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Posts posted by lew

  1. If this travel ban continues into the summer I'm wondering if it will include folks travelling around Ontario for vacation. We rent a cabin up on Nippissing for a couple weeks every June & August like thousands of other folks in Ontario and will they say it's not essential and we're not allowed to go ?

    If folks are told they can't travel to pre-booked places will they get their deposits back ?

    There's so many "if's" with this ban it's hard to figure what's included.

    I'm all for doing what's necessary to stop this virus but sometimes Ford seems to go too far.

  2. We often seem to have trouble getting the vaccine shipments we're scheduled for, so the government (Ontario) decided to at least give everyone their 1st shot and then once that's done we'll work on the 2nd.

    I saw on the news this morning that 10,000 people in Toronto who were booked to get their shot this weekend have been cancelled because they don't have the vaccines available.

    Sad that a country like Canada has to depend on everyone else to supply something as important as this but we just don't make it ourselves but that's just my opinion.

    The U.S. loaned us 1.5 million doses (pfizer I think) and we'll just returned them once we ever get ahead of the game.

  3. You've received some good advice here siwash but just remember that there's absolutely nothing mystical or difficult about a baitcaster and just think of it as another tool in the box and in no time you'll be firing baits all over the lake without thinking about.

    As someone mentioned before just snug down the tension a bit to start and gradually loosen it off as you get the hang of it. I had all my reels set up so that I could fire a bait as hard as I wanted and as soon as it touched the water the reel would stop spinning. As the weight on the different baits changed it just takes a slight adjustment and your good to go again.

    Just takes a bit of practice & you'll be golden.

    • Like 1
  4. If you see someone trying to launch or retrieve his boat that appears to lack experience, don't sit and criticize him but go over and offer some advice or even offer do it for him.

    Too many people forget they were new and inexperienced at boating at one time themselves but would rather sit back and ridicule others rather than offering to help.

    • Like 17
  5. 1 hour ago, Hack_Fisherman said:

     But no, those who don’t do their part by their own justifications help drag this on forever..

    I got my 1st vaccine down in Peterboro yesterday and 3 different people working at the clinic thanked me for doing my part to protect others and help put an end to this nightmare. My wife goes on Tuesday and then we both go back mid-July.

    And FWIW, I couldn't believe how well organized it was and how smoothly the entire process went....the proverbial well oiled machine.

    • Like 2
  6. My wife was out for her daily hike this morning and came across 2 small deer and one of them had similar markings to the one pictured above. They were just up the road from here so hopefully I'll get a picture of her.

    I have no idea if this is hereditary or not but I'm guessing it is seeing as it's only a week since I saw the adult and only a short distance away. When I took that last picture she had a fawn with her but the baby had normal markings but I spose it's not uncommon for a deer to have more than one baby at a time.

  7. 1 hour ago, Weeds said:

    Beautiful. If I recall last years fawn had some kind of injury. Did you ever see it again? 

    Yeah, that little fawn had a nasty gash on her left side just ahead of her hip. I was never closer than 100' from her but looking thru binoculars it never appeared to bleed and there was never any blood around and it didn't seem to bother her at all and she could still run like the wind. I watched her for a couple months and she still seemed fine.....fingers crossed.

    And thanks to the others that posted, good to hear you enjoyed the pictures.

  8. Some of you may recall I posted a picture last winter of a very uniquely coloured deer that was hanging around my backyard with her fawn. Yesterday afternoon she showed up again with another fawn so it was a real treat to see her again although she was back in the trees so I couldn't get a good picture but this one of her behind a shed isn't too bad.

    Always nice to see critters that are a bit different from the norm.

    First picture is from last year and the 2nd. one with the shed roof was yesterday.

    P1040691 (1).jpg


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  9. 1 hour ago, Crimsongulf said:

    I don't want to hijack at all, but are whole house generators very common up there.  They are pretty common down here on the Gulf coast.  We run a 20KW Kohler 3 phase LPG and it ran for three days after Sally.

    I know in my area, 100 miles north east of Toronto, they're quite common and I probably know at least a dozen people on my road alone that have them. I installed mine nearly 11 years ago and would never be without one again.

    For anyone in the country on wells and pumps I'd say it's some of the best money you could spend.

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