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Status Updates posted by grizzlybri

  1. TSC had the Buddy heater on sale for $99.99, good for 1lb and 20lbs tanks just thought id pass that along

  2. TSC had the Buddy heater on sale for $99.99, good for 1lb and 20lbs tanks

  3. Just got the Bass Pro Spring Fishing Classic flyer

    1. chris.brock


      I thought the best deals were on outboards if you like Merc

    2. grizzlybri


      agreed that looks to be the best deals, however I'm happy with my good old Johnson

  4. great to meet two members today in Manjo39 & Buick14

  5. first few items are now up in classifieds, more to come

  6. going to be putting some things together for the classifieds in the coming days

    2. grizzlybri


      yes there will be some fishing gear among the pile of stuff im going to be putting together

  7. over 600 km of driving this weekend for fishing, well worth it

    1. grizzlybri


      just added up all the distance traveled and it was 691km

  8. First day of the 2015 turny is today and my first outing to the year is tomorrow

  9. Wow what a game Slovakia just beat Sweden to win bronze

    1. FloatnFly


      looked like slovakia was going to run away with it with those 2 quick goals

  10. I'm liking the looks at next weeks forcast

  11. Watching a rare sunday game for the Maple Leafs

  12. anyone know when you can pick up the 2015 fishing license

  13. Got a Fin-Bore III on clearance from the Canadian Tire by my house, Whne i got home and opened the box to my surpise there was a power auger extension in the box

    1. irishfield


      ..and they wonder why their inventory count is always off! lol


    2. grizzlybri


      to bad it doesn't fit my new auger, so i guess ill be posting a for sale ad soon

  14. My local Canadian Tire has their ice fishing stuff on the shelf

  15. Want to to wish Jeremy84 all the best as he is running in his first Full marathon tomorrow

  16. Finishing up packing, looking to finally get this move over with. Then I'll have time to fish again

  17. Eat Sleep Work Repeat, That is what the next month is ging to be like for me

    1. misfish


      it gets better. Been there done that. So have many others.LOL


      The fish will still be there when the time comes Brian.


      Suck it up butter cup.LOL

    2. grizzlybri


      that is true i might be working 6 days a week for the foreseeable future but there is always sunday to fish


  18. I didn't expect fixing a rod tip to be that easy

  19. HEAT WARNING!!!! for southren Ontario and the golden horseshoe for tomorrow.

  20. Saturday can't come soon enough, hopefully will get some moee inchs for team 7

  21. front of my house has blue sky, back has dark skys

    1. aplumma


      I suggest you only use the front door.


  22. counting the days to the weekend and to B.O.Q

  23. Always neat discovering a spieces that you didn't know was in a lake

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. grizzlybri


      Nothing to exciting just caught a few rock bass for the first time

    3. Fisherpete


      World's Greatest Sport Fish!!!

    4. Fisherpete


      World's Greatest Sport Fish!!!

  24. well im glad that rod didn't cost all that much, also learnt i should clean out my back seat of my car

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