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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. If you plan on running an a/c unit, fridge, etc.... Look at something a bit larger. 3000 watts should do the job comfortably. It wont be running at full power constantly, the 2000 will be near capacity. Price is higher but you will only buy it once.

  2. Bite it they are not that pricey at costco. Under a hundred bucks for a new group 27. You may have been able to revive it somewhat by flushing and changing the acid but it would not work that great for very long. The plates inside are pooched, new acid will work for only so long and wont deliver very good performance. There used to be a place in Scarborough that sold 'rebuilt' batteries for less than half the price of a new one. Problem was, they would only last a couple of months. Many of the small car lots bought batteries from them back in the day. They used the above mentioned process.

  3. Good for you Pete!!! Keep it up. I have to start my own change of lifestyle next week now that I am done chemo. I managed to put on over 50lbs in the past 6 months or so with all the steroids I was taking. My goal is 100lbs. I want to hover around the 200lb mark. I plan on being reasonable with portions, no more 16-20oz steaks with all the fixins. Long walks with the dog every night are also a big part. Thats why. I got the dog last year anyways.

  4. I'm going to start cleaning and lubing reels next week. I picked up some line a couple of weeks ago and will re spool a couple with mono. All the braid is going on year 3-6 depending on the reel and what it is used for. The cork on the rods gets a light sanding with some fine sandpaper to clean them up and look purty.

  5. Before running and buying a boat, try to get out in a few different ones to see what you like and dislike about different models. Educate yourself as much as you can. You are going to be shelling out a ton of dough, spend your hard earned money wisely.

  6. I had a split foam grip Berkley rod from the early 90s. They have been around but these days its all about the dollars involved in making the rods. Cork is expensive and is getting more expensive. With wine, the most expensive thing is the bloody cork, not the grape juice that fills the bottle. Rods have gotten a bit out of hand when it comes to price. Used to be a hundred dollar rod was crazy expensive, now the sky is the limit. If you like the way it feels with the particular reel you will be using then go for it.

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