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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. we'll see how much all the hard core blue jays fans support the team when they are crap again....


    man I was tired of all the verbal diarrhea spewed from jays fans when they were running through the playoffs.....


    "jays fans are the best, blah, blah, blah...leafs fan suck, blah, blah, blah".....


    we'll see an empty stadium again this year, I'm sure of it.


    19,800 seats at the ACC vs 54000 at the Rogers Centre, therefore a crowd of 20,000-25,000 at the Rogers Centre makes the building look empty

  2. It was a 'story' in the Sun----any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental!! :wacko: . No sense trying determine right vs. wrong, good judgement vs. bad based on a Sun report.


    Barrie Examiner






    not just a story in the 'Sun' police know that after the first sled went through, the operator of the second sled got off to help and went through and died. the last guy remaining did the right thing, tried to help his friends.


    This is clearly an emergency situation, and I will expect all charges will dropped. did they test the other? or just the driver with a dead friend and 2 frozen ones on the back of a single sled?

  3. It can happen to anyone of us. Very tragic. Seems they have found the male friend. Same fate as the female. :(



    they haven't found the other body yet, search resumes in the morning


    U of Guelph students, son a well known Doctor.


    seems they were trying to cross a frozen section.

  4. When you're making promises you know you can't keep just to get a job you tend to forget about a lot of details...like even simple addition.


    But hey, the people that voted for him are pretty forgiving...he is such a nice guy after all...and he really meant well.


    you forgot about his nice hair lol

  5. That's horrible, tragic and baffling. I can't imagine how one let alone two kayakers could die in the Credit River. Regardless of time of year.


    warm weekend coupled with faster than normal current due to run off, plus any ice that remained that water was flowing over. not to mention the temperature of the water to begin with, especially if they weren't dressed for it

  6. And now the Conservatives are saying it's taking too long to become legalized. I don't think anyone knows what their priorities are. Including myself. I should get back to work... I need to be a dutiful taxpayer, afterall

    international treaties are holding it back, guess JT forgot about those


    Sept 3rd, 2015 was before the election. I referring to his priorities after the election.


    Before the election he was going to bring in 25,000 refugees by Dec 31, limit annual deficits to $10 billion, and run a balanced budget in his fourth year. After the election he reduced the refugee target to 10,000 by Dec 31st and 25,000 by March 1st; he missed the former and is expected to miss latter. Annual deficits are expected to be well over $10 billion and he is not expected to balace the books by 2019 afterall. And remember how the tax reduction for the middle class and the tax increase for the rich were going to be revenue neutral? That changed after the election too. And we may still end up getting the F35s as well.


    What he said he would do before the election and what he will do after are not the same.


    He put the legalization into motion immediately after being elected, only reason it hasn't been is because it breaks a few international treaties

  8. We have the ability to prevent a single persons post from being viewed by the board until we read and release it we call it Mod Q. We use it infrequently usually a P.M. is all it takes. We can also go as far as locking out a person from there account or banning them as they say. Usually by the time one person needs a warning the thread has divided into groups and is no longer salvageable.






    for the most part this thread has been pretty good, it may have gone off track from the OP, but it happens. been a good debate.


    Actually, I think that legalizing marijuana is pretty low priority for him. Low enough that I am not convinced that it will even happen in this mandate.



    it was high enough priority that he used it, along with tax breaks for the middle class to get him elected in the first place. and one of very first actions after being sworn in, was putting that in motion over more important issues. so yes, it was high on his priority list. this article is from Sept 3rd 2015 where he stated he take action to legalize it "right away" http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/trudeau-promises-to-legalize-marijuana-not-sell-it-in-depanneurs-1.2546046

  10. Police enforce the law as written. They are not there to interpret or pass judgement. That is the jurisdiction of the Crown and the courts. There have been similar occurences in the past. Man bleeding to death with his leg ripped wide open after a freak accident at a party. Drunken friend rushed him to the hospital. Got charged with impaired at the Emerg. Charges were quickly dismissed by the Crown.


    Last thing we need is for police to become judge, prosecutor, and jury.



    yes that is their job, however, they are allowed to distribute tickets and charges at their own discretion, otherwise people would never get away with a warning for a speeding ticket.

  11. As far as I know, you can't fish the rivers when they are spawning anyways. The season isn't open yet, and there are sanctuaries.


    I do agree there room for trouble if you keep a fish from the river and are later checked by a CO.


    If it were me, I would take a picture when I catch it (with the river in the background and EXIF GPS data enabled), just to be safe.



    was going to say this as well, say you fish the river early morning for walleye, then move to lake for bass, and get checked in the lake?

  12. I just asked my 12 year old Son, who goes to a public school in York Region, about this. He said they have Halloween, and call it that. They wish each other Merry Christmas and have a class Christmas Party. Images of Santa are not banned.


    His class is 50% or more non-white.


    I don't know where you live, so it could well be different where you are.



    maybe individual schools vary. i know my bosses grand daughters go to school in Brooklin, north of Whitby, and they have black and orange day. My g/f centre is in a school in Pickering

  13. It wasn't a jehovas witness that had to step out was it? I don't even know what to say about that. But at least they stepped out and didn't tell everyone else to stop.


    I'd also like to ask, was it someone who complained, or was someone afraid of offending someone at your girlfriend's daycare. Because at my wife's work they were asked to take the Christmas decorations down until people actually complained and it was put back. It wasn't someone being offended, it was the fear of offending someone that caused the issue.


    I believe it was a JW. Going back over 20 years now lol


    Its the policy of the school system, since the daycare centres are located within schools, they aren't allowed any religious figures in the decorations, so no Santa, no nativity scenes, certainly no Virgin Marys. Easter Bunny is still safe for now. But she can't talk to her kids in the daycare about why we have these holidays, its just so screwed up. Even Halloween, they can't call it that anymore, its black and orange day now.

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