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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. Wormdunker, pi R squared. Grade 4 math. I used to know the exact formula to guestimate the weight of steel rod and bar.


    edit: Ooops I missed Floatnfly's post. That would be it.


    forgot height :)


    then you just have to remember BEDMAS rules for multiplying it out (Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction)

  2. As soon as Windows 7 came out I was in the market for a new PC. A few weeks after W8 came out I couldn't find anything with Windows 7. I also was told by a guy on a techie talk show 85% of Apple systems are shared with all the others in both hardware and soft wear. True or false?


    The other question for all you techies out there is whatever happened to Windows 9?


    XP is the best MS system I have ever used.


    heres the answer direct from Microsoft: Windows 10 because 7 8 9. no joke



  3. Ok Mr. Ironmaker - How due I calculate the volume of a round piece of steel? Will I need to remove my shoes & sox!! LOL!


    how do you find the volume of a cylinder, its 5th grade math come back to haunt you!


  4. Correct as Intel and AMD ONLY do the CORE (heart of the pc) and there are many other low budget other parts that can be used. Hence Tier 1 (Dell, HP, Lenovo) and Tier 2 and lower... You Do get what you pay for...


    i've got a custom built tower PC that i put together myself, the initial output of components at that time was surprising, as it was my first build, 5 years later, still going strong, only thing i've done is add a sound card, and considering switching to an SSD for faster load times

  5. Going to let you all in on a secret!


    There are only 2 manufacturers of PC parts in the world; Intel and AMD.


    Dell, Lenovo, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Sony, HP, etc etc etc all use the exact same parts to build their laptops. The only difference between one and the other is the enclosure and peripherals.


    In terms of performance there will be no difference when comparing two brands, provided the guts are the same.


    That said, get a laptop with a solid state drive. This alone makes a laptop amazing.


    if you're talking processors, then yes, you are correct, however, video cards, sound cards, motherboards, RAM, harddrives, all have numerous brands


    different computer builders will use cheaper components to keep the end cost down. for instance, components made by gigabite are a lot cheaper than components made by say NVidia, or Corsair.


    for example, NVidias top of the line video card, is running around $1500 just for the card, you still need the rest of the guts to make it work

  6. Ofah is heavily involved in the Atlantic program. They will have some say, believe me. Of course mnr has to be present as well. But you can guarantee they will slow fall migrating coho Chinook Browns and steelhead to capture and process returning Atlantics. They don't just run in the summer months. Numbers of Atlantics that returned to the credit showed up in September. Good luck.



    Chessy is one of the main people that run the ladder, he loves that river more than anyone


    I'd trust when he says the Old Farts And Hypocrits (OFAH) will not run the ladder

  7. Not sure why people think this guy shouldn't be there.....I mean really cracking an NHL lineup is very hard to do. He's in the NHL because he has(had) a skill that most players don't have or display.


    The All star game has always been a Joke! Have you ever seen one of these "stars" go out and put in an effort? It's just a parade to make the nhl some money!


    Long Live the Goons!! Good luck John Scott and have fun!!


    hes in the NHL because he's 6'8 and can throw a punch on skates, in 8 seasons he has 5 goals 6 assists, there is no skill there

  8. I have had very positive results dealing with Sage in the past as well.

    Had my favorite little 4wt that was probably that old blow up on me.

    Sent it in and they pulled out the old arbors and wrapped me a new blank and then built the rod.

    Love the action of that rod and there is no new equivalent. :)



    a friend of mine broke his 2wt sage, had to wait 6 weeks for the repair......he was not happy

  9. Brian, you're a victim of your own environment. Aurora district is a mess. Go north to see what other mnr districts do to preserve and maintain their fisheries. They would laugh at what goes on down here. The main focus has been lost.


    And it costs nothing to let fish swim and reproduce. They are doing it the very hard and difficult way. It's a joke.



    you're trying to compare 2 completely different river systems, that both have different dynamics in fish reproduction, on the Ganny, the fish can freely pass through a majority of the main river, with only having to pass through a fish ladder. the credit has major barriers that prevent fish from reaching prime spawning grounds on their own.

  10. Atlantic are a heritage species. They run the rivers spawn and return to the lake till next year. Think it's up to 3 spawns.


    Chinnooks return ounce and die.


    Atlantics are as dumb as a post. They will hit any thing flashy and bright. That's why flash on your fly's is illegal. And that's why fly fishing only.


    Again I ask name the river and explain the project and supply the proof that tree plant reduce river temps or reduced silt.



    WTH are you talking about? if i want to make a fly out nothing but a hook, tinsel and crystal flash, there is nothing stopping me

  11. If you have it and wanna spend it, MAC all the way, I had one and Windows 7 ran on a partition better than on any PC I've ever seen :)

    Otherwise, I back the guys that said to stay away from Win 8 or 10, they're crap, so far Win 7 best ever that came out of Microsoft :tease:


    depends on what version of windows you have/had, the version i had did not support dvd playback, i had to search for a 3rd party player to watch any dvds on my laptop

  12. This is a smoke and mirrors kind of thing, in order to get funding for a river, it needs to be part of the Atlantic salmon program, so in essence, by the MNR including the Ganny in the program, they are opening the door to funding for, new fish counter, better monitoring and enforcement, cameras and whatnot. theres a pretty good discussion going on facebook in the Ganaraska River Wild Steelhead Association group

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