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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. I didn't know that. Like I need an excuse to buy more tackle. Also learned that there is a difference between "Made in Canada" and "Product of Canada".
  2. Tough luck Simon. Not sure my video would SFW if that happened to me.
  3. Mad money this year is for new batteries for the boat. I'm sold on lithiums for the trolling motor and from the other thread know what I need for my setup. However the information on what I should use for a dedicated battery for the fish finder seems to be a bit more murky. I've got a Garmin ECHOmap CHIRP 95sv. It has down and side imaging. I do fish full days so I want 8-10 hours of use but don't think I need multiple days as I can recharge overnight. I want as much battery as I need but don't think a 12v 100ah is necessary for my finder so the question is: Is 30ah enough or just go 50?
  4. That’s what I figured as it appears that the same prop is maybe 250-350 or so.
  5. So it finally happened. Clipped a shoal and wrecked a prop. The spare is on and everything seems to be fine. The question is, since I’ve been fortunate enough to never needed it before, is this a prop that can be repaired or just replace it? It’s off of a 50hp 4 stroke if that makes a difference. And swapping props on the water is far more difficult than when you’re in your garage but everyone else already knew that.
  6. 'cause there isn't enough cups in the water already.... and that's not Tim's fault.
  7. I'm not sure about that. I think I need to start a GoFoundMeFishing to raise money to see if that is just a one-off or not.
  8. Looking to go up in the fall for some grouse hunting and maybe some fishing. Has anyone been there?
  9. Had a chance to fish Nipissing with my son and my brother last weekend. This would have been the traditional opener 8-9 years ago so other than a few wary fish we figured we’d find lots of fish. Just about all were caught on topwater lures including my brother’s pike. Had a number of double headers and one legit triple all with different styles of topwater lures.
  10. 2025 will be the last year for production. Earlier today, Yamaha Motor Co., the parent company of Yamaha Motor Canada LTD., released the notice below concerning the future direction of Yamaha’s Snowmobile Division. Bottom Line? We’re here for another 2 riding seasons in Canada, and the 2024s are already in production. We will support you with parts, warranty and service for years after should you decide to buy a Yamaha snowmobile for the 2024 and 2025 model years. We would like to thank our loyal customers for their passion towards snowmobile over the years and will celebrate the storied history of Yamaha snowmobiles together! If you have further questions about this announcement, a list of FAQs can be found here: https://www.yamaha-motor.ca/en/snowmobile-faq?fbclid=IwAR1X1dzN8um2JNcauv5mMAKE6STGXJqpsact6WRwX5NJekxm9CreSFaLNVU
  11. Not really. The water wasn't moving the way it should briefly on the weekend but with a little tinkering it was back to racehorse levels. But I figured the motor should get a once over by someone who knows what they're doing after 10 years of just me.
  12. Heading for an index of 10 today. Normally: Bass are hitting on top still.
  13. I’m looking for recos for Johnson outboard service in the Barrie area. What do you have?
  14. I may just have to swing by and hackle, I mean heckle, I mean encourage you.
  15. It's a Mini Kota with 40lb of thrust.
  16. There's nothing it to indicate what size it is. I can find lots up to 50 amps. I might just clean this one up for now and keep looking.
  17. Figured it is a fuse. Now I'm wondering what amps a replacement should be.
  18. Checking my trolling motor battery today and noticed some corrosion that I wanted to clean up. What I’m wondering is what is this little black box that is on the connection?
  19. Maybe more money for lures.
  20. I filled my boat tank this week and I still used Shell premium, but now that it "may contain" ethanol and that was really the only reason I used it, I'm going to check my motor manual and see if can use lower test and just use additives to help with the ethanol. I never really used enough fuel in a season to worry about the added cost of premium but if I can keep a few bucks in my pocket why not.
  21. I'm ok with them being recognized in their own category but not against natural fish.
  22. Well that's disappointing. I've only used Shell premium for my boat and mower. What additives do you guys use for your boats and lawnmowers? I use STP fuel stabilizer and marine stabilizer even with the high test fuel.
  23. If/when I need to redo the light I'll be using LEDs as well.
  24. Since I filled my turkey tag yesterday, today was my day to pull the boat out and give it the once over. New air in the tires, check. Motor turned over just like always, check. No signs of critters. Hookup the batteries to top-up the charge. Bit of tidying up and check the trailer lights and the one side won't light (Insert Grinch joke here). Looks like it is just the bulbs so off to CT to get new ones. Fourteen bucks later and we're road legal again. This now brings the total money I've spent on replacing broken items on this used boat I bought from a member here 10 years ago to..... $27. But if we figure I bought 2 pairs of bulbs when I only needed one, we can round down to $20. The trailer winch strap busted (in may driveway) about 5-6 years ago. Nothing on this boat has given me a moment's grief and while I'd love to upsize a bit I don't think I could give this one up. Tight lines... after we get my brother a turkey.
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