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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. Not sure the current health regulations, but my old man couldn't legally do a deer in the shop with beef hanging in the locker.



    still the same, has to be a separate cooler, with different machines/tables/knives that you don't use for beef/pork

  2. Butchers will never take the time to clean a deer up like you can at home. Time is money to them. Not that most don't do a good job but they won't be meticulous trimming like doing it at home.





    if they want a return customer, they will do a good job, around here there really isn't anyone that does it, so for around $170 a deer, at say a max 2 hours, that $85 an hour, that pretty damn good money thats all under the table for a butcher that does it on the side.



    its something im giving serious consideration doing next year, I've been keeping track of the phone calls we get at the store, this week alone we've had 6 calls and 5 people walk in asking where to get it done. I just need the equipment at home to be able to do it, ie: a 2hp grinder, chest freezer, work table, knives, hand saw.

  3. my opinion, these brave people deserve much more than 2 minutes a year to be remembered, should be a national holiday, no businesses open whatsoever. my boss was at a gas station recently, a guy walked in carrying poppies to sell, the attendant, who was clearly of certain background, had no clue what the poppy stood for. my boss lost it on him, saying this 'you come to this country, and you have no clue what that stands for? I will never shop here again'




    As far as our store goes, we refuse service for those 2 minutes, we drop our knives, turn up the radio to hear the service playing, step back and reflect


    the most powerful image you will see



  4. We have a saying at the shop (yes a butcher shop) no fat, no flavour.


    when we used to process deer at the store, and needed to make sausage, because the animal is so lean to begin with, we have to add 40% pork to the mix.



    also a tip, make sure you have a good sharp knife., and a steel when processing your own deer, deer meat is very hard on the knifes edge, and it will dull quickly

  5. Anyone else having issues with replying to comments? I'll start typing out a reply, and if I switch tabs to reference something like in the baseball thread, referencing stats, I'll switch tabs, come back to the OFC tab and my reply box will be empty

  6. I don't think Revere is back.


    Also I disagree with the value of a good GM. He's not on the field but he essentially created this time and gave it an identity.


    If we look at a bad GM in Brian Burke in the leafs, he made a horrendous trade for Kessel that set the team back 5 years minimum. Probably more like 10 (how would we look with Seguin and Hamilton?).


    I can't think of one deal that AA made that made such a negitive impact for the team. That's the big thing. The Dickey, Johnson, Reyas and Buhrle trades weren't great but the team was able to recover. The Donaldson and Tulo trades, AA looks like a wizard doing those.


    GMs are like managers are like bench coaches. I don't believe they can win you games, but they sure can lose you a heck of a lot. Let's hope the new guy doesn't lose the Jays too many important ones.



    You're forgetting about the Halladay trade, Halladay for Kyle Drabek, Micheal Taylor and Travis d'Arnaud, where are these players now?, that right, Drabek faultered and is no longer around, Taylor??????? and we turned d'Arnaud and one of the best pitchers in baseball into a .500 40 y/o pitcher in the form of RA Dickey

  7. There are many in the baseball world who think that there will be very few changes in personnel, many think Lacava will be named GM, he was assistant GM.


    I think the main reason people are so shocked, is because is a change from the status quot, Beeston was there from day 1, and the organization was run the same way since day 1. They needed a new president, and their first choice went to Boston, this was choice number 2


    They didn't just let AA go, they gave him a multi year, multi million dollar deal, but he turned it down, because Shapiro wants a say in trade dealings, which is more common than not.


    Kinda contradicts what Rogers said in their news statement:


    “Alex has done a terrific job as GM of the Blue Jays over the past six seasons, and we would have loved it if he stayed with the club. Like the fans, we too are disappointed he has chosen not to accept our five-year contract offer, but we wish him the very best. Alex leaves behind an outstanding front office team and coaching staff that played a key role in shaping the team’s great run this season. They will continue to operate in leadership roles next year as we look to build upon the team’s success. We remain committed to putting a winning team on the field and look forward to many more exciting seasons for the Blue Jays.”


    So the last sentence, they say that they're "committed to putting a winning team on the field," yet they sign a guy who won exec of the year 8 and 10 years ago, while AA just won it recently. So now we have no GM with the likely chance of Gibby not returning, and also a likely scenario of Price & Estrada not returning either. Yup, Rogers sure knows how to EFF things up!


    right, so after he won his second exec of the year award, he was promoted from GM to president. As for Gibby, Im not a fan of his, he did well with what he had, but even he thought hiring him a second time around wasn't a good idea. but did it anyway. You have to look at this way, this was Beestons last year, hes retiring, done, where were the Jays when they started negotiating to bring in Shapiro, 27-30 in June? 51-50 in July? Rogers had to act to find a replacement in the wake of a possible flunker season. At that point, they had already signed the agreement to bring Shapiro in. They offered AA everything, they gave him a 1yr near the start of the season, then a 2yr in the middle, then a 5yr at the end. But, its the amount of control AA wold have to give up under Shapiro in order to stay, because Shapiro is a baseball guy, always has been, Beeston was a business guy, didn't want much to do with the on field product, left that to the GM, Shapiro is more hands on.


    That is what I get from all this


    If we want to talk about other years of AA, let's not forget Shapiro. During the tenure of AA (2010-2015): 489-483 (0.503%). During the tenure of Shapiro (2010-2015): 475-496 (0.489%). Plus, AA won exec of the year and also Jays first trip to the playoffs in 22 years. And to do it in the most competitive division in the league.


