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Posts posted by FloatnFly

  1. I find it scary because like Old Ironmaker said , it can cause more damage than a pellet gun or .22 at close range and no licensing is required. And from what I can see, at 450 fps it's considerably more powerful than the old fashioned crossbow.

    And don't get me wrong, I too find our firearms regulations completely screwed up. Like you said, it's hard to get an answer from the people who should know. As an example, replica firearms that can't fire at all are prohibited under the Criminal Code. Yet air soft hand guns that look identical to a real hand gun with an fps of up to about 360 fps can be bought at Canadian Tire or online without issue.


    450fps while fast, is kind of where bows are headed now, top end crossbows are hitting around 410 fps, and are much narrower than the old ones


    for instance compare the width of these 2 models of barnett bows under full load



    compared to


  2. been having this debate with several people, this is the new crossman airbow, powered by 3000psi of compressed air, and capable of

    450 fps. would be great for disabled hunters who can't do the full draw on a normal compound bow or crossbow. \


    But, does the MNR class it as a bow, gun, or spear gun?




    WARNING: Video contains images of a buffalo kill! If that offends you, do not watch the video!


  3. As much as I like the idea of cougars in the area, I still am not convinced. I know a bunch of folks that basically work and live in the bush - biologists, foresters, trappers - and also know that game cameras are all over the place: but no photos, no solid tracks, no scat, no kill sites, no credible witness. I am still waiting to be convinced.


    we have a customer who has a picture of one sitting on the hood of his car in the dive way at his cottage, he called the mnr told them, and was told that there were no cougars in the area......

  4. I won't post spots, but i won't shy away from posting a report, i've always said, if a person can recognize exactly where you are from a picture, they have fished there often enough to know it, good for them, the average person isn't going to recognize one pine tree from the next, or one corner of a creek from the next

  5. Crappy. Be interesting to know what other mediocre players they are aggressively pursuing. If it's true that Bautista would accept a one year offer of 17 millionish they should sign him. Familiar face with potential and not saddled with a long term risk. Who's really left out there that's better than Bautista if he has a decent year, and how much are they gonna cost over how long?


    hes said he'll take a 1 year contract, but it needs to be more than 17.2 million, Jays have roughly 40 million available in payroll to fill an outfield spot, 2 bullpen spots, and possibly a backup catcher

  6. They gave him a 2 year extension offer at the start of the year, but not knowing what their budget would look like, they couldn't commit serious money right off the bat. As per Edwins wishes, there were no talks during the season.


    Season end, Jays offer up the QO, which is nothing more than a security blanket.


    They then almost immediately followed up that the QO with a 4 year 70mil offer


    Then before Edwin could respond, the Jays upped their offer to 4 years 80 million with several options for Edwin to choose from for a 5th year at 20mil bringing the contract to 5 years, 100mil


    The offer was rejected because the 'timing' of it was wrong according to Edwins agent.


    2 days later, Jays signed Morales to DH, still leaving the door open for Edwin to return at 1st base.


    At this time, Jays, Astros, Yankees, Rangers, and Red Sox all had some level of interest in signing Edwin.


    But, Edwins agent, wanted to play his games, and test the market, and one by one, the teams that were strongly interested, had moved on to their plan B.


    Franktherabbit, you see, the Jays management did what they could to bring him back, they wanted their player, not the games his agent wanted to play





    TORONTO – Debate continues to rage over Edwin Encarnacion’s messy departure from the Toronto Blue Jays, with emotional fans split between blaming the team for not getting a deal done, and the iconic slugger for aiming too high off the bat.

    Setting off the visceral reaction is the agreement Encarnacion reached with Cleveland late Thursday night on a three-year deal that guarantees $60 million, a total that can swell up to $80 million if a fourth-year option is exercised. The contract guarantees less than the $80-million, four-year offer tabled by the Blue Jays in early November, a disparity fuelling much of the angst.

    That Blue Jays offer also included the possibility of a fifth year option that if exercised would have pushed the contract’s value up to $100 million, two sources told Sportsnet on Friday.

    Hence, the primary question many Blue Jays fans keep asking is why things played out this way when there was so much common ground. Based on conversations with a number of industry sources, here’s a rough reconstruction of the fruitless negotiations between the sides.

