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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. The issue? Everyday is the biggest day of the year in respects to our resources or am I mistaken? If the dough stayed where it belongs you could do so much more all around. No?


    Chime on in. I'd welcome a CO to do just that. In fact any politician who would like to debate the relative merits of exactly where our money has gone.....hell, even the so called Minister of Natural Resources itself can join in. Lets have them!!!


    Pick on the real culprits as I have chosen to do. That is of course if you can find the stones. I'm done with this thread.



    man, you're acting like a child, grow up. I made this thread because i was glad to see them out for a change, not to turn this into some politcal sh!t show like you have done

  2. I understand your thinking Brian but with almost $300 Billion in debt and counting what makes you think there is any money to feed the MNR and all it entails? MNR=General Revenue and its been that way for a very long time.


    The guys and gals out in the field do great work and have a daunting task but if you pick their brain a bit you might just be able to get the real facts. The directive has been passed down. "Get out there and ticket every infraction possible cause we have election promises to fulfill". All with our own money.


    Instead of posting links of articles or news flashes of people getting busted and how great a job their doing(You're doing their work for them by advertising, They're using you guys) why don't you guys post some backbone and let them know you see right through their charade. As destructive as indian protests can be we common folk could sure learn a thing or two from their understanding of "US against them".


    I think my glass of whine has sprung a leak and its a lil more than half empty now.



    and again, who cares what the reasoning is behind it, the fact that they ARE out and enforcing the regs is more than enough for me, I have seen ONE CO, ONE in nearly 20years of fishing

  3. Go check out your local Canadian Tire. You can pick up a new 12 or 20 gauge for under $400.



    could be a local thing, they don't list firearms on their site at all, probably better off going to a small outdoors store where you might be able to barter a hundred bucks off the price. a smaller shop is also more likely to have a firearm on consignment for a good price

  4. Backstrom was reportedly pulled from gold medal game after testing positive for banned substance..What is he stupid? I hope this is not true



    for a minor thing found in an allergy medication prescribed by his team doctors in the nhl







    also, in reading back over all the posts, i find it funny how some people doubted the team in the beginning but turned tail when the trams true colours started to appear. A team does not form over night, it takes time for the team to come together and trust one another. Team Cananda showed us just well a team grows. They got stronger and stronger as the tournament progressed. This team was unbeatable. Lativa had an incredibly hot goaltender who played his heart out and made his NHL franchise proud ( hes currently in the AHL)


    The US was a great team as well, they just got out played. The had the most goals scored, think it was 20 goals on 100 shots going into the semi, Canada had 13 on 150 shots i think, half coming from the canons on the back end.


    In the end, it doesn't matter who leads the scoring, all the matters is that everyone does their job, if the forwards aren't scoring but are clogging up the middle enabling the D'men to get off the big one timers, then they are doing their jobs. This Team Canada was the best team ever assembled and it showed big time. Mr Babcock did a great job, great coach, calm, cool, collected, his relaxed nature reflected across the entire team and they were able to stay loose and play great hockey.



  5. nice work on your first one, i like the handle design. your work will only get better with practice





    very nice well done. Don't be afraid to alter the tang of the blade the ability to shape the handle to fit your hand makes the knife worth its weight in gold. I add finger reliefs and thumb indents to make it feel like an extension of your hand.






    i disagree with the indents and finger slots, they work if you use the exact same grip all the time, they get annoying if you have to change your grip, from personal experience, the more you use the knife, the more accustomed you are to the feel on the handle

  6. i live in whitby it has some ok shore fishing, however, durham region in general has some great shore fishing opprotunities, im not going to give away specific locations, but if you have a look at google maps, and follow the shore line of lake ontario, these opprotunities should stand out

  7. what it comes down to with the 4 ways is people turn their heads to look at the lights, your natural instinct is to go where you're looking ( try walking a straight line while looking to the left or right) so if you're looking at the blinking lights at the side of the road, you're going to go to the lights, like andrew lovehusband says, look where you want to go

  8. I was always taught that in farming their are 3 types of animal; a]Vermin, b]work animals, and c]livestock.

    If group b fails to earn its place it joins group a or c



    lol we have a customer that names their cows before sending them to market

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