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Everything posted by nel

  1. I just noticed today that my 2005 mercury 6hp 4stroke is only dripping water from the peehole...there isn't a constant flow. I've heard that this is REALLY bad...Can someone give me some advice? a. how do I unplug it? b. did I screw anything else up?
  2. that's what insurance is for...
  3. With that kind of service, I think you should put a plug in for the dealer. Shout out his contact info...
  4. might want to narrow that down a bit...kawarthas is a big area.
  5. I don't think it would work too well. The theory behind circle hooks is that the fish will self hook when they grab the bait and run. No setting of the hook needed. Carp don't run until you set the hook. So they won't self hook on a circle hook.
  6. Yeah, latex gloves are a good idea too. I use them all the time (I'm a bit allergic to the bites, each bite swells up to the size of tennis balls...). You can get a 100 pack at canadian tire for $10. Another tip is to wear a hat with the bug suit. It will keep the bug suit from contacting your face (the bugs will be waiting on the outside of the suit for that contact, and then they gotcha!). Bring afterbite, just in case. Even with all the antibug gear, something might slip through...
  7. get a bug suit...the chemicals rarely work for me (I'm too tasty)... Bug suit is the best if you don't mind looking "uncool" (aka wuss).
  8. I've considered that, but the boss wants to take advantage of his parent's hospitality up there too...so some guys might bring their family, we go fishing, then back to the parents place for bbq... It's more of a social thing, but I'd like to put them on some panfish, so they'd have some fun.
  9. At work, since I'm the only one with fishing as my main hobby, so my boss asked me to organize the company fishing trip (5 computer guys). His parents live in the Lindsay, Peterborough area...so it's best to find a nice spot around there. We'll be heading up on the may 19th weekend. We'll be targeting panfish, since everyone else is a beginner, and they'll probably be fishing during midday. I'm hoping to maybe find a shore spot around the lindsay locks, since I hear about them all the time... The help that I need is: Anyone have directions to the lindsay locks? Can anyone suggest another decent shore fishing spot around the lindsay area? (just in case we get skunked at the locks) Please pm me your answers. I don't really want 100 other people to join me on my company trip...
  10. All panfish in season. perch, sunfish, crappie... enjoy
  11. I don't want to hijack the thread, but where do you get this "all mighty" combo lock kit? For future reference when I need it...
  12. I would also like to support the walleye population on scugog...anyone got any pointers on finding the crappie there?
  13. whew...I thought I was toast...thanks for clearing that up for me. when does one body of water end, and another begin? A lot of the kawartha lakes are linked via the canal system...no way they're all one body of water...are they?
  14. I fish chemong/buckhorn...sometimes, I take the boat from chemong to buckhorn (the lakes are attached). If I got a live fish in the livewell/bucket, can the COs bust me for transporting fish from one body of water to another? I've done it so many times and I just realized that I could be in deep doo doo...
  15. Thanks for the advice. It's a deep cycle battery. The charger is a battery tender (says Battery Tender right on it). It's a trickle charger and is suppose to turn off when the voltage reaches a certain level. It's suppose to be a "plug in and forget device"...I just forgot about adding water. Before I put in water, the battery meter indicated full charge. After I put in the water, the battery meter indicated half charge. After charging it for 2 minutes, the battery meter was back to full charge. When I looked in before filling, the plates looked dry and rusty... I'm sure that's bad, that's why I'm so worried about it. Since there are no replies saying that the battery is toast, I think I'll take my chances and use it when soft water season comes. If the battery is dies, I have a gas motor as backup...so I won't be stranded anywhere.
  16. it's a bass pro shop battery... I wonder if their warranty covers stupidity..
  17. Last november, I stored my one year old trolling motor battery in the garage, and left it plugged into an automatic charger. The charger charges when the voltage drops, and stops when the battery is fully charge. Basically, I forgot about the battery. So, today, I decided that maybe it would be wise to put some water in it... I pretty much poured a 1.5 litres of distilled water into it....so I'm guessing it was pretty dry inside... Should I be shopping for a new battery? Or do you think it'll survive?
  18. Don't know about towing, but I have the same car (ion). You should check that the headlights have been fixed, because there was a recall on them.
  19. I don't know if it matters...but gulp raises my confidence when fishing. I mean...the scent and texture of gulp makes me want to eat them...so the fish have no chance! right??
  20. Rebuilt generally means that the motor was taken apart for cleaning (needed to remove the buildup inside), then put back together. It's a good thing, because it's a part of maintenance...
  21. Thanks for the info. I'll try to remember to take video's when I get the boat.
  22. This might sound silly, but I haven't seen anyone ask this question before... I'm saving for a nice big boat...eta 2 years. So in the meantime, I'm trying to learn as much as I can. One of the little bits of info that I've never been able to find is how do you attach the trailer to the truck? Maybe it's obvious to trailer users, but I'm not one yet... How do you put the ball in the hole? The tounge weight is suppose to be 10% of the total weight, but for a 2000pound boat, that's 200pounds...sounds a bit heavy to lift... Also, how do you get the trailer positioned correctly to line it up with the truck? Does the trailer move easily? (Please don't tell me you just back the truck up to near the boat and they magically attach to each other) Nobody ever describes how to attach the trailer for some reason...I hope it's because it's so easy...
  23. nice... your cell phone takes better pictures than my camera.
  24. The dexterity of a brain surgeon is not required to snell a hook...it's actually very easy. Dedicated tying aids aren't needed. However, every diagram I've found on the internet makes it look complicated...but I once found a internet video on snelling a hook, and that made things a whole lot easier to understand. If I can find that video again, I'll post if for you.
  25. The heat gear is good too. You won't feel as sticky and sweaty as you do when wearing cotton. Only bad thing about it is it cost about $30+ for each item of clothing... (I have one in loose t-shirt style, which basically became my summer fishing shirt). Also, if it's windy and the boat ride is a bit wet, the shirt dries faster too. I use a bug jacket on those mosquito days, so I don't know the effect of bugspray on the underarmor material...but I think deet will eat it up... And I've only had the shirt for 1 season, so I can't say anything about the long term durability... Note: the heat gear is also good in the winter when used as the inner most layer...
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