    Who's to blame for Edwin leaving TO

    Spring training – Working under an opening day deadline imposed by Encarnacion, who didn’t want to be distracted by talks in-season, the Blue Jays tabled the idea of a two-year contract extension that included two additional option years and a reworking of the slugger’s 2016 salary of $10 million. Scenarios that included vesting options or buyout options that increased the guarantee are raised but there’s no traction. Talks end, the season begins, and negotiations are shelved until the season’s end.

    Nov. 3 – The Blue Jays make their first offer to Encarnacion, $70 million over four years, and it doesn’t move the needle. There is no formal counter-offer but Encarnacion’s camp floats the number of $125 million over five years. The sense is that Encarnacion is seeking a guarantee of $100 million or so.

    Nov. 6 – Seeking to bring negotiations to a quick resolution, the Blue Jays break from typical negotiating practices and counter against themselves, upping their offer to $80 million over four years. A performance-based vesting option for a fifth year at $20 million, or a straight team option for $20 million with a buyout factored into the $80 million guarantee is raised. There’s no counter-offer from the Encarnacion camp, which wasn’t prepared to make a deal with free agency so near. There’s also uncertainty about where the collective bargaining agreement talks were going, and what that meant for his market. The Blue Jays, however, make clear they want some clarity on whether their offer is going to be good enough to get a deal done. If it’s not, there was no sense for either side to waste their time.

    Nov. 7 – The Blue Jays arrive at the general managers meetings in Scottsdale, Ariz., and extend qualifying offers to Encarnacion and Jose Bautista ahead of a 5 p.m. ET deadline. During a meeting with Encarnacion’s camp, the Blue Jays are asked if they will disengage if their offer is rejected. The reply is they won’t, but that they would aggressively pursue alternatives that could close off an Encarnacion return. Such a deal isn’t imminent, but could come quickly, the Blue Jays warn. Encarnacion, feeling rushed just as he arrived at free agency, asks for time to sleep on the offer and the Blue Jays agree, but reiterate that they need some clarity on where things stand with the market about to open.

    Edwin Encarnacion, left, and Jose Bautista. (Fred Thornhill/CP)

    Nov. 8 – Free agency opens at 12:01 a.m. ET, and both sides begin speaking with others. The impression the Blue Jays have is that the Encarnacion camp is set on getting $100 million. There’s communication between the team and the player, underlining that the Blue Jays could move on if he doesn’t accept. They want a signal that they’re in the ballpark. Speaking to reporters at the GM meetings, Ross Atkins says cryptically that, "Offers often times come on and off tables." By day’s end there’s no movement and it’s here that both sides appear to make critical miscalculations. The Encarnacion camp, despite being told dialogue with other players was set to start, doesn’t feel a divorce is imminent. The Blue Jays, meanwhile, conclude from the lack of urgency on the other side of the table that there’s at least one other team willing to be in the $80-$100 million range. Both were wrong.

    Nov. 9 – While Blue Jays president and CEO Mark Shapiro is working on the signing of Cuban prospect Lourdes Gurriel Jr., Atkins opens talks with Adam Katz, the agent for Kendrys Morales. There is near instant traction between the sides. The Blue Jays believe the New York Yankees, Houston Astros and Cleveland Indians are also pursuing Morales. With things at a standstill with Encarnacion, they want to lock down a middle-of-the-order bat so they aren’t left exposed and can be more patient in filling their other holes.

    Nov. 10 – The Encarnacion camp and Blue Jays touch base as the GM meetings conclude but there are no substantive talks. Progress, meanwhile, continues in the negotiations with Morales.

    Wilner: Morales is this year’s Happ, Jays clearly wanted him

    Nov. 11 – The Blue Jays reach agreement on a $33-million, three-year deal with Morales. They didn’t circle back to Encarnacion before striking the deal, but still saw a scenario where he could return and share first base and DH duties with Morales. The deal caught the Encarnacion camp off-guard, with agent Paul Kinzer saying this week they didn’t anticipate the Blue Jays acting so quickly. They also didn’t understand the rush to sign Morales, especially if Encarnacion was the preferred option.

    Nov. 12 – The sides speak again with the Blue Jays saying the door to an Encarnacion return isn’t closed, that Justin Smoak could potentially be traded, but the $80 million offer was off the table, and creativity would be needed. The notion is raised that $90 million over four years would have gotten a deal done. The sides agree to stay in touch.

    Nov. 13-21 – The free-agent market is slow to develop, with Red Sox president David Dombrowski making the point that uncertainty over where the luxury tax is headed in collective bargaining agreement talks makes a big free-agent splurge unlikely. Other teams are reluctant to dive in to the free-agent market as well, eroding what observers expected to be a more robust market for Encarnacion. The Astros, Yankees and Red Sox all aggressively pursue Carlos Beltran. The Rangers don’t engage the way they were expected.

