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Everything posted by brifishrgy

  1. hope your boss doesnt read this
  3. Nice fish Shaun ...glad the beer didnt hurt as much this trip .... im hoping to get out 1 more time this year
  4. searched some info ... police still havent found the missing man http://www.dunnvillechronicle.com/webapp/s...ssif=News+Alert
  5. sad news for any hockey fan
  6. A friend of mine from work told me he had herd someone fell in at the dam ... fire rescue and opp at the dam and copter flying over river on sunday ... anybody hear anything?
  7. you didn't think it was so bad when you were enjoying some wobbly pops though ... glad we share the same views on a certain fishing show host
  8. wait for you to test the ice and follow your tracks
  9. sounds like a good idea... the way the weather is going might have to wait till February
  10. i find tying my own works a lot better ... keep the hooks closer to the mainline for sensitive biting fish
  11. If I was fishing I would hit Quinte (trophy walleye) ... but thats just my opinion .. check out some other boards if you dont get any info here http://forums.quintefishing.com/phpBB2/ http://www.lakesimcoemessageboard.com/
  12. check canadian tire loan a tool program
  13. I was off shor from the launch at tiffin st ... the water was clearer there yesterday then at the marina
  14. Had to go to BPS for some santa shopping so I headed to Barrie first ... was windy cold and rainy but the perch were hungry .. alot of dinks but still had enough decent ones for a meal ... with this cold weather comming up im gonna have to get the hut out and ready for the hard stuff
  15. can go to Trenton , Bellville, Desoronto or Picton and have a chance at shore fish .. best time seems to be evening but can also get them during the day
  16. nope ... i can see it
  17. correct me if im wrong but with a size restriction dont you have to keep the fish whole so it can be measured by MNR?
  18. Headed down Thurs morning for some shore fishing ... managed 2 fish one 5.5 lbs and one 7 ... Friday morning the rest of the boys made it out ... Friday didnt get any fish in our boat but the other boat that was with us got a 11 lbr ... Sat was a better day ... got my personal best 9.9 lbr and my buddy got a 8.3 lbr ... was a beauty weekend to be on the water ... couldnt beat the weather for this late into November Robs 8.3 My 9.9
  19. be sure ya didnt go over your limit .. the mnr even limits the amount of minnows you can catch ... gotta keep the bait dealers happy
  20. check the hookups section if ya have an extra spot on the boat for Thurs
  21. thanks Rick
  22. Headed out to Lake St.Claire a few weeks back and havent posted about it yet .. went down with my son and a few friends ... didnt get alot of action but my friend Rob managed a 48" muskie ... she was beat up pretty bad .. a little lampray was on her when landed (not on her when realeased ) ... brought some walley filets for super and I am looking forward to BOQ next weekend any ideas on how to make pics bigger?
  23. i think someone is getting bord .... got the new site all set up and nothing to do Rick?
  24. whatever you guys choose to add is fine with me ....your doin a great job ... anyone who left the old site is gonna be kicken themselves for missin this
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