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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. Way back when, all the government did for you was provide laws and some protection ie. army, navy and police and the like.

    Now, we have nice roads (for the most part, I can remember a lot of dirt roads and I'm in my mid '30s), healthcare, welfare, all sorts of other 'fares, etc... It has to get paid for and with the multiple layers of bureaucracy, lots of cash gets eaten up along the way.

    I've heard about how crazy the UK is for inheritance taxes. We moan here and the Probate fees are roughly 15 basis points ($15k on a $1million estate), + whatever investments there are outside of the house are taxed appropriately, still, not too bad of a deal if you do a proper estate plan which will cost you a few dollars but will save a ton for your heirs.

  2. W O W ! ! !

    I was blown away reading this. Irish, thank everything that's holy to you for everyone making it back safely. All that have read this have learned a lesson or two regarding canoeing and boating in general, not to mention those that were there. PFDs ARE important, it's not a silly regulation, it's common freaking sense. I'm not a conoeing expert by no means, I've only been in one about a dozen times, my knees can be sore, I'll wear the PFD. In a boat, I keep it nearby in calm water, if it's rough, it's on.


  3. It's a great show, you can go spend a couple of hours at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) then head over to see the airshow, consult the schedule to make sure you see the planes you want.

    I've been a few times and the power of the military jets never ceases to amaze me. 9 years ago a buddy and myself met the aircrew of the USAF F-16C that was there and we had a chance to get up close and personal with the plane (I have pics of me in the cockpit with the canopy down). Post 911, I don't think you'd get a chance to get within 100 metres of the flightline.

  4. I hope the 'ski tasted good. It's too bad that we catch some and we kill some unfortunately.

    Pidge is pretty good. I've been up a coupla times this year once for Muskie and once with the family for panfish. And I have a home base at Pigeon Hollow trailer park, a buddy has a nice trailer there. He's also got a nice Tahoe bowrider that I'll have to borrow for fishing (I gotta slime it a bit, it's too pretty).

  5. NICE!! We were up in Bobcaygeon yesterday fishing a few spots. My little one with her DORA the Explorer rod had the hot stick. I think that rod pulled in about a good dozen rock bass, sunfish and a tiny perch. With my other setup we got about 6 or 7 fish including a feisty 1lb smallie that was pretty hungry (remember, we were using a 1/3rd of a worm on tiny hooks with a split shot and a bobber). Dear old dad got to unhook everything and I spent the afternoon tying on hooks and setting up the rods, putting on worms and helping my daughter reel in the fish.

  6. Corey, a word of advice: Diversify your assets!! The shares of your company are on a roll right now, take some profits off the table as soon as you can. I'm not saying to dump all of your shares, just about half of them. At least that way, you get the bulk of what you put in minus the applicable capital gains taxes that will have to be paid next year (don't forget about that). What you take out, re-invest in something else that is not is the same industry that you are in.

    I'm a financial advisor and I've seen what happens when people fall in love with an investment. The earnings start to fall, the share price follows and without really knowing all there is to know about the company, people buy more, the share price continues to drop and people believe that the stock will reach it's previous highs. This was an abbreviated version of the saga of NORTEL, remember them. You'd be amazed how many people still own their shares and refuse to dump them and take their capital losses and move on.

    Don't let greed motivate you when you invest, it's the most dangerous emotion along with fear.

    GrilW, hang in there, I think the markets are in for some turmoil over the next couple of months as the whole Credit Liquidity issue has to shake itself out.

    Good luck and please, I'm giving some free advice, I'm not shilling anything. I just don't want to see people get killed in the markets if they don't have to.

  7. Lew, don't get me started! Some putz has a couple of hundred yards of 80lb PP and my brand new Shallowraider wrapped around the prop of his 14ft LUND tinny after crossing our stern pretty close on Friday afternoon on Pigeon. He was cruising around with his family in the boat, he should take more care.

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