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Row Boat

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Everything posted by Row Boat

  1. Man...if I was catching cats like that, I'd be calling that my catfish rod that I occasionally use for ski fishing... Thanks for the post ! RB
  2. Interesting read. http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/...6/-1/SPORTS0307 Why not a Bass Bowl ? I hear some collages are even thinking about offering classes on fishing. I wonder how one qualifies to earn a bass fishing scholarship ? If they offer a "snagged on a rock" scholarship, I'd be a shoe in. RB
  3. The man is looking to open up more time in his busy schedule to fish. I find no fault in that RB
  4. Absolutely amazing. What a treat for all of us. Thanks moose ! RB
  5. Days like these will be the kids fondest memories. They're the ones that they'll pass on to their kids, except in their story, the walleye is 16 lbs RB
  6. Thanks for sharing, it's amazing how people can think "hey, I got an idea", and not see the potential consequences. It's even more amazing to have a camera ready to capture these occurances. RB
  7. I've used inflatables on a few occasions (yes, I'm refering to rafts ). The dingys (i.e. inflatables that do not have a hard deck) will take much more effort to row. Do not use it on a windy day, or on current. I had a chamber bust in the water on one once. We still managed to stay afloat until we got to shore some 10 min's away. Don't bring too much tackle on the boat, just in case it does titanic. RB
  8. We all got a good thing going here at the generosity of the moderators. Membership to this board should always be considered a privilege. Those that have an intolerable viewpoint, get out of our board, your kind is unwanted here. Now how does it feel ? RB
  9. Ox, thanks for sharing. Its obvious by his expression that the little guy appriciates fishing, and spending time with you. RB
  10. Barnies right, for your purpose, get the cheapest 1 gig SD card that can find. SD cards have transfer speeds associated to them. Unlike say cameras that need to write on the card on every pic snapped, for your purpose- you'll only have to read off the card. Transfer rates will not influence read speed. A cheap 1 gig SD card (make sure you don't buy a mini, ot micro SD card) in Toronto will run me under $20. As for SD vs MMC, you will not notice the difference for your application. You may have more use for an SD card in other applications. Good luck. R B
  11. good one... Reminds me of the episode of Family Guy where Peter is eating cereal and says, "There's a message in my Alpha-Bits! It says, "Ooooo!" Brian replies, "Peter, those are Cheerios."
  12. Great shots Rich. Always glad to see your posts. You're actually one of my inspirations on why I changed from lurker to poster. I know that my future rock bass posts will be appeciated.
  13. Hey Urban, I've done the spring crappie run off shore at cooks bay in years past. Like Frozen Fire said, ultra light set up w/ a slip float is your choice gear. I had success on tiny white tubes. If you are going minnows, stay with the smallest minnows they got. I'd be surprised if the slabs are in. Vary your depth. I remember one spring we took them at less than a foot deep. Good luck , I hope the bite is on. RB
  14. Hi folks, just passing info on. I've got no affilation with Rogers besides the fact that they got me by the onions for all my electronic communication needs. After reading GOLFISHERS post on magazines, I thought some of you may be able to come out ahead. Anyone that does business with Rogers can take advantage of their magazine offer. There are a few mags that you can choose from. Ontario Out OF Doors subsription is $10 / year through Rogers. Its $22/ yr from Ont OOD's. The savings is good enough for an extra x-rap, and a coffee. You just get tagged the cost on your next Rogers bill. http://www.shoprogers.com/store/cable/medi...KNPH6FHG2K1E712 Oh yeah, and for all you Muskey fiserhmans, you can also make your subsription to "Chatelaines" here too RB
  15. Wow, thanks for sharing Moose. Great read. The anticipation of seeing whats on the other end of the line through an ice fishing hole is alway exilerating ! RB
  16. Thanks for report and pics JD. I guess for some, the idea of getting the gear out and casting for the first time this year outweighs putting up with the weather and lack of big fish. yep...I can relate to these folks. RB
  17. Rich, thank you very much for your input. I'll make good use of it. And thank you everyone for your warm welcome. Got a new camera for this year so I going to try to make all of you regret your encouragements of posting pic's, especially those that have slow internet connections ! Row Boat
  18. I'd like to expand on the thoughts that was brought out on a previous post. It was in regards to a noticable increase in bass populations in some lakes. I agree with the observation. Personally, from time to time, I may keep the odd couple of crappies or a walleye for dinner, but I never will keep a bass. In my circle of friends, there was a belief that bass was some sacried species of sports fish that you should NEVER keep for consumption. Does anyone else share this view ? Now thinking back I not sure where we got this belief from, but I don't think it makes sense. If it is a common belief, and people are letting bass go but keeping other preditory fish, it may offer up one explanation on the growing population of bass. Row Boat.
  19. Hi all, First off, ...they hear it a lot, but I'm sure it’s never enough- kudos to the admin's of this board. I personally am grateful at the dedication that they have to run a board that offers such informative (some of the times), and lively (most of the times) discussions. I thank you. I've been lurking for a few months but now that the 2007 season is just weeks away, I'd like the privilege of introducing myself to you great folks. Like all of you, I just have a basic fondness for the sport of fishing. I'd tell you that I usually target bass, but that may give you an incorrect impression that I know what I'm doing. With respect to the ministry’s rules and regulations, I'll "try" to catch anything that swims. These days, it's mostly bass and pan fish. I don't own a boat, but I do manage to get out about once a week in the spring and summer time. I either shore fish, rent a boat, or friends graciously invite me on their boats. Most of the bodies of water that I fish are within a two hour drive of Toronto. Late last year I purchased my first baitcaster, a Curado. I caught one fish on it so far. It was also the first fish I ever cuaght using a 'jig and pig' bouncing off bottom in weed pockets. The fish I caught was a 2 lb largemouth, nothing spectaular ( I got my share of 3's and 4 lb'ers last year using a spinning reel and senkos) but to me it was a monumental achivement. I felt I took two large steps closer to being a 'real' fisherman. I have a weekend trip to the French River (Woseley Bay area) planned in late May. If anyone can offer up some thoughts on how to fish for walleyes and pike on the French in late May, it'd be most appreciated. I sincerely look forward to contributing (I guess thats another word for bragging ) my results from my fishing excursions in days to come. Over and out. Row Boat.
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