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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. Looks like I gotta get digital cable. I'm still in the stone ages with REGULAR BASIC CABLE. I figure there's only a few shows that I watch regularly and as long as daddy gets the tv on Saturday mornings to get my fix of fishing shows it's all good.

  2. He might have been going to a call nearby like a burglary or something where pulling up with the sirens and lights going might chase off the bad guys and not give the cops a chance to nab them. Otherwise, the guy is a jerk, I've seen Metro (T.O.) hit the lights and shut them right off again just to cross a red light. It's not right, it's an abuse of power but who am I to say anything??

  3. Where do I start????

    Favourite brand hands down - MonteCristo - #2, #3, #4, #5 (Cuban of course)

    Bolivar Robustos

    Cohiba Siglo VI

    Romeo & Julietta Churchills

    H Upmann Robustos and Churchills

    Dominican Republic:

    Leon Jimenez Torpedos

    MonteCristo Robustos

    Davidoff Special 'T' and 'R'

    Davidoff Short 'T'

    etc.. etc... etc...


    I've been smoking cigars since I was 16 (over 20 years). Trust me, there is a big difference between the banana leaves you buy on the street in Cuba and the real things.

    One of my fave things to do is grab an extra large Timmies and a stogie and hit the road (I have clients all over Ontario so I get to do this quite a bit) and listen to Frank, Al, Tony, and Dino for a couple of hours.


    Oh yeah, for a quickie: the Mehari Brasil (the little dry Dutch cigars in the green box). They are great for fishing and golfing because if you drop it, it's no big deal and it's only a 10 minute commitment.

  4. How bout just a little sugar or honey?? Too much of anything will kill you eventually (except fishing of course). Instead of sugary snacks, try a piece of fruit with the skin on except for oranges of course but with them make sure you eat the white pulpy membrane. If you are thirsty, mother nature has this great stuff for quenching your thirst, it's called............ you guessed it WATER!.

  5. Piece of advice to a new baitcaster kinda guy - buy a big spool of CHEAP mono in 14lb test, some practice weights from BassPro and spend a few evenings in the front yard casting, pitching, etc.... Even better yet, if there is a park nearby, go there and practice. Buying 50lb PowerPro now will be a waste of money because you WILL birdsnest and will have to hack it off to clean it up, if you use cheap mono it's not a big deal, respool and keep on practising. Once you get a good feel for the reel, go fishing a couple of times with the mono to get the feel for real (sorry about the pun). If you are comfortable with it, then get some 50lb braid which is as thick as 12lb mono and you'll be set to tackle any bass/walleye/pike with it.

    Learning how to use the brakes takes PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. I speak from experience, I bought a nice Quantum baitcaster on Boxing Day '05 along with 50lb Power Pro, my first practice cast I had the birdsnest to end all birdsnests and hacked off a good 5 bucks of line. After the first 150yard spool was toast I bought some Tourney Tough (??) from BPS and practiced with it and now I don't get many 'professional overruns'.

  6. 41" Muskie on Pigeon, 3lb smallie on Upper Buckhorn, tons of panfish on Pigeon and Upper Buckhorn, NO WALLEYE this year!!! Not enough time to fish between work and family commitments and no trip to the inlaws. Next year will be a different story, I plan on spending 3 weeks up at the cottage with the outlaws (LOTW so it makes it tolerable - I take off for hours every day to fish and explore the lake).

  7. Look at Witch Bay or Smith Camps. They are 2 places I'm familiar with. Smith Camps is 15 minutes out of Kenora and Witch Bay is a bit further. With Smith Camps you are by Bigstone Bay which is big water for LOTW, Witch Bay is a small bay but there is supposed to be fantastic fishing within minutes of the lodge. We've eaten at Smith Camps and the food was great. From what I understand, they aren't cheap but the fishing is great (I know some great walleye, muskie, pike and smallie spots). And, Kenora is close to Smith Camps so if you guys get cabin fever...... With regards to Witch Bay, last year we met an old timer who went up every year from North Carolina for 32 years. He loved the place and said he didn't have to travel more than 30-45 minutes from camp for good fishing (muskie).




  8. I'd love to see a nice musky fishery on Simcoe. BUT, it would definitely have to be catch and release for at least the next 10 years or so for them to grow and spawn. Correct me if I'm wrong but it would take about 10-15 years for a musky to be fully mature (Musky Odessey - Dr. Casselman) and would keep growing till about 20 years of age as far south as Simcoe is.

  9. Father in laws buddy just brought in a LUND ProGuide 2010 w/a Merc 150 TILLER. No sweat, paid his taxes and saved a small fortune (close to $10k believe it or not).

    I feel bad for the dealers here because they aren't the ones making all the money with the strong dollar. The manufacuturers have to step up to the plate and help their dealer networks because you would have to be either a fool or a rich fool to buy a brand new boat or car here now. It's a sad state of affairs when for a couple of hour drive you can save literally thousands of dollars on the same item.

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