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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. Traegars are top of the line smokers/bbqs, only down side to them is some have to put near an outlet so you can plug it in. high quality materials, excellent cooking. a few of my customers at work have them. only thing better i think would be a green egg

  2. Rick, higher fines ARE the answer, lets face it, $450 isn't really a lot of money these days, i mean, most of us here wold spend that on a decent rod and combo, or even a weekend of fishing, gassing up boats and vehicles and whatnot. make the fine big enough where people will actually think twice about using it, say $5000.


    software could work, but honestly will never happen, same reason why every vehicle on the road doesn't have a ignition interlock in them to test a persons alcohol level before firing up the engine.


    lets be honest, how many people drive home every night that legally impaired, and i mean by the letters in the book. how many are over that alcohol tolerance level

  3. I look out my front window at the largest hot dog factory in the country.. I'd love to tour it but I wouldn't want to be an employee there... seems to be a tough place to work judging by the large turnover rate.


    same could be said for any job in the meat industry, some people just can't handle the smells, or the hours, or just the amount of work involved. not to mention the heavy lifting and just people in general

  4. man, people have obviously not seen how sausages are made in mass numbers. its the same thing just using a finer grind than sausage to give it a smoother texture. when we make sausage at work, the holes in the grinder plate are about the size of a pencil. then there is your standard ground beef size grind, and then there the finer grinds, that make meat come out looking like mush



    Have a couple of lester hotdogs on the bbq as i write this

  5. Nothing beats spending time on the water, fishing. Especially when that time spent is teaching a loved one how to fish! Monday was a day that hopefully sets my daughter up for a future in the outdoors! I asked her if she would like to go fishing with me, she said yes, and hurried off to get ready. We headed off to Gagnons to first get some worms, then up to Heber Downs CA to fish the pond.

    She was at first turned off on the idea that worms were fish food, saying thats disgusting! but after explaining that fish love to eat them, she came around to the idea and was not affraid to at least look at them.

    We had some hits, and some misses. and even something I have never caught before. But it all doesn't matter, because the excitement in her voice was the biggest thrill of all.

    She didn't think too fondly of this catfish, even though every time i go out on my own she asks me to catch a catfish!


    If the catfish wasn't enough to freak her out, this sure did the trick, especially when it let go and landed right in front of us.


    She then found something she could handle!


    And the thrill of all summed up in 14 seconds of pure joy!

    Video Link

  6. Like any sport this is entertainment for the spectators, Rangers gave their fans a great thrill. That's what it's all about.


    if thats what you think makes a game entertaining, go watch WWE or something. no room for that kind of Bull in baseball. what stinky did is no less than aggravated assault! same with dyson who sucker punched the blue jays bullpen catcher as the pens were clearing.


    and the balls of odor to say that he respects bautista cause he plays the game hard and that its over now.....hahahhhahha isn't he funny to think its over. far from it. he just poked the hornets nest

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