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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. Fellas, don't even get me started on pension plans which several companies used as a cookie jar. A company pension plan should be just that, a pension plan, not some sort of reserve fund to pay for bonuses for underachieving ezecutive teams. The company Cliff mentioned was MARS, some sort of real estate deal thatvdid not go too well and the taxpayers are on the hook for the whole pill. 300+ milloon and counting. These sorts of deals should not exist with the government backing private enterprise that does not emply a whole whack of people. As for what happened in Hamilton with the steel companies, the feds and provincial governments did not put enough strings on their bailout funds. If the taxpayers pay to keep you in business, you have to stay in business or pay back the cash. All the retirees got left holding the bag, not fair.

  2. Good for you!! 2 years ago I gave bell the heave ho. 7 years of spotty 'high' speed internet and static in the phone lines along with billing issue after billing issue I told them to 'take a ...... .... at a rolling doughnut' they offered me 1 year of free service after figuring out there were line problems. I'm with cogeco now and they are fine.

  3. Cliff, I feel your pain!! I have been a financial advisor for 17 years and have now changed professions to slow down and enjoy my family more becausecof my health issues. Most people do not really know how much money they need salted away to have a relatively comfortable retirement, I am not talking about fancy vacations, just enough to keep he bills paid and food on the table and a couple bucks to fix the roof if need be. Seeing our hard earned tax dollars frittered away in boondoggle after boondoggle boggles my mind. We have been hosed to no end. The public service is swelling too much. Real taxpayers (people who work in the private sector) need to pay over $1.35 in tax to pay for every dollar paid out to the public sector. Timmy Whodat may have his head in the clouds with his numbers but face it, he is a politician after all. Shrinking or at least reigning in the bureaucracy needs to happen. Everyone complains about Mike Harris and how evil he was, he did what needed to be done and is vilified for it. There is a lot of fat in the public sector that needs to be trimmed. It is healthy, everyone in the private sector is asked to do more with less, why can't our public servants. I can go on and on for hours on this subject but I won't. Suffice it to say, we need change, I am not crazy about the choices but I worry about our kids and what they will have. As it stands, they are being left with one heck of a tab.

  4. Lew, everyone here was a big help. I suggest the other site because all the manuals, etc... are available there free of charge as well as the know how from a bunch of old hand techs to help with the inevitable problems that come up with boat ownership. If you do not know much about boats, a diagram specific to your motor is a big help.

  5. If you are running at or close to your max rpm hen stick with what you have. If you have 2-300 rpm of room, go to the next size down, ie. current prop 21p, go to a 19p. You may lose a couple ofmph at top speed but boat will plane more efficiently saving you fuel.

  6. Lew, take the power washer to it to clean it up nice. Do not paint exterior concrete, you will be farting around with it every 2-3 years. And since you are saving at least a hundred bucks or so, I think you need a couple new lures and you need to take the missus out for a nice lunch.

  7. Go 17p. The LOWER the number, the quicker the hole shot, the higher the wot rpms BUT slightly lower top end. Try a 4 blade 17p aluminum, it will jump onto plane and handle nicely too. For fine tuning, a good prop shop can change the pitch up or down 1 inch, so your 17 can become either a 16 or an 18. Def leave the stainless at home when fishing unfamiliar water or a body that has many rocks and shoals.

  8. Larson has some pretty nice looking fishing boats now. Get out there and look at several options. What are the primary uses?? If you are fishing out of the boat a lot, look at something that is more fishing oriented, if you are going to ski with it most of the time then look at more of A ski boat. Is the cottage on an island?? Then you need something that has some utility capability. Have fun boat shopping.

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