    Nov. 22 – The sides speak again but the Blue Jays repeat that they can no longer do a deal for $80 million. Things remain deadlocked.

    Nov. 29 – The New York Mets reach agreement with free-agent outfielder Yoenis Cespedes on a $110-million, four-year deal. Many wonder if the deal will act as a catalyst in the market. It doesn’t.

    Yoenis Cespedes at a news conference in November. (Kevin Hagen/AP)

    Nov. 30 – The Blue Jays and the Encarnacion camp discuss the possibility of a three-year deal for the first time but there’s no traction as the financial gap remains wide. The squeeze is on. Meanwhile, by night’s end, owners and players agree on a new collective bargaining agreement, and news on the luxury tax threshold isn’t good for Encarnacion. In 2017, it will be set at $195 million, up only slightly from this year’s $189 million. It won’t be high enough to get the Red Sox and Yankees in the bidding.

    Dec. 3 – As the winter meetings near, Beltran signs a $16-million, one-year deal with the Astros, removing another potential landing spot for Encarnacion from the mix.

    Dec. 4 – The Blue Jays reach agreement with Steve Pearce on a $12.5-million, two-year deal on the eve of the winter meetings in National Harbor, Md., while the Yankees secure Matt Holliday for $13 million over one year. Once again the Encarnacion camp is blindsided, as a meeting with the Blue Jays is scheduled for the next day. Two more options are closed off as now the Blue Jays roster really is blocked off to Encarnacion.

    Dec. 5-8 – The Blue Jays and Encarnacion’s camp remain in touch but there’s no common ground at this point. With Morales and Pearce already on the roster, the only realistic scenario for the Blue Jays is a one, maybe a two-year deal. The market for Encarnacion is stronger than that, however, as surprising suitors enter the fray. Cleveland emerges as a possibility for the first time, while Oakland starts sniffing around. Texas monitors the situation, as well, as do the Colorado Rockies and St. Louis Cardinals. But nothing is imminent.

    T&S: Who's to blame for Encarnacion leaving Toronto?

    Dec. 22 – Encarnacion’s free agency moves into the end game as Cleveland and Oakland make strong pushes to get a deal done. The Athletics are aggressive with an offer of $50 million for two years, a contract structure that would have allowed Encarnacion to re-enter the market ahead of his age 36 season and perhaps surpass the $80 million guarantee from the Blue Jays. But the allure of playing for an American League favourite in Cleveland is too strong, and agreement on a deal that guarantees Encarnacion $60 million over three years, with an option that could push the package up to $80 million over four, is reached. The resolution, even if not his first choice, is ultimately a good one for Encarnacion.

    Dec. 23 – Faint hopes of a reunion with Encarnacion now off the table, the Blue Jays begin to more aggressively pursue their remaining needs on the roster.

  7. Heres the thing, Jays made the offer 4 years, 80 million, with 3 different options for a 5th year of Edwins choosing. so 4years 20mil per year with a 5th year for 20 as an option.


    The team Edwin wanted made an offer for the amount of money Edwin wanted, for the number of years Edwin wanted. When that happens, you don't sit around and make them wait while you go and play games on the FA market. When the team you want, offers everything you want, you sign the line and say I have found a home for the rest of my career.


    FranktheRabbit, not sure how much you actually know about Shapiro and Atkins, but that offer to Edwin went against EVERYTHING they've done in the past. They wanted Edwin back 100%, they didn't want to sit and wait for his agent to play games while other teams we're signing up good players.


    While Edwins agent was playing games, teams were filling out their rosters with players whos agents weren't playing games.

  8. So basically had the jays waited on Pearce and Morales, Eddy would probably be in blue


    the Jays offer was turned down because the 'timing' wasn't right....... sorry, didn't know there was a timeline for an offer from a team you want to play for to make you an offer that you want.


    the right money was there, the right length was there, but because it came in the first 4 days of the offseason, the 'timing' wasn't there. thats a seriously messed up agent in my books that just screwed his client out of his top choice team.

