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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. Well, Friday morning I was able to get out for a day of fishing with my old bud Tony. We hit the road from Markham shortly after 7:00 and were on the water over by Bobcaygeon about 9:30 or so after a couple of pit stops. We hit quite a few spots and after about 2 hours or so of casting my 'squirrel' (big black bucktail) I felt a mighty tug on the line. I set the hook and the battle begun, it took about 3-4 minutes to get this girl tired enough to cradle and perform a bit of hook removal surgery. She measured in at 41 inches and was fairly hefty, no marks and real pretty.

    A real healthy Kawartha's muskie. We spent the rest of the day hitting a bunch of different spots to no avail, not even a raised fish but I'm not complaining, 41 is my new PB. Now I need a 45+ incher.

    The bugger was some guy crossed behind us and spooled my 7000 Abu of brand new 80lb PP, a 2ft fluorocarbon leader and a brand spanking new ShallowRaider that I was trolling about 50 feet behind us. We tried yelling but he was oblivious, I was out about 40 bucks or so, he'll be out a bottom end if all that PP wrapped around his prop. So for the rest of the day, the joke was that we should troll our VISA cards.

    A pit stop at Pigeon Hollow Trailer Park to see another buddy of mine and have a quick beer (a cold pop for my DD Tony) and we were off again. We called it quits about 8:00 and hit the road. It was a beautiful day with temps in the high 20's with a nice breeze and no humidity.

    We had a great time and I hope to get out again sometime soon.


    And a pic of the release:


  2. 500 bux for a will sounds about right. As for your insurance policies, you can name beneficiaries on them and avoid probate (going thruough the will), just call the agent or company and ask them what they need. As for your worldly posessions, a PROPER will is what's required. A lot of the basic kits you can get can end up being a mess for your heirs if anyone decides to contest the will. You can change your will for a couple of hundred bucks by adding a codicil to it, you'll need to talk to the lawyer that handled your will. Also, you need a Continuing Power of Attorney in case you are unable to manage your own affairs (be careful, whoever you name as your Power of Attorney needs to be someone you trust implicitly). If you don't have one named, the government will act on your behalf, you don't want that to happen!

    I'd call around a few paralegals and see how much it will be to have everything set up legally.

  3. Now don't be knocking PING!!! Dem's fightin' words!! Just kidding, I read the post. I keep the golf hats for golf, I have my fishing hat that has accompanied me every time I've wet a line for 6 years now, it gets tossed in my tackle bag last, kinda like Indiana Jones tossing his hat in his suitcase last before every adventure.

  4. Quantum pti - silky smooth, shimano compre rod - great, lifetime warranty.

    It'll cost you a bit more than you want to spend but you'll have a combo that will last a very long time, when you figure out the cost of your combo per year it'll only work out to 15-20bux. The only thing is to outlay the cash up front. Save a bit more dough and get better quality, it'll last longer.

  5. 4-6 people fishing on a boat on Lake Erie, you'll need something big, 18+feet, also, take into consideration what you have for a tow vehicle (ie. a Honda Civic won't be towing that). You'll need at least a 115 on the back because on the big lakes, the water can get rough quick when a storm blows in, you gotta get back to the dock asap. And the biggest question mark is how much do you want to spend????

  6. L O S E the hat!!! Jeez, the folks over at Lund must be sleeping. They let a fish do their marketing!!! (has to be, any person with a semi normal sized brain wouldn't come up with a hat like that) It's good to hear that the bugs are being worked out of your boat. She'll be running and operating tickety boo in no time. I'm green with envy. I need a couple of more years before I can justify that kind of purchase.

  7. If you can't find Seafoam, at least go to Crappy Tire and pick up a couple of bottles of injector cleaner, put 2 in with a tank of premium gas (91octane) and go for a highway runs, drop to about 80km/h, punch it up till it shifts and repeat 3-4 times. That will clean up carbon and any crap in the cylinders. I'd do it with my old supercharged bonnieville and she ran like a top when I got rid of her with 320k on the clock. If it really goes away after an oil change, it may be a lubrication problem with a lifter or 2. Try an oil additive to clean out the oil galleries before your next oil change and go with some heavier oil for the summer like a 10w40 or 15w40.

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