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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. Yeah, I kinda figured that I'll have to take her to places that she can slay the panfish and NOT push too hard. The next thing I want to put in her hand is a golf club but that can wait a while. It's a good thing my wife loves to fish (she's the LOTW jigging for walleye specialist) and my baby girl has to wait till next year.

    Thanks for the good wishes.



  2. I'd go with the GM over the FORD. I like the Envoys and almost bought one last year but picked up a minivan instead cuz it made more sense. The Explorer really looked pretty much the same for 10+ years and I heard the 6 cylinder engine had problems with the timing chain breaking, needing a complete engine rebuild (happened twice to a friends '98, once under warranty, once not, with 180k on it).

  3. So, Saturday morning sitting in bed with my 3 favorite girls, my wife asks 'what do you want to do today honey??', my reply 'whatever Sophia wants to do (my oldest daughter at 2 1/2), Sophia, what do you want to do??'

    'Go fishing daddy!!' Now, we were totally unprepared for this one and blown out of the water. I guess watching fishing shows on Saturday mornings all winter paid off. A call to my buddy up in Buckhorn and a couple of hours later after packing half the house (29 month old and a 15 month old), a trip to Canadian Tire to pick up a Dora the Explorer fishing rod and we were off to Upper Buckhorn.

    Later that day fishing off of the dock, Sophia caught a small perch, a rock bass and a nice sized bluegill, all in about 15 minutes, she even touched her worm and the fish that she caught. Hopefully, the bug has bitten and I'll have a fishing partner for life. All in all she caught 5 fish, not bad for a couple of hours of lounging on the dock. Daddy only managed a half dozen rock bass and a small smallie. We didn't get a chance to go for the muskie that has my name on him but that will be next time and another story. In our haste to get out of the house, we forgot our camera and my buddy's wife took a few shots that I'm waiting for.

  4. A heavy action baitcasting rod (Shimano Compre) and a decent baitcaster (low profile and one that's on special) spooled with 50lb Power Pro should do the trick). That way, you can fish for bass, pike and the occasional muskie. Now if all you want to target is the big toothy critters, get a Pete Maina combo from BassPro. I know that they have some pretty good baitcasters on clearance for a hundred bucks or less.

  5. I'd second the old gas. Try to run the tank dry then put in some fresh fuel along with some sea-foam. That might fix the problem, otherwise, start looking from the tank to the carb for any obvious problems. If it comes down to messing with the carb, get a marine mechanic to look at it or at least a buddy who is REALLY good at this sort of thing.

    Good luck.

  6. It'll all work out in the end. I'm sorry that your realtor was a thief (good on him that he won't get paid-the dumb bugger-I'm being nice). It really bugs me when I hear things like this. Thankfully, you found another house quickly. A lot of people who don't have a clue of how to properly put together a real estate deal have jumped in and are now agents so they can take advantage of the red hot market. Most don't know their arse from their underwear and that's sad. I saw the same thing in my industry in the late 90's with the tech bubble and dot bombs. A lot of people jumped in who were totally unqualified and clueless and lost a lot of money for their unfortunate clientele. Honesty may not get you rich quick, but I'd rather be the tortoise than the hare.

  7. I think BassPro still has the Shimano Stradics on for about $125 (the 2500 size). Otherwise, a Quantum, Daiwa, Shimano Sahara (I've got 2) are all good. Once you get to that price point, most of the reels are reely (pardon the pun) good. You should get many years of faithful service out of it.

  8. Ouch Cliff!! My father in law dealt with that last summer when we went up to Kenora to visit. However, they did not operate on him for 2 weeks and he had a couple of very painful attacks along with a couple of hours each time in the emergency for us and a couple of overnight stays. The surgeon was so booked that even with something that serious, dad had to wait for the surgery. Be thankful that we live in Southern Ontario where there are quite a few hospitals and doctors around. In Northern Ontario, it's a different story.

    I hope you have a speedy recovery.

  9. Congrats to your daughter!!! Now she has a $70k piece of paper that will open doors that are potentially worth a couple of mill!! Have a safe summer and stay away from the hard things under the water, they are called R O C K S!! They take out props and lower units that cost many a $$$ to fix.



  10. I'd do a double dose of pretty much any of the cleaners for 2 tanks of premium and run both tanks till she's dry. That should clean up the injectors a fair bit. But, one thing to remember, gas has a lot more detergents in it then it used to so unless you've been running bad gas, your injectors should not be too bad. The guys at the oil change place are trying to up-sell you so take what they say with a grain of salt. Have you noticed your van cranking more than usual to start?? That's usually the sign that the injectors are dirty.

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