  9. Seems the jays front office is just sitting on their hands waiting for something to happen? Even though I read they were upping their salary limit to 165mill I believe?


    heres the scenario they are faced with, 125mil commited payroll right now, still need to add an outfielder, and still have 3 bullpen spots to seal up, or 2 spots and a starting pitcher if you keep Liriano in the pen.


    at the going rate for relievers, 7-10mil, thats going to eat up 20 mil if you go the FA route, leaving 20 mil for an outfielder and either a starter or reliever.


    also, keep in the back of you mind the offer from Colorado, Charlie Blackmon for Stroman from the winter meetings. don't say its not going to happen. remember 2014 meetings, troy tulowitzski for jose reyes and a couple prospects, trade deadline 2015, tulo gets pulled from a game, headed for toronto


    Didn't he turn down 4 years at 20 mil a year ? or was that just a rumour ?


    he did, but there was also a 10 day time frame attached to that offer, his agent wanted to wait and explore the free agent market, that offer came with in the first few days of the free agent season. So they waited, Jays were very interested, made a serious offer, Astros were very interested, Red Sox were semi interested, Rangers were interested, Yankees were very interested. Edwins agent continued to wait. Jays signed Morales, but were still interested, Red Sox no longer interested, Astros signed Beltran, no long interested, Yankees signed Holiday, no longer interested, Rangers ran out of money for Edwin, no longer interested. 2 NL teams are kicking tires, but not really interested in a DH/1st baseman. Only team left is Cleveland, but short term.

  11. If the jays could get Edwin for 20 million a year for 3 it would be a bargain. I'm looking over some of the other contracts out there and 20 million doesn't necessarily get you a lot. Dexter fowler just signed for 17 million a year. Decent player but no Edwin. I can't believe Chris Davis in Baltimore has a 162 million, 7 year contract. Guy struck out 220 times last year and had a whopping 85 RBI. Horrid.


    davis was horrible this season, but a dangerous hitter none the less


    I would say, offer edwin 4 years at 18 mil, and see what happens, he may take it, his market is pretty dry right now. whats the worst he can do, say no?

  12. Pillar is fine defensively, but he is clueless when it comes to hitting. Dude would strike out in the on-deck circle if it was within the rules.



    he only struck out 90 times in 548 at bats, thats about average across the league. for example, Ichiro, one of the best contact hitters of all time, averaged 65 strikeouts a year, Saunders, well, lets just forget about him, 157 strikeouts over 490 at bats.......


    Even worse. Its not like teams were going to be clamoring to sign him.


    Dexter Fowler goes to St Louis. Its official. We have the worst outfield in baseball.


    they do?? Pillar won 2016 fielding bible award, an award that is held in higher regard than a gold glove, since only one player wins this award at each position, not 2 http://www.fieldingbible.com/


    Upton, has great speed, and a very good arm


    Carrera is an average fielder at best


    Pompey is a very good fielder, great speed, only thing that kept him down has his bat

  14. Smoak is not an everyday player, he plays very well defensively, and I do believe he won at least one game this year, game tying homerun, then walk off homerun in extras. He will be used to give players some rest. I think the main reason they signed him, was to be backup for Edwin, use him to give Eddy some time off his feet at 1st base.

  15. EE is still the top free agent, that hasn't changed. Heres the problem, teams have a timeline, free agents have a timeline. Edwins agent said wait, find out what your value is, and get a ton of teams interested. problem is, teams were interested, they weren't interested in waiting over a month to figure out if 20 mil is or isn't available to them.

    Teams have moved on to their plan B, and went with cheaper, yet suitable alternatives. One way I can see the Jays signing Edwin is this, they turn around and finalize Pearces contract, then trade him for pitching, or an outfielder, then sign Edwin. its a possibility, although unlikely.

  16. !: Saunders is not coming back he defense was adventurous at best, and his 2nd half was something to forget. They have 5 outfielders in their system right that could easily see time in the bigs, outside of Pillar, Carrera, and Upton JR, they have Pompey, and then Anthony Alford, and cant forget about Cecilianni.


    2: Edwins agent screwed him by waiting, every desirable team that was interested, Jays, Astros, Yankees, Rangers and Red Sox maybe, are now out because his agent waited.


    3: Bautista, 1-2 years max, at 17mil per year. His range has diminished, his arm, non existant anymore, its average to below average since he hurt his rotator cuff in 2015 vs Baltimore on a stupid play


    4: Jays outfield is in decent shape with Pillar, Carrera, Upton JR/Pompey, and Pearce can also play outfield. which means they can focus on rebuilding the bullpen, and possibly adding a starting pitcher (Doug Fister is a free agent) would be a good addition to the back end of the rotation, and then can swing liriano into the pen.

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