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Posts posted by lew

  1. 1 hour ago, grimsbylander said:

    Isn't that the truth! I remember thinking we were soooo high tech when we got the power rotary antennae on the house! Change the channel = spin the dial! haha  

    Funny how one day we think something is so highly technical then a couple years later we wonder what the heck were we thinking. I'm sure 20 years from now we'll be thinking the same thing about today's smart tv's.

  2. I met my wife waaaay back in '64 and shortly after meeting her she invited me over to her place to meet her parents and darned if they didn't have a colour TV. First one I'd ever seen and I was amazed at how good it looked. Don't remember for sure all these years later but I'd guess the colour was pretty crappy compared to what we have today, but back then it really something  LOL

  3. Who else remembers the days when you'd pull the tubes out of the back of the TV when it stopped working and take them down to the tube tester machine at the drugstore. Plug the tubes into the machine and it would indicate it when it found the bad one.

    I remember vividly back in the 50's when it was just a normal thing to do that and I'd always accompany Dad when we went to the drugstore to test them.

    Yup, the good ole days weren't always so good   LOL 😁


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  4. 11 minutes ago, Fisherman said:

    Don't fool yourself thinking bigger is sharper when it comes to the eyes.  I finally gave in, went to the eye doc and yup, needed a slight improvement for long distance seeing.  Can't believe it makes such a difference.

    And it didn't cost a couple grand that you'd pay for a bigger TV either LOL

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  5. My kids were born in '67 & '72 and thankfully there was nothing even close happening back then like what's going on in schools today. We were also fortunate that I earned enough money that my wife didn't have to work and could stay home with the kids when they were small and we almost never needed a babysitter. I really feel sorry for parents today who need both incomes but with the on-line learning someone has to stay home and give up that 2nd income. It must be terribly hard on so many families moneywise and so many have probably even lost their homes because of it.

    Not really going anywhere with this other than just sorta thinking out loud but my wife and I haven't really been affected by this virus other than some travel plans have been interrupted but I just feel so bad for the 1000's that have been hit so hard by it all.

  6. 11 minutes ago, LefroyFisherman said:

     I see my son and I know of many other kids really struggling with the online stuff, and this has really hurt their reading and writing skills, plus the younger kids really need social times and play with other kids to develop. 

    A friend is a grade 4 teacher and she says normally with in class teaching the kids learn very well but when they're doing it on-line they just don't grasp things as easily. Plus no interaction with friends is very tough on them.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Rizzo said:

    Probably means you have long scraggly covid hair now though.

    Actually my barber had another lady working for her and when the shop closed down she opened her own shop at her farm so I go there now. Another nice thing about country living is sitting in a barber chair and having horses right outside the window watching what's going on  LOL

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  8. 37 minutes ago, Ronzo said:

    I was speaking with someone whose sister is a nurse last week, and she said it is indeed staffing that is the issue at this point. A great deal of training goes into being able to service ICU patients, and we don't have enough of those staffers to service the available beds.

    The lady that was cutting my hair until a year ago was a retired ICU nurse and when the virus got out of control she gave up her haircutting business and went back into the ICU to help save live.

    Darned impressive in my mind.

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  9. Lots of things fail sooner than we'd expect but it's just a chance we take when buying stuff. I had a fridge die after only 8 years and a 65" Samsung give up the ghost after only 4 years yet I have 3 Samsung TV's still working perfectly after 11 years. 

    It's all just a coin toss if we get a good one or not.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Hack_Fisherman said:

    How many even have a physical landline anymore? 

    I have a cell phone that pretty much lives in my truck and is basically only for emergencies or if my wife needs me for something while I'm out driving somewhere. I don't even remember the last time I used it.

    My landline in the house it how I communicate with people

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