Top ten phrases never used by anglers
10 You know buddy, those hip waders make your butt look big.
9 I don't know if duct tape can fix that
8 C'mon man, we can watch bass fishin anytime! My favorite redecorating show is on!
7 Your crazy, my truck can't get through that!
6 Better throw some of that beer overboard, the weight is swamping the boat!
5 Hey TJ, rub some of that sunscreen on my back will ya.
4 Lets get the wives, fishing just isn't fun without them
3 Ive been thinking. Those P3TA people just may have a point.
2 Maybe we should give up fishn and take up a real sport like bowling.
1 The number one phrase never used by anglers. Gee Ive never caught a fish that big before!!!!!