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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. Boys and girls, a wise man once said, take care of yourselves and your families and don't worry about what you can't control.

    Cyprus like the rest of Europe, overindulged in the post dot-bomb boom. They have to pay the price. 1/3 of the accounts involved belong to Russians who use Cyprus as a money laundering place like the Caymans are used in North America. Besides, everyone will get the equivalent amount in shares. If the banks do well, everyone will end up profiting. Its their mess, let them deal with it.

  2. Good for all of you!!!! I have packed a bunch of weight on during my chemo. I'm on some heavy steroids that have really cranked up my appetite. I can't wait for this to be over so I can start my own weight loss plan. Its called keep yer dang mouth shut after 7:30pm. Only water after then. No sweets and reasonable portions of food. That combined with lots of walking seems to do the trick for me. 30 push ups, 30 leg raises and 30 sit ups for muscle tone once some weight comes off. And the drs orders, 1000 casts for muskies once a week.

  3. I guess your piece shoots straight. Nice going. Coyotes and wolves getting close in the country are a nuisance and a danger to livestock, not very great if you are a farmer. Easy for people in the city to poo poo shooting them until one of them kills rover or injures their kid or worse. Just dont let the skin go to waste. It should make you a nice little rug for your bedside so when you get up in the morning, you step on a warm skin and not a cold floor.

  4. Grey wolf where'd you book in honey harbour? Reason I ask is I had a trailer there for a few years and I can give you a couple of suggestions of where to go fish. Pm me if interested.

    Lunatic, there is a reason there is a OFC get together at Lakair every year. I am hoping to go in the next year or two.

  5. 1000-3500 depending on the park, location, size of lot, trailer, hydro. Lots of variables. We were at a small park with 9 trailers in HH that was awesome for our family. It was a community and I will miss that. My girls will remember that trailer and place fondly for the rest of their lives.

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