgeon Point (opposite longbeach) and fish about 100 yards off the point bouncing jigs off the bottom. We found that area to be very VERY reliable. You will definitely see locals there in the evenings. Best, Mike
  2. well done... Lately I'd settle for half that size!
  3. Hey guys, gals. It's been a while since my last post. My wife and I had our first son not so long ago, and fishing has had to be on the backburner. Now that the little future fisherman is doing well, and giving us enough sleep at night, I am ready to get back into some fish! My cousin and I are going in the morning...after some smallies. I am from Grimsby, so I do have several options including the Grand (either out of Caledonia, Cayuga, or Dunnville (hmm...some pickerel sounds nice now that I think about it!). I suppose Bayfront Park in Hamilton off of Pier 4 would be okay too, and there is also Fifty Point only a few minutes from my house. SO many choices! My experience is really only in Stony, Sturgeon and Rice Lakes, so the above places are really new to me. I'm not looking for handouts here, just some direction. Which of the above would you be most apt to try? We're going pretty early in the morning (5:30ish). We do keep a small fishing boat, but it is out of commission. Thanks guys, I really appreciate any help you can give! cheers, Mike
  4. would love to know where to find this! thanks a ton!
  5. Hi there... I'm taking the family to a cottage near Roseneath on Rice Lake. Anyone fish that area? If so, might I hit you up for some pointers? Not looking for your well-kept secrets, just some advice that might help me locate some fish in the few days I'm there. By the way, I fish pike and bass, but wouldn't mind a nice pic. in my pan! Cheers, Mike
  6. there was one I was looking to made by Intex. Search for intex inflatables and they make a line specially for fishing. they are very sturdy...a friend has one...and you cn put a motor, elec. or gas, on the back. They are a few hundred bucks, but are pretty good quality. I think one model is called Intex Seaquest II or something like that. you can get em on ebay as well. hit me back if you need furter info on them. they are perfectly fine on smaller lakes, rivers and streams. Obviously you wanna avoid niagara river and the great lakes, and stay closer to shore for other bigger lakes as well. If you get a leak (which isnt' too likely because of hte thickness of this material used) it has backup chambers that will prevent the entire thing from going down. Anyway, good luck! PS..t.here is someone in Niagara selling a brand new one, with 1.5 HP gas motor for $350...search st. catharines kijiji classifieds and you'll find it. cheers
  7. I know it's illegal to use as bait in ontario as well... doesn't stop some people though!
  8. I personally think disposing of them is the right thing, but needs to be done properly. I like what the one post above said... a quick whack on the head, then into a bag. It looks horrible to see someone doing needless things to these fish. They are an invasive species, which should be killed, but no need for cruelty...do it fast then dispose of them...not leave them on the shore.
  9. well done! snap a quick pic and back in the water.
  10. awesome pics! well done. lookin forward to seein what you pull out this summer. cheers!
  11. So, what's your policy? I don't often go panfishing, but when I'm getting skunked all day, anything will do! I was fishing off of Lake O. in a little inlet, and caught a few gobies off of my nightcrawler rig (was fishing for perch). When I didn't throw them back, another guy (that had his son with him) looked at me like I was some cold-blooded freak for not putting them back. On the opposite end, I was perch fishing and one guy came beside me, took 5 minutes and caught about 12 gobies. Then he cut them up, alive mind you, into chunks which he proceeded to use for the perch fishing. Just curious what everyone else does. cheers, MK
  12. I never used to like fishign alone either, but now i found a spot that I enjoy becasue of the scenery and the quality fishing. Anyway, welcome!
  13. ditto above!
  14. gotta love the 'pool!
  15. Emery was awesome
  16. fished port a bunch of times this winter and early spring for the bows but was pretty much empty-handed. oh well.... thanks all.
  17. that's too bad.. i'll definitely drop by over hte next while.
  18. Hey all.. Did the Fifty Point Trout Derby today. I had NO luck from 7-11am. So, I left and went to the "lake ontario" side of the conservation area and fished an inlet to the marina. 4 casts in, on a perch coloured spoon, I hooked a nice brown trout! It was not my first time fishing that spot, but I've only ever fished there for smallies. First time going after the big ones... Anyway, started off bad, but with a little patience I landed my biggest ever brown trout. Unfortunately I didnt bring my camera cause I was only expecting bows for the day. Cheers all! Mike
  19. My old man used to fish muskie a lot, but he liked hte topwater stuff... he made his own zara spook ripoffs. He did very well with them, but his first few attempts were hilarious! well done.
  20. just wondering if anyone is hitting the 50 Derby tomorrow???
  21. Shore only. I haven't the room for a boat right now. My garage is filled with a 98 cavalier. Oh yeah, I'm living the sweet life. Hey, anyone in the market for a used car? hahaha... Forgot to mention Port Dalhousie too...not too bad for the trout, but not much luck this winter.
  22. Hey all. Just introducing myself (apparently I better do that before posting! :0) Anyway, been fishign for a few years, mostly bass, pike and some panfishing when my freezer has some room! I'm in the Niagara area, so most of my fishing is done at the Grand R., Niagara R., Fifty Point (rainbows...mmm), and some local conservation areas. Thinking of joining a local bassmasters chapter...either Niagara, St. Catharines or Dunnville. We'll see. Anyway, happy fishing all! Mike
  23. Wow, interesting thread indeed. I have only a couple posts on this board, but I'll offer my thoughts, which may not even be 2cents worth! My father is a very experienced bass fisherman. He moved to a new area and didn't know any of the bodies of water. He is computer illiterate, but ended up finding a different website from this one, and posted his first post, which actually asked something similar to what this guy was asking that started this thread. And similarly, he recieved a very negative response. In his opinion he was coming to a board to chat it up with local people, and was really not asking for "secret spots", just a few places he might try. He felt so interrogated that he NEVER went back to that website again. The thing is, he could've probably outfished all of them. His mistake, he didn't know board etiquette, and being older wasn't aware that there were any defined rules for posting...internet is new to him (yes there are still a few who aren't up with tech.). I must say I was a little surprised that some people jumped on this guy the way they did. if you don't like that he didn't post with etiquette, then you can mention that in a pm, no? Certainly slamming someone is not an effective teaching tool. Why post on a public board and make someone feel like an ass? Anyway, happy fishing!
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