    Get ready for a rough ride...so disappointing!



    Shapiro was exec of the year in 2005 and 2007

  10. the Dykstra story here


    During a recent appearance on Colin Cowherd's show on Fox Sports, former big leaguer Lenny Dykstra admitted to spending "half a million bucks" on private investigators to dig up dirt on umpires during his playing career.

    Dykstra says he then used the information not necessarily to bribe umpires, but to intimidate them into giving him favorable calls. "Fear does a lot to a man," he says. Here's the video:

    "Their blood is just as red as ours. Some of them like women, some of them like men, some of them gamble," said Dykstra. He then imagined a scenario in which he asked the umpire if he "covered the spread last night" after a called strike, then the strike zone shrunk to his advantage.

    "It wasn't a coincidence that I led the league in walks the next few years," he added. Dykstra led the league with 129 walks in 1993 while with the Phillies. His previous career high was 89 walks, though he missed plenty of time with injuries. Dykstra's walk rate did spike from 1993-94:


    (Graph via FanGraphs)

    Dykstra explained he was doing what "I had to do what I had to do to win, and to support my family."

    It's worth noting Dykstra has had all sorts of financial and legal trouble in recent years, so his reputation is not the best at this time. He also told Cowherd he is working on a book, so this story about hiring private investigators to dig up dirt on umpires could be a ruse to help book sales.

    If true though, these are some pretty serious admissions -- and allegations, he is saying umpires bet on baseball -- by Dykstra.

  11. Do you like Mel Gibson........if so watch Conspiracy Theory if you haven't already. I'm sure you will enjoy it.



    One of my favourite movies......why do you think Cueto failed so miserably in his start in Toronto, he was too worried about the sign stealing conspiracy in Toronto, so much so that he was giving signs on the mound



    So are you saying that the Royals were somehow cheating ? ? ? If so where is this "back room".....LOL





    no one will say anything now, but willing to bet 10-15 years down the road, there will light shed on it. kind of like how Lenny Dykstra suddenly became so good......he blackmailed umpires to give him favourable calls. paid a team of private investigators, and spied on the umps behaviours outside of baseball


    with wireless technology the way it is now, could have a camera anywhere zoomed in on the catcher, having it feed to a laptop or tablet, then that person, where ever they are in the stadium, bench, trainers room, clubhouse, owners box, relay the info to the batter via a tiny wireless ear piece

  13. The Royals revealed their flaws. Admit it or not stick a fork in them, Jays are done. Maybe in another 10-15 years they will make it to the top in the east. It wouldn't be long the Yanks and Red Sox will rise again with all the money they spend on players.



    What flaws are you talking about? a depleted bullpen due to the injury to Cecil and Loup having to take care of his family?


    I think its pretty clear by know that the royals have an edge somewhere, they know EXACTLY what pitch is coming. there is no way that a team consistently hits so well against other teams ace pitcher that consistently, Im not just talking the jays, talking Keuchel, McHugh, Price, Stroman, and now deGrom. deGrom especially, a pitcher like that rarely gives up 8 hits in a game, let alone 8 hits in a single inning. you watch the batters, none of them are fooled by anything. its almost as if they have a guy in the back room with a camera talking in their ear.




    As for AA, yes he did great things THIS year, how about other years? not so great. however, when you are named the top executive, and then the incoming guy says you're taking a lesser role next season, thats a kick in the nuts. I think he had his mind made up early, he was offered a 1 year, and then a 2 year. turned them both down. he probably did a lot of research on Shapiro to find out what kind of operation he runs, and then the Shapiro telling him how disappointed he was with AA for trading prospects BEFORE he even takes over as president. thats a little too much Bull

  14. WOW............I just seen a inside the park home run on the first pitch to the Royals in the WORLD SERIES.....and it was a stand up one to boot...........GO Royals..... :)



    cause luck had nothing to do it.....should have been ruled an error, but w/e. ball just happens to hit off cepedes' arm then off his leg in full stride and he kicks it away

  15. The citiot creek invasion in the GTA has been going on forever but more and more people all the time and now with social media and the Internet it's out there a lot now and it just keeps getting worse every year .... Until they change the rules and hire more enforcement it will just grow and keep getting worse !!! Port hope mayor said by next fall the rules there will be different at the ganny at least !!! I'm glad I fished all the tribs on Lake Ontario 30yrs ago from Toronto to Kingston as many years weather it was spring or fall you could walk for miles and maybe see a few anglers and most were good and it was a blast creeks were full of fish and not bear the people that are there now and yes there was snaggers and illegal things then too just not as much



    This ^^^^ I like to avoid places with easy access points, thats where you find the most loogans, the hard to get to places, are where you find a true fisherman. I hate the crowds, but at the same time, its very satisfying as a fly fisherman to hook into multiple fish in front of meat drifters

  16. I think there needs to be a mandatory fish identification program when you get your license. the number of people that don't know what they are catching, is crazy. I remember an incident on another forum where a guy said he caught a bunch of brookies, had them all on a stringer in his picture, turns out they were browns with parr markings

  17. Whats the difference?


    I have "snagged" a few pike walleye and one sturgeon(right in the butt)


    How does one intentionally snag fish?


    Like throw on a crank in a pool of salmon and just reef on them?



    in port hope this year, there was a family, they had a nylon rope with 3 gaffs on it and they pulling it across the river. rivers here are like 20ft wide at most, and relatively shallow, spotting huge fish in there is easy, most times they throw a weighted treble into a pool of fish and rip it across

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