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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. well, considering i've never used photoshop and i've only been using this program for a couple of hours now. using the program is fairly simple, learning the details of getting professional grade editing is hard. just play with the filters and sliders until you find something you like. theres no cut and pasting photos together, you have a picture you play with the colours and light balances to get something you like

  2. For all you photo fanatics, Google has now made their Nik Editing software FREE for everyone, originally released by Nik for $500, went down to $150 when Google bought it, and now its free! This software will take some time to learn as its listed as a professional grade editor.




    was just playing around with it, pretty cool, heres one of the pics.






    Edited Version with Nik.



  3. the tool left his kid in the back seat while he went into the flea market.........




    A three-month-old baby in the back seat of a stolen car was found safe and sound Sunday night, about four hours after the theft.

    Police received a tip from a member of the public about an infant in a car spotted in a parking lot in the city’s northwest, said Toronto Police Const. Craig Brister.

    “They had seen a vehicle with a baby in the back seat and were concerned about the well-being of the child.”

    The infant was unharmed and was being reunited with his family.

    They had seen a vehicle with a baby in the back seat

    The discovery followed a frantic search that led to an Amber Alert being issued and had a number of police forces responsible for the suburbs around Toronto, as well as the Ontario Provincial Police, on the lookout for the stolen vehicle.

    The car was taken from a flea-market parking lot in Toronto’s west end Sunday afternoon, police said.

    “A father (who) had been at the flea market had got out of his vehicle to go inside the flea market for whatever reason and had left his three-month-old infant in the back seat,” Brister said.

    As the father came out of the market, his car was driving away. He gave chase on foot but couldn’t get to the driver.

    As of Sunday night the police were still looking for a suspect, described as having blond hair and being in his 40s.

    The response we had on social media was massive

    Police were not ruling any motives for the theft in or out. Investigators were trying to determine whether the suspect even knew there was a baby in the back seat or whether he may have known the owner of the stolen car.

    Police gave the search maximum publicity, with not only Toronto police but neighbouring forces flooding social media with descriptions of the car and the baby.

    It was not immediately clear if the person who tipped police had seen the flood of publicity, but public concern about the child’s well-being was overwhelming said Brister, who was handling the social media portion of the police effort.

    “The response we had on social media was massive,” Brister said. “The number of people that were asking questions, I couldn’t keep up.”

  4. An amber alert has been issued after a vehicle was stolen Sunday afternoon in north Etobicoke with a 3-month-old baby in the backseat.

    The grey, four-door 1997 Toyota Camry with license plate BWRC 161 (replica pictured) was reported stolen at 3:41 p.m. Sunday at Albion Road and Highway 27 from Dr. Flea’s Flea Market. The vehicle was reported stolen by the child’s parents.

    The child is described as a 3-month-old, white boy with short dark hair.

    The suspect is a white man, in his early 40s (not in his early to mid-20s as initially reported), short blond hair, 5’11, medium build.

    The vehicle was last seen headed northbound on Highway 27 at Albion Road.

    Anyone who sees the vehicle is asked to call 416-808-2300 or 911 immediately.

  5. you won't need to worry about light lines when using kwikfish, body baits and spinners, with those types of lures, you're targeting the aggressive fish, and they will hit a lure on a telephone pole, you;re not using roe or flies and trying to be stealthy. get yourself a nice 7 or 8 footer, and have at er.

  6. I would be mighty pissed if that was my boat on the crane!


    about 4 years ago my dad lost his boat in a car accident, a 19ft searay, he was towing it to the cottage, another car ran a stop sign cause they were on their cell phone, and collided into the side of his boat at 80km/h my dad lost it on the guy.

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