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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. That's right, all fishing licences are is another tax that we have to pay. Like gas taxes which were put in place to build and maintain roads, the money goes into the general revenue account and gets spent by our elected officials and civil servants on everything BUT!!

    I feel we need probably 4-5 times as many COs as we have now. With all the money made by the fishing tax, there should be more than enough as well as dough left over for aggressive stocking programs. Our problem is that we don't bi---tch and moan enough to our elected representatives constantly and not put up with their constant Bull explanations. Bottom line is the MNR brings in more money but has had it's budget slashed over 50% over the past 15 years or so.

  2. We need Turkish prisons here. Wake up each day to a beating and eat bread and water for a couple of years with a hole in the floor to do your business, somehow, I don't think there would be much of a problem for repeat offenders and for them, the Chinese 9mm in the back of the would be nice.

    Parents are way to easy on their kids these days. I don't get people. If I had the police show up on the doorstep when I was a kid I would be begging them to take me away, jail would be preferable to the shots my dad would have given me.

  3. My wife sleeps next to Darth Vader. I've had the CPAP for coming up on 3 years now. It takes a while to get used to but once you do, you'll realize how tired you really were all of the time. You'll wake up in the morning feeling pretty good and not like you went the distance with Ali. Good luck with it.

  4. There's got to be more to this story than that. Tim Horton's is a great organization, I know, my best friend and his family own 9 of them. What they do in the community is unparalleled compared to other corporate citizens. I've noticed that the news these days tends to omit facts and information to twist things to become newsworthy. Take this story with a grain of salt.

  5. Oh yeah, cleaning reels is tons of fun!! Last week I cleaned my first fishing reel, my 30 year old Shakespeare that had 30 year old grease inside of it that was hard as a rock. After that exercise, I figure I'll take my reels in for service every few years (I don't spend as much time as I would like out on the water) and any light lube I can do myself.

  6. Lew, from what I know about electrical, it's ok to go with a bigger guage wire but not ok to go with a smaller one. A bus bar is a good idea to try to neaten things up. What about some flexible wire covering to help clean up the birds nest (oops sorry, i meant professional overrun........LOL).

  7. Look around but in total, you should expect to pay about 1200-1400 bucks for the lawyer and related fees.

    Things to remember, is there a recent survey of the property?? If not, maybe try to work that into the deal. Also, a home inspection with you hovering over the inspector asking lots of questions should be a must. Depending on how old the house is, aluminum wiring, knob in tube, sump pumps, age of roofing, windows, plumbing, kitchen, washrooms etc... etc.... etc.....

    Lots of factors involved.

    Having been in sales for 11 years, I believe that the past few years, real estate agents have had it easy. Listings that sell in hours don't justify the fees that are charged, but, in sales, take it whenever you can get it.

  8. Encourage him to take the treatment, he'll have a fighting chance, I'd take 50/50 any day if it meant being able to watch my kids grow up and have their own kids.

    Be strong for him and be there for him and your mum. If you are going to lose it and break down, don't do it in front of them if you can.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  9. Ditto on you get what you pay for. A reel that goes for $80 + will last you for years if you maintain it, and that's the key, keeping it clean and lubed and you'll have no problems.

    The number of bearings is not as important as the quality of the bearings and gears.

  10. Make sure you use a quick strike rig, pretty much a 4/0 ive bait hook with a big treble hook stinger attached by wire (35lb+ test). That way you ease the risk of deep hooking the pike and killing it. Also, a leader of either wire or flurocarbon leader material (50lb+ test).

    A medium heavy or heavy spinning rod with at least a 2500 size reel and you're good to go.

    Good luck!!!

  11. + 2 on the PVC tubing. Shove an old tea towel in the bottom and another for the top and your rods will be fine. I have an 8ft and a 4ft for all of my rods. As for my reels, I keep them in their boxes in a gym bag along with extra line, lube, etc.... I need something better and that reel case from BPS that Lew mentioned looks mighty fine.

  12. Built Dodge Tough!!!

    I guess he realized that a Bayliner is like AIDS, you can't get rid of either!!! (no offence to any Bayliner owners, it's a joke that a buddy who used to own one always said).

    He can collect on insurance now. Poor bugger.

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