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Posts posted by lew

  1. 45 minutes ago, ketchenany said:

     My daughter in Brooklin lost her 10x10 gazebo 

    I just recently installed 2 steel roofed gazebos on my back deck and didn't remember till after the storm that I forgot to screw them down. I guess if they didn't go into orbit during that storm they never will  LOL

    • Like 1
  2. Just got our power back on yesterday (Friday) and internet & landline (phone) finally got hooked up today. I've also got a cell phone but reception was poor.

    I've said it may times but my GENERAC standby generator is by far the best money I've ever spent. Just a few seconds after the storm hit and everything went out, the generator fired up and ran everything I needed in the house for 7 days and never hiccuped once. I shut it down a couple times just to check the oil but other than that it ran constantly & flawlessly. 

    I've been around a long time and been thru plenty of bad storms but never saw anything hit that fast and nasty before. Wife and I took a walk when it was all over and I couldn't believe the number of massive trees snapped in half or torn right outta the ground and sadly a fella was killed by a falling tree just south of me.

    Hopefully all you boys made it through without too many issues.









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  3. And being on an island there's not many options for firetrucks or ambulances to get to you in a hurry if needed and although I don't know, that could make getting insurance an issue. And transporting yourself and gear back and forth on lousy rainy days is never fun.

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  4. 16 minutes ago, Fisherman said:

    I can't see the gas staying this high forever,  sooner or later people won't be able to afford to drive to work and you can only do so much car pooling. 

    Just saw Dan McTeague on the news and he's expecting we'll be paying $2.10 next week.

  5. 10 hours ago, LostAnotherOne said:

    Lew, how was the overdose situation when you were still working?

    We'd see it the odd time but certainly nothing like what's happening in some parts of the country today.

    And as far as the sticker rebate, I got a cheque yesterday for $320. 

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  6. Back in my days as a fireman we had a great shift.

    We'd work 4 days then get 6 days off, then work 4 nights and get 4 days off, then we'd do 3 days followed by 3 nights and get 4 days off and that was the month done. We worked 10 hour days and 14 nights so it was long shifts in fewer days but lots of time off in-between.

    Basically it was 7 day shifts & 7 night shifts a month that worked out to 168 hours a month or 42 hours a week

    I've been retired 22 years now but these days they work 7 shifts per month and each shift is 24 hours which again is 168 hours per month..

  7. Just got back from town with the correct ballast but won't get it installed today as I'm putting up a new gazebo but it'll give me something to do tomorrow and thanks again for the assist boys.

    And I agree about the Skeeter Phil, it still seems odd to me sometimes too but I've still got pictures of it parked there  LOL.


    • Sad 1
  8. Turned on the fluorescent lights in the workshop yesterday and everything works fine except the lights above the bench. 

    Power comes from the switch to the center of an 8' fixture with 4 tubes then branches off and feeds 8 other fixtures in the room. Everything was good until yesterday when I turned on the lights and all worked except the 1st fixture in the line. I have power all through the fixture so that's good and I'm thinking the ballast is shot and hoped one of our electricians could verify or give me another idea.

    There's power in the wires leading to the ballast but no apparent power in the ballast its self but I don't know if that's normal or not.

    Bottom picture shows the light above the bench when it's working normally and feeding all the others.





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