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Posts posted by lew

  1. We got clobbered by another vicious storm yesterday which was probably worse than the one last week. Nothing like what Barrie went thru of course but that's ...I think...the 4th bad storm in a couple weeks.

    My wife cooked up a beautiful roast beef dinner and while I was slicing it the thunder started rolling and as we sat down at the table on the back deck there was probably the loudest bang I've ever heard as the lightening flashed overhead, the  wind started howling and within seconds the food was getting saturated as we tried to get everything back in the house.

    Woke up this morning and there's 2 large trees down nearby plus smaller ones on the ground everywhere. Crazy thing though as it was beautiful here all day and even when the storm hit the sky didn't look that bad.

    It was all good though as the roast beef dinner was fantastic even though a bit wet  LOL

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  2. 3 minutes ago, misfish said:

    We have had our share of storms

    I hear you there Brian, my sump normally only runs in March & April during the snow melt and never comes on any other time but it's come on 3 times now in the last couple of weeks with the crazy weather and intense rain we've been getting.

    This pic is yesterday's rain and you can hardly see the back of my property.



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  3. I posted here a couple months back that I was replacing the floor on my back deck. Lumber prices were sky-hi but I wanted to get the job done and who knew when or if the the prices would ever come down.

    I was looking at the prices of wood this morning and darned if the prices haven't dropped about 1/3.

    If I'd waited till now to buy the wood I'd have saved about $800

    Oh well  LOL

  4. 30 minutes ago, misfish said:

    I would of taken you for a seal skin suit guy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL

    The rain coats we wore in the Navy were called Seal Skins Brian and my Gawd, they were the absolute worst thing I ever wore in my life. They were so stinkin stiff it was all you could do to even bend your arms when wearing them and sitting down was darned near impossible.

    No idea who designed them but he shoulda been charged with cruelty to humans LOL

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